i hate when people use the phrase "worse then hitler"when the only reason they think hitler is bad is because of jewish propaganda

0  2018-01-02 by Jac983

nobody would care about adolf hitler if he picked 6 million blacks to exterminate


Dumbest shit I've ever heard. You are worse than Hitler

thats because the jews have brainwashed you

"dumbest shit i've ever heard"

thats because the jews have already brainwashed you

you anti-semite, get out of here. you only hate us jews bc of our superior intelligence, mazel tov.

go fuck your mazel tov jew boy

if jews are so intelligent when didnt they find a way out of the concentration camps before they were gas'd to death.kike boy

bc we are a peaceful people, and we went to the gas chambers willingly, you nazi. (it's called pacifism, bigot)

calling me a nazi is actually a complement because nazi's wernt pussies like the jews

reported. u deserve to have your right to free speech taken away for the horrible things that you have been saying about us, fucking gentile scum. It's 2018 now, nazis aren't allowed in America.

"nazis arent allowed in america"

neither are jews,why dont you take your shekels and your jew lies back to israel

America is for everyone, which is why u nazis aren't allowed... so u gotta get out!

"america is for everyone"

no it isnt,you liberal faggot

listen here, you fucking goy. I'm gonna stop pussyfooting around and tell you like it is. you keep fuckin with us jews and I'll send some boys to pop one in your gentile ass. We're god's chosen people for a reason, and if you don't wise up then I'll have to show you why, shmuck.

Does it get bored arguing with your alts?

If Jews aren't intelligent, how are they controlling the media and spreading mass disinformation?

Judt because you are of extremely low value to society doesn't mean you have to take your anger out on the jews

Wait, Adolf Hitler the painter?

You are a master baiter pun intended

something something mayocide

Literally more retarded than Hitler.

First of all: I agree. OP is an idiot. Secondly: happy birthday!