Twilight Zone > Black Mirror

63  2018-01-02 by Face_Braxton

Hi guys it's me here. Just wanted to tell you guys the truth. Love y'all.


The Hateful Eight > The Revenant

Eddy Redmayne > Leonardo DiCaprio (2016 Best Actor Oscar)

Redmayne for being a tranny?

I meant the acting. The guy was handed a role and he nailed it. Is everything trans somehow political/agenda loaded? 🤔

That last one.

Where have you been all my life?

Where have you been all my life? 😍

Also there's more where that came from. Look out for more edits. I'm currently watching Black Mirror S04E02

The guinea pig tells the cops who kills the baby, the couples’ success rate is determined by how much they rebel against the system (it’s all a simulation for a dating app anyway), the robot dog is killed, but not before it covers its victim in trackers so its friends can find her, and the British lady is actually an American come to set free her father’s digital consciousness.

"Let's get in car accidents and then fuck" Crash > "Racism is bad" Crash

woat cronenberg film

Yes No Yes No opinion Yes Ehhh nah Yes Yes No Yes Yes

the room > 2001 a space odyssey

Nyan Cat gif > 2001 A Space Odyssey

2001 a Space Odyssey > 2001 a Space Odyssey

Least The Room was funny

Paint drying > Citizen Kane

Citizen Kane has the advantage that it's just interesting enough to put you to sleep. If you're watching paint you'll have insomnia.

I have no idea what Predestination is but Donnie Darko >>> Looper

💩 > Donnie Darko

How dare you! I am clutching my pearls so hard I might get a case of the vapours!


easy A isn't better than mean girls YOU FUCKING IDIOT



1 Emma is worse looking than all 4 of them when lohan was in her prime

2 rachel mcadams is my waifu

3 keep yourself safe

  1. Kys

  2. She's so pretty!! Those dimples are amazing!

  3. Be nice to me okay!!!

Emma is the ugliest pretty girl to ever achieve that level of fame. Her or jennifer lawrence.


Sounds like you just do not like pussy

garbage opinions from a garbage person. My day is ruined after seeing this list

Goddamn, Wolf of Wall Street was pure entertainment.


SRD > Drama

Gtfo. Can the srdine.

The Day of the Can is neigh my brother

The Day of the Can is neigh


Whinny x3 nuzzles how are you pounces on you you're so warm o3o 

When you gonna post your sick new tats?

It's gonna take a few weeks for it to be done

Every drama poster >ed

Emojis > green text

Jewdank > Ed_ButteredToast

I love your unpopular opinion posts :D

Me too, that's why I make them.

This but unironically

Your absolutely right, TZ is generally better, and even many of the the Black Mirror themes are just copycats from older stuff, just like so many childrens things today.

However, there is one particular episode of BM that is very pertinent to today's internet "culture" and even r/drama in particular, and that is the episode entitled "Nosedive".

Which episode is that?

It is by far the best episode of Black Mirror, and is incredibly pertinent to many people's behavior online right now.

Okay. I guess I'll torrent that episode tonite

Boi if you aren't in for a world of disappointment lol. It's blown out of proportion and just ridiculously unrealistic imo.

Well then I probably won't like it. Twilight Zone usually balanced extremes much better than most shows nowadays

Id suggest the Black Mirror episode "Men Against Fire". That might fit what you are looking for.

Men against fire I could actually see happening someday. Being legitimately programmed to kill easier.

The Orville did it better tbqhf

Yeah soon after I saw that ep someone on my twitter feed was like "it feels so amazing to get followed by someone with a good follower to following ratio, like you're so special" and then I looked at my own awful ratio and felt like dirt lmao


I know you are just being ironic and sarcastic, but I really do think that the follower/following ratio does give the users a social pressure that they feel judged on, and definitely gives a celebrity status to certain uers

Preach sista!

Technology > Nature

Gussy > benis

drown yourself

In your love? 😍

Is this even a controversial opinion? Black mirror will be unwatchable in 10 years, twilight zone references are still known 50 years later

On Reddit its controversial.

Irl I haven't met anyone who's thought that

On reddit, criticizing any media of the last 5 years is controversial, because it's literally all anyone here remembers.

Reddit likes the CW superhero shows. 'Nuff said.

I for one am shocked.

san junipero is already the only watchable episode

San junipero sucks ass lol

Yup, worst episode imo.

Everyone else hypes it tho.

It doesn't suck ass, it is a fine piece of television to watch for 1 hour with no strings attached.

It just isn't a good "Black Mirror" episode, since you know its a Romantic feel good from start to finish.

not fitting in with black mirrors other lreachy garbage isnt a negative

Not an argument

Yeah but people watch it on mute. The cinematography is great but the story sucks.

It’s because while Black Mirror makes statements about technology that will come and go, the Twilight Zone is about human nature. Those themes will never age out.

Who’s still making Twilight Zone references now?

for starters, the theme and Rod Sterling's voice narration are still iconic

those memes are as dead as harambe, gramps

Harambe is still alive, he lives in Cuba

Cucks > Jews

Um, then why do the cucks dance to our bidding?

Cucks are extremely adaptable and capable of surviving in unfavorable conditions.

Like some sort of cuckaroach?


This but unironically


Outer Limits > Twilight Zone

That show is really good too tho

Oh come on. There's maybe 5 good episodes of The Outer Limits. The rest is just silly monsters in rubber suits.

Outer Limits reeked of 90s TV budget.

Who the fuck watched the remake?

Twilight Q > Twilight Zone

Jews > Goyim

Twilight Zone: Explore different ways of looking at life and the universe!

Black Mirror: Omg technology is taking over our lives we're sooooo deeeep

Well, yeah... obviously.

You need to pick a more controversial comparison.

For Example:

Star Trek: Deep Space 9 > Babylon 5

David Gilmour > Syd Barrett

Red Dragon > Manhunter

Justified > The Shield

This > This

Justified > any series that isn’t Breaking Bad.

This tbh

Black mirror is literally im14andthisisdeep so it’s amazing that those praising it post there

Not even mirror is a good show most of the time.

But twilight zone is absolutely timeless.

fuck off tard

Blacked Mirror

No argument here

Black Mirror just forces their message and ends with a shitty Shyamalan style twist.