Someone makes the mistake to ask /r/GenderCritical if there are similar subreddits, but without the tranny hate.

25  2018-01-02 by IAintThatGuy


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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I’m bored.

Let’s play a game. We look for an Issue, a Rule, some Analysis, and a Conclusion. If a RadFem can coherently pull off a satisfactory IRAC I will be mildly surprised. There are variants to this but it’s always best to start with the basics.

/u/TruExcellentRadFem we start with you.

The trans do immense harm to women.

Bold issue statement and or frontloaded conclusion Cotton. Let’s see how it plays out!

They demand we pretend our biology does not exist.

Lacks evidence, no analysis, and more of an issue really.

They push harmful concepts like ladybrainz.

But how is it harmful? Seriously analysis needed. And a rule as well. Is harm bad? Based on what rule? But good issue!

They invade our sports and our private spaces.

Good issue but lacks the rest of the RAC. So....yeh who cares.

They force us to deny our reality and the reality of our oppression.

Issue/conclusion. And hyperbole as well. Lacks analysis and a rule.

They reinforce patriarchy.

But how? You need some analysis here deary.

They need to get mental help and leave us alone.

Ok I’ll give you this one. But only as a pity fuck. PPV only pity fuck though. Meaning /u/wil watches after paying an obscene amount.

The trannies at /r/GenderCynical are about as fed up with RadFem "logic" as you are

Ironically I dislike trannies in general. It appears to be a culture steeped in mental illness and trying to justify being abnormal in the world. The latest craze on refusing sex with a trans person = transphobia, or claiming penises can be feminine is either high grade trolling or insanity. I have yet to find a convincing argument on why a culture should tolerate it, aside from “personal feelings”

Now excuse me I’m gonna fall off my soapbox.

I miss the trans panic defense. Without that, they'll get all uppity.

Sigh me kept so many lawyers in employment. Now they have to revert back to insanity defenses.

That's why I don't seek mental help. I know I prolly have a lot of diagnosable issues, but it's better to wait until I need an insanity plea and have a court appointed shrink "discover" my issues.

Contributing the the legal welfare fund and keeping so many good people employed. Thank you friendo!

Just switch to sexual-assault defense. Juries will have to Listen and Believe.

There's nothing wrong with transphobia; otoh shaming people for their phobia is ableist af tbh bbq

So tl,dr you dislike SJWs as well as TERFs because you're a NAZI?

Transgender discussion in general makes for great drama, try to engage in a conversation of this topic without getting any of these terms thrown at you.

Pretty much. And go pro-tranny and you’re the SJW, snowflake, etc.

Really dislike the reduction arguments but guess that’s what’s in vogue.

Oh I missed Snowflake! How could I.

pretty sure the feminine penis thing started as a troll and then the muppets went ahead and ran with it

Agreed. Deus Vult.

We look for an Issue, a Rule, some Analysis, and a Conclusion. If a RadFem can coherently pull off a satisfactory IRAC

Law-student detected, kill it with fire.

Worse. Lawyer detected. Survived the fire.

Salute, brother. I hope your scars are not too lasting.

Salute and I hope your judges are decent.

Let’s play a game. We look for an Issue, a Rule, some Analysis, and a Conclusion.

Fucking 1L.

I loved being a 1L. Everyone goes, “oh it’s retarded, be nice! Law review write on will suck.”

2L: “wtf you should know this.”

3L: “we are not trying to teach you, you’re checked out, studying for the bar and either have a job or are applying for them with increasing terror of unemployment.”

Bar review: “‘member 1L? ‘Member IRAC? Yehhhhh.”

But I digress. Sometimes it’s nice to go back to basics and apply passing logic

Wait, you're an actual practicing lawyer and you believe nonsense like this?

Sigh me kept so many lawyers in employment. Now they have to revert back to insanity defenses.

How does a superweak defense that was used a handful of times keep so many lawyers employed? Even if it was used often, would defense lawyers stop working if it was banned?

I'm betting your local law society / bar association has a rule on the duty of competency. You'd better report yourself.

If you’re taking a post on drama seriously you should get your head checked. That referenced line shouldn’t need a /s since it clearly is not serious in any meaningful way. I don’t even do crim, save for an unpleasant stint with the DA....where I found prosecuting potheads tedious and dull.

Seriously though it is a retarded defense, insanity is pushing it and as far as I can tell it’s the last resort before admitting, “yeh my client is an ass.”

Doesn't /r/GenderCritical get it by now? It's current year +1. Everything's made up and biology doesn't matter

The patriarchy is not made up and one day a RadFem will get the coveted invite to our monthly meetup!

TERFs are legit nut-jobs. Angry, angry nut-jobs. With a bad "oppression" fixation. But I have to admit, I like the fact that they acknowledge that biology is a thing- that shit is getting is getting scarce. (Like, I don't give a fuck if people are trans, but when people are claiming that "gender is just social conditioning" but it's also possible to be "a man born in a woman's body", or even that biological sex doesn't exist, I start doubting their grasp on reality)

Like, I don't give a fuck if people are trans, but when people are claiming that "gender is just social conditioning" but it's also possible to be "a man born in a woman's body", or even that biological sex doesn't exist, I start doubting their grasp on reality

That's basically my thoughts on the situation. Someone I work with is trans and I call them "her" like they want. I still think she is out of her god damn mind but luckily it doesn't impact her work so whatever.

TERFs are terrible at biology tho.

TERFs are legit nut-jobs.

No, trannies are legitimate, actual, mentally-ill, suicidal, self-nut-chopping nut-jobs.

Why not both?

TERFs aren't mentally ill. Living as a butch dyke is a perfectly rational response to being a hairy beast-woman.

It's the RF part of TERF that makes them crazy

Nah trannies are lunatic trash.

I have to admit, I like the fact that they acknowledge that biology is a thing

They're a mixed bag with that. They believe that gender roles came from a time when the physical strength difference between men and women actually dramtically and directly impacted your life economically and politically. This is something I agree with. However, they still believe sex differences stop at the neck, and that the prevalence of certain behaviors in one sex or the other is due to culture rather than neurological differences

TERFs aren't nut jobs on the contrary they are the only feminists with a coherent ideology. It's actually very amusing watching them get crushed by the extremists that their movement spawned in the university gender studies departments that they originally founded. All while blaming the whole thing on men, of course.

175 comments, score: 0

Good fucking job.


You're a retard.

The trans do immense harm to women

And you do immense harm to your towns average iq

They demand we pretend our biology does not exist

Again you're a retard, no one has ever demanded that.

They push harmful concepts like ladybrainz.

Again you prove you're to retarded to understand a simple concept like sexual dimorphism

They invade our sports and our private spaces.

No they don't. .3% of the population is trans. You'd to have an tons of people in a space for even 1 of them to be trans.

They force us to deny our reality and the reality of our oppression

You mean the reality that as a bitchy middle class cunt you face no real oppression?

They reinforce patriarchy.

Oh fuck off and die you hair brained muppet.

The trans do immense harm to women

This is my favorite part. I really wish they were able to formulate how they came to that conclusion, and based on what information.

Retarded men pretending to be women make women look bad. How hard is it.

You need to update your flair, you're clearly a real retard

Sorry, you're right. "actual women, not misguided faggots". Better?

There's been cases of feminist groups trying to discuss stuff directly related to female biology, and then some Born Again Woman rees about how they're being excluded from the discussion and discriminated against or whatever. Libfems treat transwomen like literal infants, so any discussion of topics related to female biology gets shut down out of concerns for feelings.

Ture. The trannies are not making it easy for people not to take th e radfem side.

No they don't. .3% of the population is trans. You'd to have an tons of people in a space for even 1 of them to be trans.

Yeah, but all .3% of them think they are lesbians.

Nah she is 100% right you abomination

Bussy > gussy. Will femoids ever recover?

Roasties should pay for their sins by being subjected only to gussy.

Jesus Fuck, I just went down some bizarro TERF rabbit-hole, and dug up this delicious pasta

Periods are actually a patriarchal conspiracy.

I don't mean they're not real, they sure are. But there's no way it's natural for a mammal to feel so much pain and bleed so much over a basic biological function. Have you ever heard of other animals bleeding all over the place on their periods? Have you ever heard of animals needing tampons, pads, and so on? Have you ever seen an animal curl up in pain from period cramps? There is no evolutionary advantage to the extra pain that women feel or the bleeding. Yeah, didn't think so. So where did it come from? Seems a lot like artificial selection, or you know, eugenics. Men actually fucking planned this, they selectively bred with women they knew felt a lot of menstrual pain and discomfort many years ago, knowing that women in the future would feel the pain. They want to punish us simply for existing, and that's one of the ways they practice that. Not to mention some other sexually dimorphic traits were heavily artificially selected by men just to punish us and make it harder for us to resist.

Bonus retardation from the comments

Interesting. Menstrual pain, IMO, are mostly caused by the way we're treated by society, and it has some physiological origins, too. What I do know for sure is that periods have something really spiritual and holly in them, in fact, they are in their rythm very close to the moon cycle. And the moon has always been the symbol of women, and of Artemis, which is the spiritual heir of the original Goddess. So, if anything, periods are the sign that women are close to the divinity, while males are mutants, or artificial. Periods have been shamed by society for this very reason. Also, they're yet another proof that males can't be women, and that trannies are mentally challenged pretenders.

Shit has to be trolling. But I hope it's not.

lol I've requested that subreddit, if all goes well I should soon have it

Interesting. Menstrual pain, IMO, are mostly caused by the way we're treated by society, and it has some physiological origins, too. What I do know for sure is that periods have something really spiritual and holly in them, in fact, they are in their rythm very close to the moon cycle. And the moon has always been the symbol of women, and of Artemis, which is the spiritual heir of the original Goddess. So, if anything, periods are the sign that women are close to the divinity, while males are mutants, or artificial. Periods have been shamed by society for this very reason. Also, they're yet another proof that males can't be women, and that trannies are mentally challenged pretenders.

The moon says so.

When the moon speaks to you, you're either a werewolf or a feminist. Both are big hairy angry smelly creatures.

Shit has to be trolling. But I hope it's not.

tl,dr of r/drama

/u/quixoticfutz is just mad that intelligent men are choosing bussy over her fat roast beef cunt