with all the media attention why doesnt america just admit they elected a royal family in the white house

0  2018-01-02 by Jac983

tired of these jared kushner and ivanka trump stories.the guys a fuckin liberal like the rest of donald trump's family and friends


You're just looking to start a conversation with someone huh

im just tired of these liberal faggots man

What about them tires you?

Lol. Holy shit there's no coming back from this.

I think that's pretty vanilla. Bussy stimulation is a bit more chocolatey and in line with the practices of this sub.

Great fucking find. !redditsilver

Why use punctuation but not capitalization?

At least they're not hillbilly trash.

donald trump is a great example of how even rich people can be white trash hillbillys

Pretty sure Melania has Bill outclassed.

isnt she from some europoor country though,that doesnt count as hillbilly shes just a stupid eurotrash