would people even care about adolf hitler if he killed white people instead of jews

0  2018-01-01 by Jac983

like lets say history said he killed 6 million white people(who wernt jewish),would america care as much as they do now.especially seeing as how nobody gives a fuck about joseph stalin and chairman mao.who were alot worse then the jew killer


How long are you gonna keep at this without a bite? This is some pretty mediocre bait but that's an improvement to your old shit. I could see this working in a liberal sub.

keep at what

this is a serious post

I'm trying to help you nitwit.

Buh waddabout Waipeepo!

well go fuck yourself

I beg to differ.

You very clearly do. You're a very inexperienced troll and I'm trying to tell you that you're shit at it.

keep at what

this is a serious post,nobody cares about the suffering of white people in the year 2018

"Suffering". Wypipo have it easy thanks to the Jews.




We care about it because we are being reminded of it all the time. Pick any issue, big or small, and have the media focusing on it for long years and it will be held in higher value. If the idea sells, it will be emphasized.

Jews are like, double white. So yeah probably.

Ha ha ha.....https://imgoat.com/uploads/2bb90e8976/71307.png

Is u/jac983 the botchling alt

i only brought up white people because america is a country that would like to think black lives specifically should matter but what about the white people

nobody cares about the white people

Shut up, botchlings.

the jews are master manipulators, unlike white ppl. u just gotta get good like us, fucking goyim.

I mean, this is bait, probably.

But you really don't hear a lot about the 8 million, or so, non-Jewish victims of the concentration camps.

They bitched when trump remembered everyone on the holocaust memorial, and Canada took down a remembrance plaque because Jews complained it didn't mention therm by name




If Hitler went after white people, he'd have killed way more bc goys are stupid and wouldn't be able to outsmart dumb nazis like my grandparents did. ^ . ^




Go away goy bot.