Political Humor tries explain away, why its biased. Slap fights ensues. - Sorted by controversial

56  2018-01-01 by TheTassieDevil


That explains why you only target republicans, /u/Marcusaurelius87, but it doesn't explain why there is never any humor in the sub.

It's one of life's greatest mysteries.

I've only been on Reddit since September.

Is reading really so hard?


Do you...do you think that made sense?




kill yourself fam

I like this account




"We're going to end equality."

Said by you, in a pro-Facism forum. Full context makes it worse.

Yeah I know, but that doesn't answer my question.

No, but it lets everybody know the kind of person you are.

We already know what kind of person he is. It doesn’t make your post any less retarded

You should subscribe. It’s a good sub

Nigga, where you think you is?

Well it's not a MENSA meeting... So I dunno. Cincinnati?





Do me next.

I'll respond with what you're used to hearing as an answer to that:

No thanks.







I'm liberal. You're still dumb

Holy fuck he's shitposting in r/drama!?!? Call the Stazi on him quick! You still haven't even attempted the question yet like.

You still haven't explained why a humor sub is so humorless. If i click on /r/aww then i don't expect gore of dead kittens, and when i click on /r/politicalhumor i do not expect pics like yours. Sad!

You still haven't explained why a humor sub is so humorless

I'll give you an answer to this.


I don't really see what that guy being a fascist has to do with the fact you made a stupid post.





Fuck you.

You never fail to surprise me old sport, just when I think you're unredeemably retarded you manage to redeem yourself

New years resolution?

thankfully with fascism we wouldnt have to listen to people like you because youd be in a political prison LOL

You're not likely to not be gassed in that system. So I'm good with it.

"Everyone who disagrees with me should be gassed," the comment.

tbf priapism would be gassed for his severe retardation

Gasing is more expensive than just letting him fester and shooting him when he acts up.

He posts here, of course he's a piece of crap.

None of that answers his question, though.

You do understand that the ad hominem fallacy is, in fact, a fallacy, yes?

Okay, so you're both totally wrong then? What's your point?

He's a drama and 4chan mod, his purpose is to be ridiculous human being. He fulfills his purpose, you don't successfully make political humor so I don't see how you can judge.

you don't successfully make political humor

Over 20K karma. Show me your successful humor posts.

Farming karma from literal retards who unironically go to /r/political humor isn't something worth bragging about.


No, just dramatic.

It's good to see you've moved on to 14 year old on Tumblr circa 2010 levels of comedy.

And conversely, it's not good to see you in general.

/u/ed_butteredtoast and my waifu, the head of Hillary Clinton with the body of trump and the penis of Obama, would beg to differ you degenerate.

Calling in the cavalry, eh?

I don't blame you. If my asshole were bleeding that badly, I'd want some support too. Maybe a cookie.

A cookie isn't going to stop your asshole bleeding you moron, you need tampons for that. I would know.

It's still not good humor tho. Enjoy my post history btw.

equality is a total fabrication, it has zero evidence supporting its existence, and there has NEVER been discovered any evidence to support its existence

in light of that, theres no problem with his comment at all. the pursuit of that unicorn has caused far more harm than good

The jokes on LaffyTaffy are more humorous than anything that's ever been posted to that sub.

Lmao how the fuck is this a "pro-fascism" forums.

Honestly, u/ultrashitpost being a fascist makes me like them more. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of fascism, at least it's an ethos.

Honestly, being around a faggot like you would turn a holocaust survivor into a Nazi.

The topic is about you and your reasoning.

im a dumbass

Said by you, in every forum

pro-Fascism forum

Sieg Heil

Sieg Heil

Sieg Heil

Said by u/MarcusAurelius87. Um, Marcus Aurelius was a dictator. You complain about 'pro-Fascism', but at the exact same time you're paying homage to an authoritarian nationalist dictator. Pretty gross. And '87', really? Everybody knows that '88' is the Hitler number. You're obviously implying that you're one step away from Hitler, or that you're 98.9% Nazi. You clearly don't have the morale high-ground over anybody.

But Marcus wrote pretty great book. So he's fine in my book.

But is your book a pretty good book?

Stop downvoting the lolcows; that's real fascism.

Rethuglicans target themselves. They would not be attacked if reality didn’t have that well known liberal bias.

Big if true

In fairness, I think he has been banned from most of the big political subs for making their users look like morons for upvoting and gelding his posts so often, so now he has to post on subs like this.

you've done better tbh

In fairness, I think he has been banned from most of the big political subs for making their users look like morons for upvoting and gelding his posts so often, so now he has to post on subs like this.

as someone from another country so is pretty neutral republicans are fucking insane. Makes the british Tories look good.

meh, not feeling this one tbh

Imagine being this retarded

If that had put like that in the first place it would have stopped a year of flame wars

Funny, it's not like reddit was shitting all over Obama back in 2008-2010. And there was plenty to shit on back when he was helping banks steal people's homes by pushing them into mortgage modification plans that basically amounted to sucking them dry with continued payments while never actually modifying their mortgages.

If Obama hadn't been such a corrupt tool, the Democrats would probably have a generation-long lock on power right now.

After not redditing for a few months, coming back and seeing PH go full retard has been a nice holiday surprise. The only funny thing about the sub, /u/marcusaurelius87, are most of the users.

Despite all being retarded for their own reasons, I don't really have an issue with /r/the_donald, /r/LSC, and all the other dumb political subs because they at least say what they are. The reason /r/politics and/r/PoliticalHumor are such shitholes is because they have managed to convince themselves that they are serious sources of political news and humor without actually being either of those.

There is just no good reason they haven't renamed the subs r/usaliberalpolitics and r/usaliberalpoliticalhumor

Unfortunately it encourages the "everyone agrees with me so I must be right" mentality. Like no shit the user demographics skews young and young people tend to be liberal, but I get temp banned from r/politics all the god damn time for "incivility" just for expressing a non-hivemind opinion. It's a carefully cultivated circlejerk.

Fuck those assholes for making me seriouspost like this.

Not just young, but young, coastal, college-going people from relatively well-off backgrounds.

So unsurprisingly, they only care about social issues and are generally clueless as to why much of the country is pissed that it's suddenly a shit tone poorer in the last decade.

I highly doubt there's a disproportionate amount of "coastal" kid redditors. The suburbs of Kansas City vs the suburbs of Philadelphia doesn't really matter when you're 19 and think you know everything

I'd take a straight up windowlicker over someone with just enough processing power to convince themselves they're smarter than they are any day of the week.

I would probably enjoy the likes of /r/politics more if they just straight up said "were a left biased sub" instead of trying to pretend that theyre neutral.

My favorite part is when you criticize /r/politics or /r/politicalhumor for their bias and they say, "WELL WHAT ABOUT /r/The_Donald or /r/conservative". They aren't even bright enough to realize that they are essentially admitting their bias by using the openly right-wing subs as counterpoints.

Tbf I don't think I've ever seen anyone actually claim r/politics is neutral except the automod but we all know that's bullshit.

They don't claim it's neutral necessarily but they certainly try to whitewash their bias with bullshit rhetoric like, "Oh we just believe in the truth sorry if that tends to always be the liberal POV".

90% of social media and traditional media was against Trump full swing this election. Hell even in the primaries it was 100% against Trump. But the media has to report it, internet personalities have to rail against it for points, people need upvotes by making outlandish generalizations so of course people make dumbass claims like "reality is liberal so we don't actually need to be funny".

Pretty much contributed to the win more than anything else. People hate the circlejerk for so long they actively fight to destroy it.

/r/PoliticalHumor and /r/ComedyCemetary are becoming almost indistinguishable from one another.

TBF 95% of both liberal and conservative political cartoonists are talentless hacks that never write anything more than [http://www.marriedtothesea.com/103006/political-cartoon.gif](bush / obama / trump is a bad president) tier jokes.

I mean, those were three particularly shitty Presidents who presided over a shitty couple of decades whose primary attributes were multiple wars and a loss of wealth by most Americans.

^ lol not a history/polisci major

Bush was elegant and paints cool pictures. Obama was chocolate, which is my favorite flavor. And trump makes me feel good about myself and proves that anyome, even an actual escaped mental patient can become president so I think they're all good tbqhwyfimiyptrikwsiwvf

That whole sub is the ben garrison of the left.

Both are cucks.

Are you talking down about Ben "WeimarBitchesat" Garrison

Nah, he's talking about Ben "One Man Klan" Garrison

Unlike Ben, they don't put text on every fucking thing in their cartoons, so they've got that going for them.

Holy shit this is so cancer. Literally the first reply on every controversial comment is "cry more".

They are admitting that they are biased, but at the same time they are not biased. You don't have a high IQ score like me to understand.

It wouldn't be an issue if this sub actually produced humor. And I'm not even a republican. You guys just aren't funny.

/u/seventyeightmm most of the posts are by women, so that's probably why.

Low-effort troll

Are you fucking serious? Low effort troll? What is this communist propaganda bullshit. I spend years crafting and practicing each individual shitpost, so it appeals to every individual taste bud. You dare dishonor me, telling me that my shitposts are low effort? Go to hell, bitch, and experience true low effort trolls.

No more low-effort than 'Mayocide now!' jokes, it's just that you're a lefty and 'women suck' jokes make you angry.

Im not a republican I just hang out at r/conservative and r/republican im calling bs.

/u/PM_ME_YOUR_CUTE_HATS going one step further and arguing for segregation based on political ideologies.

"Watchu doing in /r/liberal, boy? Kanchu reed? Coloreds welcome, Republicans and Moderates forbidden. We ain't wantin you spreadin that prop-oh-gander."

subreddit checks out.

Also, when someone says im not a republican and hangs out at conservative subreddits what am I to make of it?

You hang out in /r/totallynotrobots, what am I supposed to make of it?

If I go to /r/vegan to argue with vegans that doesn't make me a vegan you fucking tard.

Did I make the claim I didnt? Pointing out a lie is wrong in your world?





You were stupid enough to claim that because you noticed someone participates in two sub, without ever reading their posts, then they must be a conservative.

You're an intolerant gatekeeper with limited reading comprehension, admit it and move on.

Did u even read their posts?

Yes. It seems you still haven't. You probably just read a single reply without going back over the previous nine for context. Gatekeeping alt-lefter never cease to disappoint me.

Read his posts pls

Read his posts pls

I did. Stop pretending you have.

No such thing as a alt-left.

Remember when the alt-right tried to convince us there's no such thing as the alt-right?

Except u havent.

The alt-right literally came up with that name.

The alt-right literally came up with that name.

For THEM to use amongst themselves in secret, not for others to know about. They wanted their racist group to stay secret while the alt-left wants their authoritarian group and it's hopes of a far left guided dictatorship to stay secret.

Pls show me where the alt-left started to refer to themselves as such. When u cant dont respond.

"no one calls themselves “alt-left,” "

Right from your article. I guess I was right.

Claiming there is no “alt-left” because no one calls themselves “alt-left,” ignores the long, colorful history of political nicknaming. And claiming there is no “alt-left” because all leftists hate Neo-Nazis mistakenly defines the “alt-” modifier as being about racism not fanaticism.

I'm sorry reading is hard for you beyond a single sentence in an entire article you obviously didn't read in 30 seconds because of your own ignorance, cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias.

Not the discussion we were having is it?

I will ask again.

Pls show me where the alt-left started to refer to themselves as such. When u cant dont respond.

Moreover, believing that in order to exist, the “alt-left” must call itself “alt-left” neuters the power of political nicknaming. In the 1950s, the liberal Washington Post cartoonist, Herblock — Herbert Block — coined the term “McCarthyism” to demean right-wing anti-Communists. More recently, “Politically Correct,” “RINO” (Republican in Name Only), “Snowflake,” “Libtard,” and Cuckservative, were imposed by opponents.

Not the discussion we were having is it?

I will ask again.

Pls show me where the alt-left started to refer to themselves as such. When u cant dont respond.

Moving the goalposts? That's what I should have expected.

Not the discussion we were having is it?

I will ask again.

Pls show me where the alt-left started to refer to themselves as such. When u cant dont respond.

Sorry pal, you moved the goalposts. You claimed there's no alt-left, I showed that there is.

If the alt-right stopped calling themselves the alt-right, would you believe someone who says the alt-right doesn't exist because they don't call themselves the alt-right anymore?

You're alt-left, accept it.


Not the discussion we were having is it?

I will ask again.

Pls show me where the alt-left started to refer to themselves as such. When u cant dont respond.

Btw a opinion piece is not a source.

Nope. I answered the question, you moved the goalposts.

Btw a opinion piece is not a source.

And your opinion on the matter is more reliable? Typical alt-left libsplaining.

Nope u didnt answer the question I will ask again show me where the lat-left started to refer to themselves as such.

Btw want a opinion piece from a right wing source on climate change? Or obama being a alien? Give me a factual source. Typical alt-right spin give a opinion piece and present it as a factual piece.

Nope u didnt answer the question I will ask again show me where the lat-left started to refer to themselves as such.

Nope, I answered the original statement where you said the alt-left doesn't exist. Anything else is a fallacy where you move the goalposts until you create the truth you want to hear.

Btw want a opinion piece from a right wing source on climate change? Or obama being a alien? Give me a factual source

Give me an actual study that proves the alt-right exists. Or God is real. Or isn't real.

A opinion piece is not a valid source. I will ask again give me a actual source. Btw u still havent answered my question and since u are avoiding it I guess u were lying.

See now you are moving the goal post.

See now you are moving the goal post.

Lies. I met your original criteria, I showed that the alt-left can and does exist, you moved the goalposts to "Well most of the alt-left don't call themselves the alt-left.

Pointing out the original location of the goalposts is not moving them, it's staying where they were.

A opinion piece is not a valid source.

So, according to your standards, the alt-right do not exist. Because there are no studies to to act as a source to prove that they do.

If you're not super duper reddit left, you're a conservative, duh. Who but a conservative wouldn't find mindless, repeated "haha Trump sucks" cartoons hilarious for months on end?

Why did this comment get upvoted?