Girl on /r/happy celebrates life, happiness, and conquering depression after a suicide attempt. Redditors warmly tell her to keep herself safe.

90  2018-01-02 by IAintThatGuy


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. This Post -,*,,

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You shut your roastie whore mouth, you fucking female privileged Stacy!

Urge to ping rising...

u/littlemermaidxx looks vaguely mayo and that's all I have to say about this matter

Latina 🔥🔥

u/littlemermaidxx says she's Eurasian. This should be crossposted to /r/hapas.

Idk, I'm all for telling some TrollX hunchbacks to keep themselves safe, but I have no desire to be lumped in with braincels like OP.

"I got over my depression and history of self harm and am now doing great"


I sometimes wonder why some even bother

Maybe deep down people who post about getting over failed suicide attempt and are just letting out a cry for help, because they need advice on how to succeed next time.


your the one posted it on braincels and now you post it here

Is this a personal thing, did she turn you down?

There was no good drama to post so I had to go out and create some.

How do you have 2 verified emails?

I have no earthly idea. Probably the kind of thing which the reddit dev team will soon call a "feature". Or I'm a talented hacker who managed to break into Reddit and just decided to give myself one more virtual sticker.

Imagine being so disconnected from your species you harass a depressed high school girl.


boi Keep yourself safe

wassup logan paul i likie ur vids

I looked around where I live, no dead bodies to film :-(

So who's alt this this then? If you lie or don't answer I'm calling "no balls" on your mayo ass

Sadly nobody's. I'm not even internet famous.

Well at least you're following the rules here.

Yes. My resolution for 2018 is not to get banned from /r/drama again.



This year I got : np links, calls to violence and doxxing. Now I know how to manage the fact that /r/drama has actual active moderators.

All of those things are easy as fuck to avoid.

Apparently not for me. I might be retarded.

Just pretending to be retarded stopped being an excuse a long time ago. Please bring a plugged in toaster to your next monthly shower

I don't see what's retarded about that situation.

It requires a great feat of retardation to even get downvoted on this sub. Maintain safety.

your the one posted it on braincels

Holy shit, I didn't even realize.

I mean. I appreciate it, thanks.

Because "How dare she get over her misery when I am such a nice guy but no one rewards me!"

When incels are calling you a bitter piece of shit you really should re-evaluate your life.

I don't think this guy is an incel, he doesn't have a history in the sub and there are a lot of non-incels and /r/IncelTears posters populating /r/braincels, unlike /r/incels where the mods mostly banned people who called incels bitter.

Nobody gives a shit about her cry for attention though.

2. Vowels

Avoid girls whose names end in consonants. This may seem strange and unsubstantiated by science, but it’s true. If you have an Erica, a Melissa, an Yvonne, or perhaps an Alexandra, rest assured you will have that perfect slit surprise when you are ready to do the deed. The beautiful symmetry of a nicely shaped vagina, each lip in direct proportion to the other only separated by a slight line. No excess labial flap, no peek-a-boo wraparound meat skin. It’s called the “o” face for a reason.

However, god speed to you if you happen to go home with a Marilyn, an Allison, a Brittany or dare I say a Colleen. I hope you have your spelunking gear ready, because it is going to take some cavernous digging to find that clitoris under those goose wings.

3. Vegetarians

This one is self-explanatory. I have yet to meet a vegetarian girl who sports dildo drapes. If she doesn’t eat meat, she doesn’t yield meat. Rumor has it that protein deficiency causes aesthetically pleasing vaginal formation, but the medical studies have yet to come in on this. Stay tuned.

4. Window Coverings

This tactic only works if you end up at her place. Are her windows covered with blinds and shutters…or curtains and drapes? If it’s blinds or shutters, she psychologically identifies her slit with straight, symmetrical openings.

Is this satire, or are people actually this retarded?

With ReturnOfKings I can never tell if they're trying to get a rise out of readers (because if they generate outrage from feminists they get more page views), or if they finally jumped the shark and started believing their own bullshit.

Do people ever look at their own behavior before whining about how little they’re getting lol

I'm legitimately starting to believe that these "incel" fucktards are some kind of curse that haunts Reddit. They are just fated to keep coming back and back until someone goes straight up to Reddit's headquarters and performs an exorcism on their servers.

/u/N8theGr8 The only way she's going to fuck you is if you become a mortician

Or a male feminist.

actually I'm a vegan

Holy shit. Thanks for bringing the bantz man.



if you actually feel suicidal please go seek irl help.

Intentionally? Or did you catch it from an ex?

Hey man that's great for you. I hope you enjoy keeping all those animals safe

Are vegans part of the LGBTQ+ now that it's 2018? Because they never seem hetero to me.

So a male feminist.

My theory : since they closed /r/cutefemalecorpses, the fans of that sub have to settle for the next best thing.

It might have been the fact that incels caught wind of the post.

Braincels? Seriously? Anyway, great they're back. Now I can go there when I want to feel massively superior and need to laugh.

That was up for a long time.

Remember its down the street not across the road.

Remind yourself bitch

Follow your own advice preferably now and without taking anyone else with you

Okay just because you said so.

/u/littlemermaidxx is it so inconceivable that in between the hundreds of people jerking you off for a post like that there might be a few spergs? Also w-what kind of music do you like? 😅💦💦

There is some incredibly bizarre quirk about human psychology where people can completely tolerate your average mood (happy/sad/etc), but will never ever appreciate you improving your life. My fat friend asked me why I wanted to be a jock retard when I started going to the gym. My half-assed musician friend would give me snide critiques when I finally put a record out. People want you to stay at your station forever. Improvement reflects their lack thereof, and the only way to deal with that for some people is to pull the crab back into the bottom of the bucket. Those people need to be gassed unironically.

Crabs in a bucket: it's not just for black people!

I had the reverse experience. Drove away friends with my lack of personal growth.

At the bottom of it, people just don't want to pay for your meals/gas because you're working a dead-end job and can't afford a night of it.

In your case, it could be that your relationships have reached their natural end, as friendships tend to do.

Fuck you dude this one hit me hard af. Granted I'm now out of that, but damn dude.


They are not thinking about you. They are dwelling on themselves.

when someone has an increase in relative status you become less fuckable in comparison, from an evolutionary perspective, this is very bad. You don't want to be around people who reduce your chances of getting laid.

Improvement reflects their lack thereof, and the only way to deal with that for some people is to pull the crab back into the bottom of the bucket.

The older I get, the more I realize this. I had a older cousin text me out of the blue a few days ago and vaguely threaten me for money and for my address. I used to look up to him but while he was still slinging drugs on the side, I went to college and eventually got a career. Now that he's in his mid 30s and I'm in my late 20s, He's starting to realize that he's probably waste his best years and it's all going downhill from here.

Wow your life is so good now? Please keep yourself safe

Psychology is bullshit.

/u/littlemermaidxx I may have found the root of your problem:

Instead of telling people who matter, you told people on the internet. Literally nothing good has ever come from the internet. It even ruined porn.

A rare moment when /r/Drama defends the innocent. Incels can bring together the deplorables against a decent cause.

We don't crucify the innocent like we do our fellow pond scum. With that said, our policy on bussy doesn't change for anyone so shut fuck up and post bussy.

It's only sad when attractive people kill themselves.

Ain't that the truth.

I think the r/drama mods should host a similar iniative. We could all post selfies and say nice things about each other. 🤗

But, has she tried not being such a slut? Maybe then she wouldn't need to keep herself safe.

posting words on the internet

unironically justified tbqh

reminded me of a /relationships post where a pregnant lady found out her baby daddy to be/ husband was a troll in his spare time. Like a vicious, brutal troll who would say shit like OP mentioned. Said it was “stress relief”. Unreal. I hope she left his ass because you need to be a special kind of worthless scum to relieve daily life stress via attacking strangers with vitriol and hate like that.

I remember that post. Didn't we determine that it was highly likely that it was, in fact, a troll post itself?

/r/relationships is full of people who assume nobody lies on the internet (so basically grandmas and retards).