Daddy and Kim discuss buttons

161  2018-01-03 by nqtbty


This shit is better than any tv show

My question is whether it's a penis joke

Donnie isn't smart enough for double entendre. If he wanted to brag about having a bigger dick than kim i have no doubt he'd just come out and say it.

Oh, it's definitely a dick joke. He reframing Kim to look like an impotent beta. Besides blurting out incoherent, vaguely patriotic blurbs to his constituents, "reframing" high-profile people to look weak is the only rhetorical strategy Trump is kinda good at.

He's pretty good at not being Hillary too

Anderson Cooper? Is that you?

God I hope so. Now there's a daddy. 😍😍😍

We don't call him daddy for nothing 😍😍😍😍

Daddy 😍😍 fires his missiles 🍆🍆💦💦 at me because I'm naughty 😳🙃.

It’s a clit joke

Fucking lol

This is legitimately the greatest tweet ever made.

I wish I was American, so I could vote for Trump.

just move to a mexican border town and try to avoid decapitation until 2020 and you can!

I am from Europe, white too (I was told to say that, apparently important).

Can I just go directly to US? Why do I have to go to Mexico?

Is that some new law?

oh man, I don't know if I can be sincere enough to answer your question, I'm in a bit of an /r/drama groove right now.

okay, i'll try.

get the fuck over here asap and bring your women before Ahmed culturally enriches them

I only mentioned mexico because those fuckin cheeches like to sneak over the border to vote for non-Trump people because it makes it easier to do human trafficking when a democrat is in power

get the fuck over here asap and bring your women before Ahmed culturally enriches them

Said unironically by T_D

clearly someone doesn't remember cologne new years when 1500 ahmeds roamded the streets (((enriching))) plenty of german chicks.

The question you need to ask yourself is why do you support the sexual harassment and rape of european women by the ahmeds of the world? Is that your kink? If so let me tell you about this gorgeous little haven tucked into sweden called "malmo", where the swedish police have no problem looking the other way when the ahmed gang rapes occur. You'd love it there!

Says a lot when Colgene is all you can remember. And I've only seen on mooslime in public, andI live in the city.

I'm betting that you're American.

You don't understand. I'm not disagreeing with you. I can't take a ride on a bus without the looming threat of muslim rape. Of course it usually only happens to women and goats, so I'm more at risk of a beheading.

You would think our government would try to be a lot more tough on terrorism, but no. I go out into the streets after they force me to pray to the Mohammed, and the police ignore the acts of rape and murder that go unopposed by the public. And who would? Interfering with standard muslim activities is Islamophobia, punishable by beheading.

And dont forget the suicide bombers. Every muslim has one. A bomb. A suicide bomb. You have to keep away, because any day, any second they could explode. They will all expode. All 1.8 billion of them. It will create a force so large, the Earth will fracture and the antichrist will emerge from the pits of hell itself.

We will die. The muslims will die. Who would possibly benefit from this chaos? Let me tell you.

Jewish bankers.

That's right, it's all a big ritual, a satanic ritual, done to bridge the gap between our world and theirs, allowing the passage for lucifer himself. He will hear the summons. He will rebuild the world as his own. And he will purge the goyim from his world.

But the muslims figured it out. A plan to stop the Jew menace once and for all. You see, Jews do not know it, but they are dependent on the goyim. They tax the goyim, they scam and steal from the goyim, they buy up buisness and sell to the goyim, they take over the news networks to control what the goyim think, what they want, what they buy. And it's all for one thing.


Without money, the Jew cannot survive. They require mansions, corporations and world governments, they require power as without it they become the cattle, and they know they are not as strong as the white man. They cannot get above the white man without another Jew to put them in power, and that Jew can only stay in power through extreme wealth. Money. It is their home, their drink, their food. And as the goyim are the providers of this wealth, they have grown dependant.

Ever wonder why Jews never seem to die? They only grow old and become wrinkly scrotum-faces like Soros, and simply fake their deaths when the time comes, and are "reborn" anew. The only way to truly kill the Jew is to starve it to death. To cut off its lifeline, its money.

The first method to achieving this is through simply informing others. Giving them an alternative and educating them on the Jew. But alas, this does not work. I have tried it myself, as others before me. We are greeted by accusations of anti-Semitism, they have created their own words to describe our "blasphemy". They do not listen. They have been indoctrinated to believe the Jew is just like them, a fellow worker, another member of the cattle. And the ones who do believe have grown complacent, fearing that all is lost and giving in to the semetic machine.

But there lies an alternative. The muslims, the suicide bombers, they knew all along. The main reason for their actions was not to kill others, but to kill all. They target the infidels as they do not hold bombs of their own, and would never believe the truth. The truth about the Jews, and how to stop them. You see, by fracturing the earth, the Jews shall carry out their plan, to create their ethnostate, free of the goyim. And therein lies the truth. Without the goyim they have no cattle. Without cattle there is no work. Without work there is no wealth. And without wealth there is no Jew. They will starve, and the world will be left empty.

The muslims had the answers all along. We can defeat the Jews. You can defeat the Jews. Kill yourself.

He is implying you can vote as an illegal immigrant somehow.

The question is: is it worth the end of human civilization for?

How dare you even question this?

I hope the nuke lands on top of my fucking house.

The best part is that I can't decide if it's macho posturing or some day of this everyone will go at war for the most stupid reason.


with North korea

boy those 2 hours it will take to explode the whole country from hundreds of miles away while shooting down their little pea-shooter baby missile will surely bring death and destruction to us all

Two hours to explode their military and 15 years of attempting to subjugate the populace before mostly leaving and declaring victory while partisan groups still attack us until the very end.

Sauce: am veteran of two of those wars

north koreans are not mudslimes, and South Korea will clean up the mess.

all the populace is malnourished, too. what can they do?

Kill Kim, drop food saying it came from South Korea and the US. Say co-operation will lead to more.

fuck, diplomacy is easy

People who think war is this easy are the reason we keep getting stuck in them.

maybe it's because you're a shit fighter

Maybe the only thing you've fought are the urges to keep yourself safe(don't)

I'm sure you're extremely competent commando yourself chief. Maintain your personnel security.

I will, thanks!

fuck, diplomacy is easy

you are just plagiarizing Nam blueprint

pssh, then LBJ fucked up something simple like the retarded democrat he is, obviously

Yeah, Nixon did better. You’re one of the dumbest people on this sub, which says a lot

Democrats leave messes that are really hard to clean up, but Gerald Ford (R) finally got it done!

also, your butthurt is showing

He did it better by leaving. None of them succeeded in your retarded strategy

Leaving a mess a democrat started, exactly.

because my strategy is for current incompetent starving north korea, not a north korea or north vietnam propped up by the Soviet Union in the 1960s/70's

Leaving a mess a democrat started, exactly.

Eisenhower kicked off American involvement when he sent in U.S. special forces in the early '50s.

because my strategy is for current incompetent starving north korea, not a north korea or north vietnam propped up by the Soviet Union in the 1960s/70's

We're talking about a North Korea propped up by China right now. Jesus, you're dense.

The following intelligence organizations participated in the preparation of this estimate: The central Intelligence Agency

lol fuck off spook-lover, like anyone should ever believe the CIA

oh well there's no way CIA knows how to make edits to wikipedia or put up a website or fake the documents that some fuckstick would just happen to find later

Hahaha, ok. I'd also bring up an archived paper from '55 but given how predictable Trumptards are, you would start screeching about liberals. Have fun living in your alternate reality.

How's this for your "alternate reality"?

hmmm... 11:33 pm Jan 2nd...

Trump's tweet at 7:49 pm jan 2nd


Donald Trump can bring peace shitposting on his phone. Keep hating tho

Hahahaha, oh man, the same phone they always bring back on and just to shut off when they want to make a point. Yup, you got me.

You've clearly only started paying attention to any of this over the past year.

How is anyone eating this shitty bait?

a good chef makes all the difference bb

idk if it counts as bait if you've been doing it unironically for months on defaults/t_d/etc.

Then why are children allowed on the internet? /u/the-realDonaldTrump DO SOMETHING!

Botchlings gtfo

like anyone should ever believe the CIA

Exactly! I hope Trump never believes the CIA, even though they exist to collect intelligence relevant to national security objectives and conduct covert action as directed to by the President.

Imagine being unironically this retarded right after a Repub just fucked up the entire middle east for a decade with an illegal war based on lies to remove a man from power that was initially armed and put in power by that republican presidents' republican former president dad..

lol faggot Bush is a neo-con and he, his dad, the clintons and obama were all on the same team

South Korea will clean up the mess

if you think south korea still exists 30 minutes into this scenario then wew fuckin laddie

If you think north korea actually has working nukes attached to missiles, wew fuckin laddie

Why would you need a missile when someone could literally just chuck it there?

finally, a good argument

Finally? That's pretty much one of the first points raised whenever this topic comes up. They don't have to launch the thing to do damage. That's not to mention all of the other heinous shit one can do with a nuclear weapons, such as a dirty bomb. It's already well known that they have a vast network of tunnels into South Korea. No doubt they would use one of them to deliver the device.

buddy you need to understand that the american and south korean militaries play their secrets and strengths closer to their chest than fatboy does.

they're gonna be fine

Buddy, you need to understand that South Korea has explicitly condemned military conflict exactly because they'll be the ones eating a shit sandwich when the shells fall. Furthermore, even McMasters has never gone as far as to suggest full-blown conflict because he's appraised of the reality of the situation. For humanity's sake, I really hope you're just acting like a fuckwit.

okay they should just wait until fatboy gets bored and ignored enough to want some attention, great idea

You actually think that the Kim Regime would initiate a nuclear conflict because they're bored? For one, I'm not a proponent of the approach to NK up until now but there are still more options, namely upping the stakes on the Chinese government until it's less favorable for them to prop up NK than finally get off their asses and take decisive action.

But being so cavalier about invading is just plain stupid.

this is why i said ignored, too. he craves attention, and one day he might go the distance to get it. what I would be saying if Daddy's shitpost didn't just bring peace to the Koreas

he craves attention

The irony is palpable. what I would be saying if Daddy's shitpost didn't just bring peace to the Koreas

Wow, you're not just fucking around. You actually think this means something.

The irony is palpable.

if you mean Daddy, he'd have to be dead for 200 years just to lose your attention

No one cared who I was until I put on the presidency.

if you mean Daddy, he'd have to be dead for 200 years just to lose your attention

Well, you were close. He only crosses my mind when I open up a news app or visit this shithole subreddit, but he gets to live in yours 24/7, and there's plenty of space.

He only crosses my mind when I open up a news app or visit this shithole subreddit,

lol sure

he gets to live in yours 24/7, and there's plenty of space.

he pays rent by creating soyboy tears! also we party a LOT.

it's a lot more fun than he is in your head. well... I guess that's also still fun for me.

You are so beautifully dense. Please /r/Drama keep feeding the lolcow.

chuck it back, duh

if you think thats at all relevant to how fucked sk would be, wew and a fuckin half

Who cares about the nukes. They have enough artillery to level entire swaths of Seoul and they very likely have a biological weapons program they could "accidentally" lose to non-state actors during the chaos.

Then there's the fact that an actual U.S. invasion on the Korean peninsula led to the previous armed conflict between China and the U.S.

Don't be stupid.

pretending China will participate in a war that doesn't take place in Azeroth


Yeah, tell that to Peng Dehuai while the U.S. forces were booking it back to the 38th Parallel. And that was with a bunch of starved peasants just back from fighting a decades-long civil war.

Yeah, tell that to Peng Dehuai while the U.S. forces were booking it back to the 38th Parallel. And that was with a bunch of starved peasants just back from fighting a decades-long civil war.

I'll take: "things that happened before Warcraft conquered China" for $1000, Alex

America's obesity rates are horrifying compared to China, and yet we still find a way to field the world's most powerful military force. They have 1.3 billion people and an enormous amount of technology theft. They can find a way.

what part of "that technology is being used to run private vanilla servers running 40 man BWL raids" do you not understand

Yeah, I'm sure they have a lot of use for Russian jet engine technology in running servers. I guess it would create a killer out-take air current.

Yeah, I'm sure they have a lot of use for Russian jet engine technology



South Korea surviving

Thinking that China won't be kind when fallout drifts over their land

Wew lad

fuck diplomacy is easy

Definitely a troll

But muh Asians will honorably submit once they see that they have been beaten by GEOTUS, not like those lawless camel jockeys.

exactly, while Kimmy fancies himself like Allah, his people only put up with it because it gets them fed, unlike the tusken raiders, who do it so they can rape anything that moves, free of divine consequence.

it's a lot easier to usurp the korean's obedience because we can give them what they want/need, and to a much better degree than supreme leader ever could

Is this parody? It's so stupid I can't tell

That's when you know it's good

We'll be greeted as liberators.

It'll be over in a month, tops!

You're in for a bad time if you think we have the capability to shoot down ICBMs at any reliable rate. If a single missile gets through the damage will be catastrophic and change the world as we know it.

This isn't even getting into the chemical weapons they'll lob at south Korea.

implying fatboy has more than 1 or 2 or zero


You seem to be missing my point. It's iffy we could shoot down one ICBM in a real, non-controlled environment.

And who knows how many they have.

And who knows how many they have.



Yeah, that's just false.

They absolutely have them, and they absolutely have the ability to mount nuclear weapons on them.

again, thanks for the briefing general /u/pizzashill

They have been launching them over Japan. Besides they don't need an ICBM to lob them into Seoul. Seoul is 35 miles away from the DMZ. That is not far at all.

literally no one without top level security clearance knows how many ICBMs the US could take out if needed

This is just not true. There is a lot of information out there, we know how effective the systems are. There isn't some secret anti-ICBM technology nobody is in the know of.

Deterrence is the name of the game of MAD my dude. If we had a good chance of making a nuclear conflict at least somewhat lopsided we'd have every interest in letting the whole world know.

do you really think DPRK, at his point, has even one serviceable ICBM?

As it has already been said, the US doesn't have a fully capable interceptor system yet. They are working on getting it fully capable, but it won't be until 2025.

Still a war.

I think Trump has finally gotten his phone replaced by a neural implant that just tweets whatever he fucking thinks. There's no way a normal human could tap that out with their fingers and go "hmm that's a good idea"

That's EXACTLY what it needs right now.

What if it ends the war in Korea and starts the path ro re-unifacation of Korea? Or is it "doesn't matter Dumpf" in your world no matter what?

what's "it"?

Trump's tweets?

"North Korea lays down arms after reading Trump's latest tweet, NK officials surrendering at the DMZ say 'Like, you know, his tweets were too good, we had no choice!.'"

Obama could have handed these people a million in cash each and they would complain about how having to pay tax on it is theft, but will give Trump credit for solving world problems with just a tweet.

It's a cult.

gee i'm sure the don's tweets will be the deciding factor now since they tried it literally two years ago with obama

Now we are getting somewhere. Dennis "the worm" Rodman is the expert on NK, and is good friends with Daddy. Daddy likes to male deals. Step 3 ???, Step 4 Peace in Korea

Pretty easy, for a guy like Daddy:)

oh you're just trolling, ya got me

The only downside is stability in that part of the world.

People still use buttons to launch missiles? What good are these smartphones then?

And why does tiny hands need a big button? Wasteful govt spending trying to court the button lobby smdh

It would be much more entertaining if our President had to dance a secret jig to launch missiles.

Daddy means a button on his phone screen. They made an app for it.

It's an app man. Unfortunately they outsourced the engineering so it's basically an alarm and you've got to remember to hit snooze every seven minutes.

America is literally a bigger joke than Canada at this point.

Depends, all of canada or just the universities?

This entire time period is a joke

i wouldnt have it any other way tbh

That's good for dramacoin.

I love a good comedy.

Canadian here. Not by a longshot.

"If you get nuked by your enemies, you win" -our fag PM probably

Your PM didn't go to Saudi Arabia to literally dance for their king, so you guys are still less embarrassing.


This is how our PM entertains foreign dignitaries.

For anyone wondering this was not a one off occurrence. Apparently during the blunder years Trudeau thought it was positively hilarious to 'accidentally' fall down stairs.

Haha it is! Everyone should do it at least once! or twice

Yes I too love to take quotes out of context.

what else is this sub for?

definitely not defending some faggy ex-substitute drama teacher

He’s more of a man than trump will ever be.


oh man

you are actually sticking up for him

oh my god hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha!

Better than sucking daddy trumps cock.

hahahahahahahaha like I haven't heard that before

next you're going to say "atleast you didn't deny it like most of trump chucks do."


Atleast you didn’t deny it like most of trumps chucks do.

*At least


you mean that cuck from canada? you understand liberal men arent real men

Do you know any other insults? This is like when butthead and fartface got popular in grade school. Shit, even super-cuck or something. You've got to know more words, you're humor is so goddam lazy.



It's definitely not for boring off-your-meds manic phase spamming and sucking daddy dick even tho you're a fucking maple gurgling leaf

Delet urself

somebody's jealous

Unironically can't wait for the day of the rake cuck

Fucking cold weather loving yeti fucker

Fucking cold weather loving



Jesus Christ, you're not even American

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wow this slowed my page the fuck down

goddamn /u/pizzashill

Noone receives a message that they've been tagged if you include more than 3 usernames (duplicates count afaik) in one comment.

kys you just did all of that for nothing

Sounds like Daddy has button envy.

"In completely unrelated news, "Hillary would've been worse" brigade missing for months. More at 9."

I'm sticking with my decision. Hillary would have been much worse, she'd be trying to fight a competent opponent and getting half of us killed.

You're right. Much easier to suck that Putin cock now.

Yea, or maybe just not start a war with him. That would be nice.

Don't you faggots think retard is a slur

shut up retard

No this is an edgy centrist sub, you're looking for /r/SubredditDrama


Fucking homophobe. Say that to me one more time and I'll go to your home and suck your dick real hard.

Why are you so retarded? Too much daddy dick guzzling? Lol

"I prefer sand-covered cock"

The irony of Dems complaining about gargling Putin's cock after the first 6 years of Obama's presidency will never ceases to amuse me

Gargling is cute until you choke.



There is no fucking way Clinton would have been worse than the orange shit gibbon.

There is no fucking way Clinton would have been worse than the orange shit gibbon.

his alternate reality self said, in a mass shallow grave outside st petersburg

Just to get this out of they way.. you suck dead donkey balls.

For all Clinton's faults, she, like every president since the Russians got nukes, knows what can happen if we got into a direct shooting war with Russian. The Russians know this too. Which is why, even at the height of tensions during the cold war, the two countries didn't get into a war with each other.

She also wouldn't suck Putin's dick like Trump. Or like you suck dead donkey balls.

Every single fucking American should be appalled that Trump would be so cavalier about nuclear weapons. People should be appalled no matter who the President is.

this post is cringy as fuck and the only way it got any upvotes is because of ETS retards clicking the "other discussions" tab, which is how you got here in the first place.

kill yourself

The only cringe is my over the top donkey balls comments.

The rest of my post is on point. Clinton's sabre rattling not withstanding, she still wouldn't start a war with the Russians. Believing she would means dismissing decades of cold war diplomacy.

kill yourself

I'll pass, thanks.

The ironic thing is the Russian and Chinese government have been covertly supplying North Korea with oil.

It's almost as if Trump is dangerously close to starting a war with a Chinese/Russian proxy!

And, holy shit you are so fucking stupid.

hahaha of course she would've been worse, she's a woman so she's automatically incompetent, but also unfunny.

I can't legitimately believe anybody who posts here besides /u/pizzashill would actually prefer her.

edit: oo did some male feminists see this post in between shifts of being unfuckable creepy rapists?

Help me out here fellow drama queens.

Is this guy merely pretending?

Are you pretending to be with her?

because fake or not that's infinitely more pathetic

You just make me want to support Hillary more.

Cry harder.

okay, but that doesn't do literally anything but make your life worse.

have at it


Who cares if they're faking being retarded or actually retarded? The important thing is that they are boring.

they are boring

this is the only post in this thread which rustled my jimmies

It's because deep down inside you know it's tru

Stop making it worse

I think I'm doing fine :D

I think


You're trying too hard.

you're trying too hard right and I have no actual way to dispute it


Here’s my counter point: you’re retarded and a massive serious posting faggot so anything you’re u say must be wrong

a massive serious posting faggot

i know you are but what am I

really makes ya thunk

There's no way you're older than fourteen. You shouldn't be on /r/drama; it's terrible for growing young boys.

no, I will not move to your personal cheese pizza forum

calling this a forum and not a den of degenerates

You don't sell craft vinyl by chance

you idiot, everyone knows this is a blog!

it's terrible for growing young boys.

or anyone, really

also how are u snally? how is life?

I illegally crossed into the US to go vote for her in Commiefornia.


hillary is way funnier than trump lol. she can make the entire nation cringe (pokemon go to the polls) without threatening some despotic asian shit hole with nuclear war.

i dunno how dumb you have to be to confuse cringing with laughing, but hey, you did it


how.... how did you know

Watashi desu ne okairinasai hentai sama

I isn't it welcome home, Master hentai



edit: oo did some male feminists see this post in between shifts of being unfuckable creepy rapists?

This agenda-posting retard is facing the harsh truth that just because some of the meltdowns in left-leaning subs are hilarious enough to get upvoted here it doesn't change the fact that everyone thinks daddy is definitely mentally challenged.

Seriously, throwing in a "downvotes, really?" edit disguised as blatant pandering attempt? I'd say you're better than that, but we both know that's not the case. Make sure you call Logan Paul when you decide to keep yourself safe, we could always do with the extra drama.

Downvoted for seriouspost

I love the way your president just talks smack to world leaders over twitter of all places.

who doesn't?

Kim Jong Un: Bitch I will nuke you

Donald Trump: lmfao you fuckin midget cunt I dare ya

"Every man, woman and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment by accident or miscalculation or by madness. The weapons of war must be abolished before they abolish us."

  • JFK 9/25/61

“North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!”

  • DADDY 1/2/2018

Well, to be fair JFK still had an intact brain when he wrote that.


He still has a more functional brain than daddy orangutan.

and he STILL brings world peace with a single twitter shitpost

4 hours after Daddy's scolding, Fatboy agrees to be cool and talk with SK

More than likely SK finally realized that maybe their neighbor to the north has a more sound mind

North Korea says they will open

fuck readin is hard!

lol man, to be as deluded as to think SK will side with NK because Drumpff.

These are the same people rooting for fat Kim because they don’t want DRUMPF to succeed.

to be as deluded as to think that was a serious comment

J--just kidding guys!

"its your fault i took an obvious joke seriously not mine!!!!"

Wow, people are right when they say children can' t pick up on context clues anymore.

oh shut up.

I will have you know that I reported this attempted infringement on my free speech to the federal police and they will arrive to question you at any moment.

Thanks for letting me know. I'll prepare some cookies and even throw a dog or two so they can "accidentally" kill them.

Give me a break, man. There are "respected" talking heads all over the media repeating that "joke," but they weren't kidding.

something something 3514D chess

I literally can't read and enjoy when pos men cum in my ass

Bold. I like it.

Daddy's response

It's only few days into it but I'm tired of winning in 2018.

Imagine being this retarded

reconciliation with SK was specifically a part of the speech where he brought up his new "nuclear button"

r u dum

So Trump's approach is working.

It's almost like Trump is smarter than the preteens of reddit.

i'd actually put them right on par

It's funny cause you actually believe that but Trump keeps proving you wrong. Is it embarrassing being wrong about every single issue?

when has trump proved me wrong?

When he proved you right would be easier to list. Cause its never.

what in the world does that even mean? do you have problems communicating?

It's ok, Trump makes all of America great again. That includes retards that can't understand simple sentences.


it's just a bizarre thing to say. i was unsure of when i had been proven wrong by Trump, so you point out that he had never proven me right? how is that even related? they're not exactly related concepts

being proven right by trump and being proven wrong by trump on occasions aren't even mutually exclusive. it's just an utterly stupid response

Are we pretending you don't jerk off to /r/politics?

i don't even check /r/politics regularly

Low libido?

no, i'm pretty sexually satisfied, i just don't generally get my news from reddit except in the cases of dead celebrities and what not

Oh, so you know that Trump is the greatest POTUS of all time. My mistake.


Really? What changes can actually be laid at his feet? Did you pass legislation that fed the poor? Or push out corrupt government officials? Or clean up the environment? Or did he do the opposite of all 3?

Deregulation, tax bill, gutting obamacare, pulling funds from terrorist countries, ending Paris climate agreement, keystone pipeline, putting America first. That's just off the top of my head.

Yes, you just named all the things he did to fuck everyone over. How is that supporting your point?

net neutrality

> Trump personally killed Net Neutrality

Jesus you people are fucking dumb.

With how dumb or literally making up shit to make Trump look bad you'd think you'd reconsider

"I appointed a guy who destroyed net neutrality, didn't tell him not to and didn't kick him out like the rest of his cabinet when he announced he was doing it."

"I had nothing to do with it."

How fucking retarded are you?

He was appointed by Obama you complete fucking idiot.

You didn't raise a fuss then did you? When Mitch McConnell recommended a guy and Obama said sure?

You know it's a 5 person Vote.

didn't kick him out like the rest of my cabinet when he announced he was doing it."

I can't believe you advocate Trump removing someone from a position it takes a Senate conformation to put in who is the first Indian-American in that position Jesus Christ.

You know he was confirmed unanimously right?

He was appointed Chairmen, it's still only 1 of 5 votes.

He was appointed by Obama you complete fucking idiot.

Ajit? He was nominated and approved by Obama and didn't do shit. Then he was approved by Trump and suddenly he's anti net-neutrality. I don't know about you, but having different political opinions when your boss changes sounds a little off to me.

You know it's a 5 person Vote.

3 republicans, 2 democrats. Nuff said

I can't believe you advocate Trump removing someone from a position it takes a Senate conformation to put in who is the first Indian-American in that position Jesus Christ.

See above.

He was appointed Chairmen, it's still only 1 of 5 votes.

Yes, 2 democrats, 2 republicans, and him. And what do you know that he starts voting pro-corporate under trump when he never did so under Obama. Interesting.

don't know about you,

Unfortunately or you i'm not a FCC conspiracy Nut like you are.

And what do you know that he starts voting pro-corporate under trump when he never did so under Obama.

You're actually so uninformed you believe this wow.

Why do you voice opinions on things you know literally nothing about?

Last week's carefully managed rollout was designed to downplay the plans of a massive intrusion in the Internet economy ... . I have now read the 332-page plan. It is worse than I had imagined.

Municipal broadband networks have a track record of overpromising and under-delivering, wasting taxpayer money while also harming any current or potential private competitors.

The Internet is not broken. There is no problem for the government to solve.

Wow he sure doesn't sound Pro-corporate when he was Under Obama does he.

How fucking Interesting that you are this dumb.

get my news from reddit l

Is it just me or has like getting news from Reddit gone to shit? Like things take too long to hit FP now right?

Oh well at least there is OG Yahoo Finance

ime news from reddit was always shit, twitter was always a far better platform for that

ah I'm not on twitter, I just use Imgur for news but you can only read so many posts about Net Neutrality

tfw you are whacked out of your mind on steroids and undiagnosed syphilis and still make more sense than Daddy 2k18 edition.

Of course Trump brings up how big he is.

Let's be honest here: Its less than 2 inches.

i guarantee you, there's no problem

He's an obese, 70 year old. I doubt it works without little blue pills.

Nah, trump only takes red pills

That's actually quite good haha.

Here's another comparison between presidents.

There is nothing which can better deserve our patronage than the promotion of science and literature. Knowledge is in every country the surest basis of public happiness.

  • George Washington, address to Congress, 8 January 1790.

Why should we subsidize intellectual curiosity?

  • Ronald Reagan, campaign speech, 1980.

I daresay the Men would fight very well although they are an exceeding dirty & nasty people

Trump quote or George Washington

One or two have done, what a great many ought to have done long ago—committed Suicide

George Washington or Drama mod

Reminder George Washington used an Executive Memo to ban Monopoly

Reminder George Washington used an Executive Memo to ban Monopoly


As Commander-in-Chief he banned the Military from playing gambling games, games etc anything that wasn't like stickball or pass the inflated goat bladder around.

Before he said everyone gets free booze for beating the british

People really don't know much about the founding fathers sadly.

Well since Monopoly didn't exist for another 125 years he no more banned it than he banned Team Fortress 2. That makes the guy lamenting about ignorance wrong, irony anyone?

How fucking autistic are you and everyone who voted you jesus.

Of course he didn't literally ban Monopoly, it's called a Joke.

how retarded are you?

Jokes are supposed to be funny faggot

Well fuck I'm sorry I wasn't funny enough for you random poster who made a Drama account just for Daddy's Cummies because he deleted his old one after the election.

You better be fucking sorry. I made this account specifically for my daddy/mommy bucks

I see you came to Daddy's defence. Predictable lol


What a great post Ed, real funny.

Good pede! Here's you Daddy™️ Bucks! ╰(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)━__________ [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅1)̲̅$̲̅]

Reminder George Washington used an Executive Memo to ban Monopoly

You shouldn't watch so many time travel shows.

Reminder George Washington used an Executive Memo to ban Monopoly

"If you land on St James place so help me god..."

I loved that. He's so sassy and confident at times. Yass kween.

Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime

I'm almost certain he had help phrasing that.

It's beautiful TBH

The worst part about that is they gave someone this retarded the nuclear button.

tbh it's pretty inspiring that someone as retarded as your average /r/drama poster could one day get a nuclear button of their own

/u/pizzashill was right again

Donald Trump as president is the american dream.

yeah what were Kim Jong Sung and Kim Jong Il thinking when they decided to breed

2018 is going to be great for drama, I can feel it.

Now finally something this guy says that's funny. The fact he have to say "it works" is the cherry on top of the cake.

And man, 200 years from now people will have a hard time believing he actually wrote it.

200 years from now people will be studying his presidency in universities.

"How retarded yokels elected their first kin to the presidency."

you think blacks will win in race war?

mayo consumes all

Mayocide consumes mayo.

of course. This is /r/drama, we all know that mayocide is inevitable.

Are you implying you're NOT for the mayocide?

Lol 30 other discussions.

And the doomsday clock moves slightly closer to midnight thanks to Donnie.

Too bad Trump couldn't draw it if he tried.

He's not wrong famalam

He should gas the jews.

One obstacle to fucking his daughter out of the way.

parody is dead

/u/pizzashill pls come to this thread we need you

The unnecessary capitalization is obnoxious. Has Penn apologized yet for admitting this retard and not stamping the stupid out of him?

Set the clock to 0 minutes

Wow, we look like amateurs next to this.

Since neither of them can see their dicks, they have to measure buttons instead.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

But in all seriousness




White people ☑

According to those responses, a man who has people executed for cartoonishly reasons is more sane than a man who spends half of his time shitposting on twitter. 🤔

user reports:
1: Holy shit, almost 1/3rd of the posts here are from eva_unit_should_hang_himself.


Who cares about the size of the button? rocket man's hands are bigger.

I love how he describes how big and powerful his button is before throwing "& it works" at the end of the sentence like an afterthought

Well, this seals it. 8 YEARS