has donald trump opened the door to more idiots who shouldnt be elected as president but will most likely be

0  2018-01-02 by Jac983


i thought america wasnt going to tolerate jiggaboo's in the goverment after obama


Depends on her cock kissing skills tbh

dont you have something better to do,like fuck your sister or something.confederate flag boy

I know irony is hard to understand for some people, but that's no reason to hate on ol Dixie. I'm trying to teach my sister to kiss cock (like makeout with it) until I cum but it's harder than it sounds.

Mark Zuckerburg for President!!!

Mark, don't you have something better to do than shitposting on r/drama?

You know you can pay people to do it for you, fam.

no thanks,we dont need more dumb white liberal's controlling america

A mormon would get elected POTUS before a Jew.


the joke is on you because they'll still find way to control america

I'm not denying the Juden influence, I'm just saying they won't get elected President.

I'd go so far as to bet on a MtF Wiccan Vegan having a better chance than your standard Bernie.

alright,but your mormon referance implys that mormons would have a chance.mitt romney was a mormon and couldnt even win in his own state so there equally as worthless as jews in getting elected potus

That's sort of the point.

Mitt couldn't get elected, and he still had a better chance than Bernie (if only because he actually made it past the primaries).

would bernie have made it past the primaries if the democrats didnt rig the nomination so hillary would of gotten it though

because thats not really a fair comparison

Oh Gawd... a bernout.

And with that I'm bowing out. Good day.

Imagine the boost to the economy. Saving all those hours people would normally spend photoshopping the President getting destroyed by gargantuan cocks.

How well can she kiss the head of a penis though?

No, the exact opposite is likely true. Trump has likely killed the "we need a business man in office" meme.

And thank god for that, because the number of retards that thing a country is like a corporation is too high.

what we need is a sucessful businessman from a republican background.not a lard ass from a liberal city who cant run a successful business worth a shit

i guess,but what would of been better would be a successful businessman from a republican background.not some libtard from new york city who's business's are complete failures and lets his jew family members influence him

I'm glad that you're still obsessed with our man Trump. He's doing a lot of wonderful things in this world. We will love the next 7 years because of all the magic he's doing. Our man Trump is draining the swamp of all the corrupt assholes in the government. I for one would love to see his glorious face on all of our currency. He's a post war president, a real estate person focused on rebuilding our economy and the lives of every American for the better.

The term MAGA needs to change. He's made America great again by all of the wonderful legislation he's been tied to. It will still be MAGA, just different wording: Made America Great Again. You will love all the wonderful things he has done once you finally get out of high school and enter the workforce.

"7 years"

"doesnt understand that when republicans lose the house or senate.that trump is going to be impeached"

not that democrats are gonna like pence any better,but his red hat wearing cult supporters arent helping him and republicans any

He has 7 more years. That's including his 2nd term. What's the deal with the Trump train hate? He can't be stopped! Like Hitlery or that cuck Bernie would have even made it this far. Bernie would have bankrupted the country and Hitlery would have caused World War III already. Our man Trump is doing all he can to make people's lives better in the US by not allowing outside influences in our politics.

Real republicans are Trump supporters. We need to support our own! The people bitching about Trump are as fake as the bullshit sites like that femnazi bullshit rag The Huffington post. There hasn't been one honest thing published on The Huffington post in years. It's an all white female rag that says how awful being white and male is. It's all fake news. Even that bullshit CNN doesn't even stoop to their levels.

I know that once you can vote, you will vote Trump. We had George W. Bush and everyone was saying how evil he was. He actually wanted to rid the world of terrorism. The Democrats funded the terrorists. Bill Clinton was told about Osama Bin Laden and he did nothing about it. He was way too weak to deal with a problem that could come up. George W. Bush had the balls to take them on. Obummer only cared about taking away the rights of citizens with the NDAA, a bill he gladly signed. Obummer said that he wanted to close Gitmo, still never did it. Trump said he wanted to change things, and did. Trump, like every good and honest Republican doesn't bullshit. They do things.

"they do things"

like what exactly

obamacare's repeal was a failure,so was his immigration plan.the only thing that fat moron has did is something republicans criticized obama for doing but i guess its different when the "empty suite"is a republican

"they do things"

like what,the only thing donald trump has did is bitch about the media and go on vacations.hes as much of a worthless piece of shit as barack obama was

He's just speaking what's on everyone's minds. The media has been highly untrustworthy for years. It's heavy skewed against whomever is in political office. They hit Obummer as bad as they're hitting our man Trump. They Hit Gorge W. Bush as bad as they hit Clinton. They're more about destabilizing the government than any external threat.

I know being 14 can be hard, but you need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps there sweetheart. Once you finally grow up and reach voting age, you will see the corruption in politics and realize our man Trump was correct all along.