Drama in /r/zen (as per usual) when troll is called out for being a troll

18  2018-01-02 by snallygaster


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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To be zen is to Know Your Self.

Dammit can someone get the drama with Zen vs Buddhism thing? Basically /r/Buddhism claims Zen is part of Buddhism while some of the mods on /r/Zen deny that Zen can be called Buddhism. A lot of debatemeirlbro being thrown around.

idk enough about the topic to go into detail, but there's one very active user of /r/zen who the mods refuse to ban or reprimand (some people think some of the mods are his sycophants, as you kinda mentioned) who goes on and on about how zen isn't buddhism, likens teachers like Dogen to alternative sect leaders (e.g. Mormonism or something like that, from what I remember), and accuses anyone who disagrees with him an 'alt-troll', whatever that means, and is extremely possessive of the subreddit wiki, among other issues. He's completely torn apart the subreddit to the point where it's rare for any thread to pass by without some form of dramatic happening. It's probably one of the most toxic communities on this godforsaken website, lol.

They really should chill out. I dunno. Maybe like... meditate or something.

IIRC, Zen is a sect of Buddhism spawned after it reaches China. It along with nine other sects are widespread in the area with heavy Chinese influence like Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.

I guess it would be reasonable if some mayo felt the need to appropriate Zen into something else.

Only a mayo could imagine they know more about a centuries-old religious movement than the people who actually practice it.

Not believing in baby Jesus...😒 smh...it's as bad as mayos "discussing" buddhism.