Drama on the antifa sub

44  2018-01-01 by Ultrashitpost


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you're comparing Mexicans to retards


/u/muck4doo can you explain why every Mexican I've ever met is like you where they get peak asshurt about 'mexican pride' and start rapid-fire spewing out whatever insults they can muster when they think someone's insulted their home country?

My home country is the United States. My family owned land in South East Texas before it became part of The United States. I'm proud of my country, and proud of my Mexican heritage too. I was just pointing out that rektboy is a racist nazi douchebag who infantalizes minorities in the hopes that his communist left wing ass will be looked at as a savior for we retard minorities(in his opinion) that aren't smart enough to think for themselves. He's not far from how Charles Manson viewed the world.

>Racist Nazi douchebag

>communist left wing ass


Nazis and Communists mingled together to take Poland. That is rektboy's head.

Sounds like they need some organized leadershiFUCK THAT BASH THE FASH, ANARCHY FOR ALL

Rickityrektboy is a lolcow in that sub. I had an exchange with him a couple weeks back. I called leftists ugly and it sent him into some meltdown about the republican party which he tried to backtrack as a "I was just pretending to be retarded".

That dude owns.

Well, he sure types like a retard.

Hey /u/Rickityrektboy quit during ellipses after every line you dunce.

You should just talk to me on your main account... retard


Lmao.... you chewed on 1 too many lead filled fidget spinners

Even more triggered ;)

Triggered refers to a ptsd reaction... are you making light of ptsd?

In your case yes

In my case? Lmfao.... you don't know what triggered is?... you just parrot the word cuz you have the creativity of a neck beard

I do and the way you react is a god source of drama ;)

Lmao.... Fidget spinners and Legos' holy fuck.... you're a true unicorn...basement dwelling neck beard... my god... the stench of virginity... no wonder you're a drama queen.... if you need any advice on women I can toss you a few solid lines...

Nice try but not the case

Are you protecting yourself? Because that appears to be the case my brave “antifa warrior” lol

Keep myself safe? This isn't a comic book you queen... tell your mom to wash your best outfit and go talk to your secret crush... you're gonna get shot down but you might put some hair on your balls...

How is that even related to a comic book?

I find it more on the real of fantasy that you are a armchair antifa dreaming of punching “fascists” while mommy wash your clothes

Dude get out of your safe space... you're not that fragile.... throw out you're fidget spinners and donate your Legos to the nearest goodwill... go join a gym.... there is still hope for you to salvage an exciting life... on your deathbed you will not regret what you've done... You will regret what you haven't done

Concern trolling? Cute

You realize that armchair antifa are the biggest example of people that need to: go to the gym, get out of their safe space, done NH something useful, try to keep themselves safe

/r/Antifa: For unbiased news and discussion of the anti-fascist movement "Antifa" and related ideas like racism, Islamophobia, transphobia, classism, sexism, elitism, homophobia, determinism, discrimination, consequentialism, individualism, ableism, Black Bloc, communism, anarchism, pegging, deconstruction, relativism, ∞ genders, wealth transfer, LGBT rights, and sexual liberation.

Transphobia, sexism, homophobia, ableism, pegging, genders, LGBT rights, and sexual liberation. Hm. Didn't know Mao, Stalin, and Lenin were big on those things.




I'm pretty sure the mods are alt-righters.

Because no one really takes the mantle of "antifa", it's a term mostly employed by retards in /r/The_Donald to pretend "the violence on many sides" is a thing.

Communists gave them free “anti-social therapies” of course they’re chill with it

Ayyyyyyy there you are. Long time no drama.

What in the fuck is that place? Is it filled with ancapistanis or something that hate Antifa?

Yeah, it's actually run by alt-righters.

Sounds retarded. You can bash retarded Antifa stuff in uncensored or Donald it fuck it in News or Worldnews.

I think it's out of pure spite

it's like lefties owning r/stormfront except they couldnt think of anything funny to do with it

Yeah, but that does have the added benefit of tricking people into thinking that the sub is genuine, which wouldn't happen if you were to change it into funny sub.

But if you read the comments or doesn't look like Antifa.

i dont really think theyre doing a good job of that with the swastikas on the sidebar

Heh, that's pretty good.

I like the logo.

I feel like the fact that they only had 1 weather related rule kind of ruined it. Should've put the discrimination stuff last.

I think it's great, antifa shouldn't have anywhere to spread their hate.

The Virgin vigilante LARPers Vs The Chad daddy dicksuckers

Isn't that sub entirely full of false flagging right wingers that still don't understand that Antifa has no organisation?


Just because you're shit at organising doesn't mean you're not an organisation.




Zionist Occupied Zoverment

Is this one of those Schrodinger's Antifa cases? A dangerous organised crime terrorist paramilitary by Soros and a bunch of soyboy traps and snowflakes at the same time?

The greatest trick (((they))) ever pulled was convincing the world that (((they))) were not organised.

Antifa is not an organisation?

Yesp, antifa is like gamergate.

/u/Rickityrektboy, punctuating in ellipses makes me imagine you are morbidly obese and having to take massive breathes while you are speaking.



/u/muck4doo showing impressive abilities