110  2018-01-03 by wazzupnerds


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Was his new years resolution to shitpost even more

I hope so

Tbh, it's gonna be a good year for DramaCoin

There is no dramacoin on any exchange, should we start one?

2017 Trump: I think we’ve reached peak retardation

2018 Trump: hold my Diet Coke

Look at his Twitter the answer is clearly yes.

"Please Mr.Trump we can't take it. it's too much shitposting"

"We got to shitpost more!"

This guy is actually a global threat.

Your a global threat

Pizza is sitting in a silo waiting to be triggered by an orange man with a big red button in a war for an azn man's bussy. Sounds about Right


You're a global threat

You're all global twats

I don't understand how you get to this point. The whole point of the Trump presidency is to show the cpuntry still works. Haven't we just proved the president to be a figurehead?

Yeah, but don't let that stop the fear mongering. El Drumpfo is going to nuke Mexico and gas all the gays because that's totally within the power of his office and shit.

You just don't get 69d chess bro

69d Underwater Strip Mario Party 8

Calm down faggot it's a fucking Tweet.

This is why normies should never be allowed on the internet.

AIDSlam is a global threat.

God-Emperor gets your no-no wet.

neck yourself

AIDSlam is a global threat.

That's not what Trump said. I believe his quote when he flew to Saudi Arabia was "Islam is a great religion" and "Terrorists have no religion." He also accepted a Sharia-infused medal from their king.

Are you trying to say you know better than Trump? Because if so, this is blasphemy and punishable by death under Trumpistani Cuckira law.

Islam would be a great religion, if it were contained to the small patch of desert it came from.

Same with all 3 of the Abrahamic cuck religions

No. Jesus Yahweh Odin Kek and Apollo are all important to the West. Islam is just degenerate slavery for sub-humans.

Islam BTFO’d the Roman Empire; what have you done?

We are the Romans, and Islam is a scavenging animal.

Doesn't seem like scavenging to me

Battle of Yarmouk

The Battle of Yarmouk was a major battle between the army of the Byzantine Empire and the Muslim Arab forces of the Rashidun Caliphate. The battle consisted of a series of engagements that lasted for six days in August 636, near the Yarmouk River, along what today are the borders of Syria–Jordan and Syria–Israel, east of the Sea of Galilee. The result of the battle was a complete Muslim victory which ended Byzantine rule in Syria. The Battle of Yarmouk is regarded as one of the most decisive battles in military history, and it marked the first great wave of early Muslim conquests after the death of Prophet Muhammad, heralding the rapid advance of Islam into the then Christian Levant.

Battle of Manzikert

The Battle of Manzikert was fought between the Byzantine Empire and the Seljuk Empire on August 26, 1071 near Manzikert (modern Malazgirt in Muş Province, Turkey). The decisive defeat of the Byzantine army and the capture of the Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes played an important role in undermining Byzantine authority in Anatolia and Armenia, and allowed for the gradual Turkification of Anatolia. Many of the Turks, who had been, during the 11th century, travelling westward, saw the victory at Manzikert as an entrance to Asia Minor.

The brunt of the battle was borne by the professional soldiers from the eastern and western tagmata, as large numbers of mercenaries and Anatolian levies fled early and survived the battle.

Fall of Constantinople

The Fall of Constantinople (Greek: Ἅλωσις τῆς Κωνσταντινουπόλεως, Halōsis tēs Kōnstantinoupoleōs; Turkish: İstanbul'un Fethi Conquest of Istanbul) was the capture of the capital of the Byzantine Empire by an invading army of the Ottoman Empire on 29 May 1453. The Ottomans were commanded by the then 21-year-old Ottoman Sultan Mehmed the Conqueror, who defeated an army commanded by Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos. The conquest of Constantinople followed a 53-day siege that had begun on 6 April 1453.

The capture of Constantinople (and two other Byzantine splinter territories soon thereafter) marked the end of the Byzantine Empire, a continuation of the Roman Empire dating to 27 BC, an imperial state lasting for nearly 1,500 years.

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Islam has been attempting to expand into Europe for 1500 years.

Persia must be freed. Egypt must be freed. Constantinople must be freed. The Islamic threat must be destroyed, and accommodationists like Frauhrer Angela al-Merkeli must be tried for their crimes.

Remember when you said how you're so over Trump just a couple weeks ago? Yeah, we didn't believe you back then, either.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha I just want to thank you for bringing me such joy

This but unironically.

The highest ranked person in the US government realizing an official stance on his most hated and disposed media network

He also followed it up by doing a commercial for Sean Hannity

I should find it unusual and amusing but I don't and I think I understand how Russians feel about Yeltsin (a president who is oddly only focused on personal matters and supporting private corporations)

I feel like the lolcow has been milked and its reaching office prankster "Haha Johnny but seriously get the fuck back to work" levels

he reached gabergoomber levels of old-meme at Charlottesville. can’t really top saying “not all mudering neo-nazis are bad” and everything arter that was just a sad attempt to re-create Peak Tardation

If Jihazis can be good, then Neo-Nazis can be even better IMO

Hopefully it wont be long before he starts just locking the journalists up

lol hes most certainly going to firebomb CNN

can we ban you. you aren't devoted to the drama

"Haha Johnny but seriously get the fuck back to work" levels

>mfw trump reads this then sets fire to congress

Yeltsin being constantly drunk didn't help


Mental retardation

Yours or theirs?

Clearly, all of us.



Well I guess we know when the next Mueller revelation is coming.

Mueller can still impeach this! Match me!

Mueller's got him now! Buh bye Drimph

I'm canvassing Weiner's laptop every day until the election!


They're called perjury traps boi.

Who the fuck hosts an awards show on a Monday at 5:00 o’clock?

The Mooch.

Unironically he should host the oscars.

only way I’d actually watch

He's only allowed to host for ten minutes, though.

He'd do 20, 30 second bits - seems perfect tbh - people don't have attention spans anymore.

no he has to do the whole thing

maybe its at AM for the early morning crowd

100% he will announce the winners on twitter during his morning shit.

It will have bigger ratings than NFL Monday night football 😂

Daddy's tweets have the highest ratings!!! Praise daddy 🙏🙏🙏 fuck the NFL they're mean to daddy! 😭😝


Also isn't saying "5:00 o'clock" redundant

5:00 am o'clock in the morning.

It's 10pm objective time so I am grateful

Wow straight out with another retarded tweet after the big button thing. Now his Christmas holiday is over he's finally back with a vengeance😤 there's work to be done

MAGA is shitposting.

MSM is just shit.

I only get my news from, tbh.


Still can't believe we live in a world where one of the most powerful men in the world constantly shitposts on Twitter.

one of the

Someone hasn't been keeping track of geo-politics for the past 70 years.

Truly a golden age

i never would have thought a president could have too much free time on his hands, yet here we are

Did Trump get a new phone thats lets him shitpost 5000x faster for Christmas?

He spent Barron's allowance on a new unsecured iPhone. Russia has our nuclear codes now.

they're saved in Notes

I hope so. That old Galaxy S3 probably wouldn't have cut it for much longer.

PPV or Free TV?

Legit exited for this.

Exited where?


I meant what I said

Truly a man of his people

Trump is America's limp dick that's filled with impotent rage and I am here for it. What a fucking embarrassment for an alleged developed country.

Our economy is at least several times larger and wealthier than wherever you're living (assuming you're not in the US), so you honestly can't expect us to care what you think.

Trump is just proof that the president is basically a figurehead and a scapegoat in peace times.

Our economy is at least several times larger and wealthier than wherever you're living

At least I don't have student debt, don't have to worry about medical bills, and I can go to the cinema, school or mall without fear that some lone white wolf won't decide to mow me down because he lacks the social graces to get laid.