Ghazi triggered by refrigerators and anime

21  2017-12-31 by starship_litterbox


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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LOL Berserk is not the manga they should be reading if they want any sort of positive experience or good triumphing over evil.

The MC, Guts, was born from the corpse of a woman being hanged. Abused by his foster father. Sold into prostitution by his foster father as a young boy and raped by the mercenary company he was part of. He suffered a lot of emotional trauma.

No one in that manga is safe from rape or torture.

Caska the one they are talking about beats Guts at first. She is shown to be a very capable fighter but the fact Guts has been training with weapons much to heavy for a child his size gives him a strength advantage.

The fact she gets raped by the Demon of her former leader who she looked up to and admired plus said rape mutated the child she was with from Guts I can see how that might traumatize her. Before this happened Berserk was pretty low fantasy. Then all the sudden you have real demons. The man you have been fighting for and admire for most of your life turns into a demon and kills all your friends, deforms your baby and marks your lover for a demonic sacrifice I would say that is a good cause for a mental breakdown.

That's all ok as long as its not STRONG FEMALE (TM) getting abused

Abused by his foster father. Sold into prostitution by his foster father as a young boy and raped by the mercenary company he was part of. He suffered a lot of emotional trauma.

lol you think ghazi cares about that?

The only reason serial killers in popular media stuff female characters into refrigerators after they rape and kill them (not necessarily in that order) is because deep down all the writers know that women belong in the kitchen.

Also no one cares about men. Seriously, kill a man and stuff him in a fridge. See who cares. No one, that's who.

Ghazi: I can't believe this game dev on Twitter dead named me and used improper pronouns I'm so RAGED this is gross and I'm literally shaking

Also Ghazi: I saw a highly upvoted comment on the monster that raped Guts as a kid being "the most badass character in the series" and similar ones on the wiki page comments, as in not an isolated incident. Horse raper also too popular, but I like his cgi. Good anime tho.

imagine being a weeb who posts on ghazi lmao


I love the premise of the thread - I read Berserk, I may like it, I may not, tell me the acceptable opinion so I can make it my own.


I strongly suspect at this point that you're such a devoted fan that you're just demanding more answers to questions asked in bad faith, because you like your entertainment and you want nothing to be wrong with it.

Ah, yes, "bad faith" - what Ghazelles call it when someone is asking for clarification of a point of view in a way that carries the implicit threat of (CW: discussion of evil bad outgroup behaviour) disagreeing about something.


I still see lots of western lefties who don't seem to understand that their cherished anime and manga series might not just be "problematic" but deeply embedded with nationalist, racist, homophobic, misogynistic, transphobic storytelling.

To "understand" that would require it to be true, rather than bullshit that you're deliberately making up to have something to complain about.

I like how all these years later, the KIA:Ghazi subscriber ratio is still holding steady at about 6:1.