You can't hide from the truth, mayos

36  2017-12-31 by SethRichOrDieTryin


Cool story, bro


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I wish I was as sentient as snappy

Is melanin the thing that stopped them from inventing the wheel or agriculture

I'm pretty sure lack of melanin helped me today when I got pulled over for going 80 mph on the freeway earlier today and the officer let me go with an advisement to slow down.

I think that was sickle cell

They were given a tool for harvesting crops and still couldn't make the grade in 10,000 BC thanks to colonialism. Affirmative action needs to be strengthened.

Its definitely an indicator for low impulse control and high time preference.

high time preference.

Oh, I think many mayos have a preference for 'high time' as well - if you know what I mean.


Redguards have higher agility and Bretons are more adept at magic.

Elven genocide when?

How are they at stealth archery?


Lizard-women have breasts.


Don't you think they look sexy?

We wuz able to write with real grammar and proper punctuation and shiet

It stands to reason that the forensic evidence of superiority would first manifest in cellular DNA, which is the BLUEPRINT of every life form. THOUGHTS initiate at the cellular level. Therefore, it is in the Cellular DNA we look for the SOURCE of a problem or solution.

Given that Black women (XX) are the first conscious life forms to appear on this CARBON planet that travels in 3rd orbit of a BLACK SUN...many, MANY ages ago, how are you able to intellectualize the superiority of white women over Black women? If you're so OBSERVANT, please identify any facts in eternal nature that validates the superiority of white women over Black women.

Can you explain how the Caucasoid female, the mother of the HUMAN APES (Type A/B/AB | Type A=Chimpanzee | Type B=Gorilla) is superior when she was formed through a violent mutation of the mitochondrial DNA sourced within the BIOLOGY of the INDIGENOUS Black woman???

How is a BY-PRODUCT superior to its ORIGINAL??? Only in Caucasian logic.

If there was a catastrophe that wiped out ALL of the world's population, Black OVARY-occupants, original XX Queens of a CARBON Black Universe, would re-appear!!!

The INDIGENOUS Black woman was first to invoke CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE and demonstrate through her own biology/physiology how energy (carbon magnetic waves) forms matter (electrical particles). According to AfRAkan records, Black women were the FIRST high priestesses, physicists, astronomers, scientists, chemists, Ma'athematicians and are responsible for our culture of PURE NATURAL NUMBERS and the technologies we enjoy today!

If you are a lice-prone straight-haired mutant genetic recessive with Type A/B/AB ape-protocol blood and your ancestors were cave dwellers in Asia with alabaster skin, flat buttocks, tails and body fur, you are a SIMIAN! Your greatest grandmother was an APE!

Type A = Chimpanzee Type B = Gorilla

Cellular DNA and blood types don't lie...

As indigenous origins our genes are non-recessive, completely coded and biologically efficient, by default.

Those with permanent gene defections aka recessive DNA are not completely coded and biologically inefficient. This has been documented extensively in medical journals and science periodicals. Gene defections among the HUMANS--the APE BLOODS--is what drives research and development.

Indigenous Blacks are the predecessors of the HUMAN RACE whose members are genetically hybridized with APE PROTOCOL BLOOD CODES A/B/AB (Type A = Chimpanzee | Type B = Gorilla).

Indigenous origins are AUTOCHTHONS whose genetics are non-recessive and PRIME BASE and are the TRUE OWNERS of Type O or Zero blood.

As the genetic parent of red, brown, yellow and white peoples, autochthons are SUPPOSED to be BLACK.

We are NOT derivatives. We are PRIME BASE.

Recessive Caucasoid groups (from Asia) delude themselves by thinking they are THE prototype for conscious life forms. There is no accountability for their criminal pathology through which they espouse WHITE HEGEMONY.

It is NOT a coincident that BLACKS are nature's representatives. Nature is encoded throughout our entire physiology. If you want to know and understand how the universe functions, we possess the codes within our cells. No other race has them.

It just dawned on me that I've never heard of even one black geneticist.

Cause they are too busy actually having a job.

Besides, don't you know, the scientific method is literally colonialism. Black scientists who disagree are technically not actually real BlackTM Science is racist unless it supports what I want it too. /s

whx dxxs shx typx likx thxs?

She doesn't want to say men.

cosmic energy


This intellectual powerhouse is the co-founder of BLM Toronto.

Blanadians lol

Civil rights were a mistake

You're joking right?

Jesus, I wish I were.

If you have an hour to kill and love retarded drama, Google the co-founders of BLM TO. Its a wonderful primer of how a mean IQ of 85 for North American blacks manifests irl. Keeping in mind that both are ostensibly university education.

Why does history look the way it does then?

White (((humxns)))

it's literally impossible for mayxs to be racist towards noir peoplex.


What the fuck is a humxn?

I think they use “x” instead of “a” because they don’t like how “human” has the word “man” in it.

Ah right. Of course they do. Haha.

melanin directly connects with cosmic energy

I've never met a single person who connects with the universe or the spirits who wasn't a clueless retard.