OP calls ex's abusive after getting proposed to former heroin addict boyfriend, ex sets things straight

113  2018-01-03 by TgGxtZs7sAW6RtpwQFSX


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These links are subpar. Op's thread includes the comment from ex on OP's "vacation to find herself" and then immediate breakup. She could never let go of the herion addict even when dating others.






Looks like incels are right again

Incel ideologies plus actually getting laid is chad like behaviour.

1) He is not her ex. Their divorce isn’t final until March. 2) She wasn’t dating others..she was married to others. As in two other marriages.

No idea if her first marriage ended after only a year due to her still being in contact with her current fiancé, but according to her husband (divorce isn’t final yet) he’s the reason for their 3 year marriage to end.

Also..can you legally be engaged to someone while still married? I know it’s done, but is it legal? Not that it seems to matter in this case.

Heh...turns out she was....

....addicted to love B-)

You got it MANBEAST


/u/LATL21 was the pussy good tho?

I think I speak for all former heroin addicts when I say Run away girl

Is there like an epidemic of women posting about "toxic relationships" and "niceguy creeps" and just outright lying about them?

That bad roommate post was hilarious and made me wonder, now we have this one.

twice in one day is just weird, yeah

Bad roommate post?

Some woman posted about how her "niceguy creep roommate" is evicting her because she won't date him.

Guy shows up in the comments and reveals they had been in a relationship off and on for years and and had agreed to "try to make it work" before moving back in with him.

Not only that, but she was knocked up from another guy during this, and had agreed to clean the house and he'd cover her half of the rent.

So her entire story was bullshit.

Never fuk wit a bit who knocked up wit someone else's kid.

If the baby is black, don't take her back.

Some people have pregnancy fetish tho.

But he wasn't even fuckin dat puss.

Tbh both people in that were craze

Source please??

Reputation bullying is a frequent outlet for female aggression. It will always be the case that some wamen rag on sone men. It's just weather.

There was a girl that spread a rumor about another girl, for some fucking reason, that she had an STD and was possibly pregnant. They acted like best friends throughout all of that shit.

I think that is when I realized women are fucking crazy.

Highschool chicks are next-level napalm levels of crazy.

It's why I don't understand why pedophiles exist, literally anyone under the age of 21 is a fucking psychopath.

The hotness of sex equals the square of the crazy

I just stuck with the hoodrats. Get my dick wet and bounce.

People I like are good, people I don’t like are bad.

Attractive heroin addict? Love is love.

Unattractive regular guy? Creepy neckbeard.

Why have you got this attitude? I agree with random poster from real thread. She's prob manic happy and has some mental illness. Idk whatever.

I’m not larping a whole backstory for them, people use shitty rationale to continue down the path they want to.

It's remarkably unsophisticated, but ok.

Not everybody is a top brainlet, especially people who continuously involve themselves with heroin addicts.

I meant your attitude, but whatevet. If you want them to sit a simple box in your mind, go ahead.

Oh my attitude is unsophisticated, we should all fall in love with life’s losers so we’re seen as progressive.

I mean you can't see the detail. Idc who you love.

If you're surprised that a couple women lied, I have some bad news for you...

Telling one side of a story to paint yourself favorably and rationalizing a situation to absolve yourself from wrongdoing has been common for who knows how long.

God knows how long


I almost forget some people believe in that stupid fairytail. How about you grow up before you talk with the adults sweetie.


a little Freudian slip there, ya fuckin poof?

you better find an actual fairy because that's the only way your tiny dick can be moderately enjoyable.

ow the edge

Fucking kuffar don't know that it's Allah, not God.

Every failed relationship is toxic. Every guy who they didn't reciprocate feelings for is a niceguy creep.

are.... you surprised that women are liars and lie about their relationships? that's like women 101.

Its funny watching yall figure women lie about everything all on your own. Like no shit they lie, how did you not know this?


jesus christ

Yeah im allowed to say it, im from the south

I'm from the deep South and I'd still throat punch you for saying it

Lol no u wouldnt

You'd have plenty of throats to choose from.

i reckon yall wooden wanna do that

im not even in the deep south (dfw) and i hear it literally every day. why does it even bother you?

Have you read the sidebar my friend

nope. makes sense now. cheers pal

Nosuh ah cannuh read


honestly, it would be better if you just left the state please

drop a pin bro post up loser gotta leave the country

Gross please take some fentanyl

Im more of a ketamine guy myself but if you're buyin im not complainin

When I was a waitress at a fancy italian restaurant, the managers told us we had to use "you all" or "you folks" because "you guys" is misogynistic.

That's funny, I served and tended bar for like 6 years when I was in undergrad and, while I normally use y'all, I would occasionally use "you guys". Had exactly one table of a few middle aged women get offended so I had to backtrack and explain that I meant it to be gender neutral like "dude". I stuck with good ol y'all from then on. The place I worked for much of that time was a pub type atmosphere anyway in a tourist town anyway so not upscale.

Yeah, ironically the more advanced society gets the more we all sound like we're from the south

I mean, it kinda is a patch for the English language. Most other languages have a dedicated second personal plural pronoun. We have "you" as both second person singular and plural. We used to use "thou" as singular and "you" as plural but now we have "you" as singular and "y'all" as plural.

Just embrace it.

Bullshit reason ay? You guys just sounds too casual for fancy.

Oh la de da sorry I’m from Arkansas and Red Lobster isn’t up to your “fancy” standards

If you're using a couple of posts on reddit and some anecdotes involving unstable people, then it's fair to say that all men are rapists/pedos/violent/whathaveyou using the same metrics.

I agree on all accounts

All people lie, like a ton. Both Guys and girls equally. I just think a lot of guys believe women are less prone to lie for some reason.

Naw, i think its that women are more trained to work their aggressions in a a passive or social fashion.

Like, in high school, a male bully will just punch you. But a female bully will make up lies behind your back.

i mean, they are

People they like are good, people they don’t like are bad.

Attractive heroin addict? Love is love.

Unattractive regular guy? Neckbeard creep.


It's literally where the whole "nice guy" thing comes from. "Nice guys" hear their crushes complaining about how all dudes are shit and think to themselves "but i'm a nice guy, who don't you get with me" for years.

Until eventually they realize that the problem isn't with every other dude, but with the girl.

/u/liability_girl why so rat like in appearance?


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Yeah, but I wanted that dumb bitch to say it.


I think it's the mouse ears on top of her head, that helps

I'm hesitating saying anything at all, but for what it's worth: 1) I know Reddit's reading comprehension level is lacking at times, but I said "toxic relationships" not toxic people, or abusive. If my ex wants to make this about him and throw up his own story he can have that. I could post screenshots, voicemails, etc so Reddit can get off on more drama but internet karma was not the intent of my original post. Furthermore, I have no ill will against him. I was sharing my happiness with r/happiness not expecting it to make it to the front page. Turning this into a circus of he said/she said is not worth my peace, but if he wants to take the reins from here and get some sweet internet points...they're all his.

2) For those of you that will inevitably reply with super fucked up messages and death threats (which I'm already getting...), don't let this shit be what you get your energy from. Life has a lot more to offer than this and if hiding behind a screen to make jokes about someone you don't (or do) know is something that makes you happy then maybe you need to take a look at that.

1.) don't tease /r/drama with more drama if you can't/wont deliver. you may not have expected to make the front page but here we are, and posting here is only going to exacerbate the fun, what do you hope to accomplish by posting here??

2.) boo hoo, people are saying mean things to you on the internet?? ohh the horror, no one else has ever dealt with this before! maybe a dope head shouldn't be giving life advice on where to get your energy from, hmmm

I have no ill will against him

LOL you don't have any ill will toward the man you cucked and cheated on while married after finding your solace in some other addict's dick while he paid your bills?

You're practically Mother Theresa 😂😂😂

Bitch is like Fiona Gallagher level of relationship stupidity

Mother Theresa was a cunt, so there's some truth to that.

I learned things about MT I never knew before. It was quite the eye opener.

You should be fucking ashamed of yourself. Nasty skank.

White knight downvotes incoming!

Lol you got downvoted but she cheated on him while married to him. I thought reddit hated cheaters

Not if it's a woman - Reddit: Where white knight beta pucci bois go to congregate.

Nobody cares about any of that. We are just waiting for the inevitable drama surrounding your divorcing the new hubbie when he decides he loves a different white lady again. Good luck in life.

oh, he's forever in love with a white lady. the question will be how op handles it when she comes back.

Yes, that was the reference i was making.

okay then

Enjoy your third marriage to a guy who can't do much more than clean toilets because of his convictions and jail time. ~2getha 4eva~

>a skank with no morals finds her soulmate with a heroin addict

so when he relapses, are you going to bail on him, like you did your last two marriages?

It's a given as long as she has another branch to swing to.

No no this time is forever

Ancient indomitable proverb says "Third time's the charm" so ya'll can suck it. /s

Did you really insist on maintaining contact with you junkie while you were married?

Look, missy,

There aren't many rules around here

But teasing us with some sappy drama?
Post drama or you can go fuck yourself.

Shut the fuck up you horse faced bitch. Society outwardly and openly rejects junky trash like you and with good reason; you're not to be trusted. It's a good thing you have each other because to the rest of the world you're not even people. Do humanity a favor and OD.






Shut up dummy

Why do mentally sick whores always lie about death threats?

The users here that aren't dipshits won't send death threats. So you can stop with that fucking pity party bullshit. The people who are sending death threats will be people who want to make this out to be sexism.

Sorry you are a cheating bitch who has a thing for junkies.

You were planning on shacking up with some guy while still married, then you didn't even have the fortitude to tell your husband face to face that you were leaving.

You and the junkie are meant for eachother. You're codependant.

Begone thot.

Begone thot.

That's just embarrassing. Revealing you're a virgin like that.

That's just embarrassing. Revealing you're old like that.

No doubt. I'm old as fuck. 32 years from birth, and probably less than 32 years from death, should my maternal line's habit of premature cardiac death take me.

Show bobs and vagene

I feel sorry for the junkie at this point.

OP pls post voicemails

Who leaves voicemails anymore?vThere aren't any, lol.

Whelp, if she posts recorded phone conversations and you happen to live in a 2-party-consent state, then you can take her to court!

(Honestly, having to put down previous relationships to justify your current one is pretty trashy in and of itself. Your ex isn’t seeing the red flags she’s making for herself.)

Sorry you’re having to go through this.

Who leaves voicemails anymore? There aren't any, lol.

Hey man, I know the heartache you must have experienced...I mean I know the story now. I know it all, actually. I seen it.

Fucking Patriots man, as a Steelers fans to a Hawks fan who set the record straight.

Fuck the Pats

Julio is the best WR in football well AB is 1a/1b

Falcons bro, Falcons...

I was mostly drunk by Q3 anyways so all I know is 28-3 Falcons SBLI champs.

Life has a lot more to offer than this and sitting behind a screen posting yadadadada

that's good advice, think about it the next time you decide to post some personal shit on the internet.. ya fuckin' idiot.

Just face the facts that you're an awful person and you're marrying an even more awful person, and when shit gets bad you'll deserve every bit of it.

So, when are you going to start posting on /r/Relationships?

Lol okay

Man do you sound toxic.

I'll give you $20 for a bj in a couple of years. I have no doubt that you're going to need the money once you find yourself heavily in debt and living in a trailer park with your drug addicted husband.


You cheated on your fucking husband and sent him an EMAIL that you´ll never return. What the fuck is wrong with you?

The best thing is that the other guy is a heroin addict. It´s not like you left your husband to be with a millionaire or a rich guy. You left him for a man who´s going to let his "friends"/dealer fuck you in exchange for heroin.

I could post screenshots, voicemails, etc so Reddit can get off on more drama



Just wanted to let you know

Youre a junkie cunt

😎 hope you die soon

Not only are you a dumb cheating thot but you're sanctimoneous about it as well

Congratulations you truly are a hateable cunt

You need at LEAST one year clean before entering into a relationship. I waited a year. I'm 10 years clean. I still have issues with addiction.

You wont post voicemails or text or anything related, why even threaten? Any post most likely wont support your side of the story, and if it does, will have zero context to it.


So I'm going to respond and actually be level headed. I see you're getting a lot of sexism in the replies here, and that's not constructive.

There isn't really an issue with dating someone before your divorce is up. I'm currently dating someone who is in the process of a divorce; it takes a long fucking time, and people move on before the government does. That part is fine.

What the issue is, is the supposed cheating, because that's wrong. And even more wrong is it seems like you didn't intend to stay with this guy, and always planned on leaving him. If that's the case, that's a really shitty thing to do. None of us know all the details and a lot of people are making assumptions. But this is what it seems to be right now.

If either one of those things are true, those are terrible things to do to a person. These are the kinds of things that can break a person, and toying with people is cruel. Live your life and be happy, but don't ruin other people's happiness to make that happen. That's all I'm saying.

!remindme 2 years. This train wreck that will happen lol

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!remindme 5 years when your life is a mess and he's gone back to the gutter, if alive at all.

Lol I had a GF EXACTLY like this. Whole time we dated I could just tell she was still in love with that fucking waste of life drug addict even after he went to jail/rehab for stealing and being a junkie. When I found out he came back she faked pregnancy to keep me around while I assume she cheated on me.

Long story short: we didn’t stay together, they didn’t stay together because the bf became addicted to heroin again, she became straight edge, and it all ended with her calling me from the roof of the building telling me I was the only one she truly loved and she wanted to apologize before jumping (she did not).

So u/LATL21 I’d at least be prepared for the last part to come to fruition within the next year or two.

Are girls like this common? Almost exact same story, I got dumped as soon as her ex got out of rehab (the same day). He ditched her eventually(for drugs), we got back together (I was dumb, I know). He od'd and she told me she could never love someone the way she loved him and we split for good.

She texts me from time to time and I can never find it in me to fully engage with her.

She's a good girl and I wish her the best, but I don't feel like I could be the one to shoulder her burdens after all that happened.

Stand up guy. Seems to have no issues, but no one gave him fucking gold? C'mon Reddit we can do better than that. That shit was up for over 40 minutes you broke fucks!

/u/LATL1 post here so we can give you your fucking gold you animal!

Is anyone on reddit a normal person or are normal people just fucked up in ways we don't see?

I mean I'm a sexual degenerate with my swinging stuff, but I feel pretty fucking normal compared to the usual trans, bipolar, depressed, drug addicted, etc etc crew.

WTF is that title

/r/happy is more of a circlejerk than /r/circlejerk

If you are ever in an environment where everyone is projecting happiness constantly, then tension is just below the surface.

And if you're in an environment where everybody is projecting tension constantly, then happiness is just below the surface!

"Life happened" is the millennial "yadda yadda yadda".

Anybody who routinely uses the word 'toxic' to describe other people is toxic themselves.

Thats a pretty problematic way of looking at things, friend.

/u/LATL21, so do you know if this guy is just wearing a wedding ring as a "joke" like your ex says, or is she talking shit there too?

No idea, they can’t be legally married, but as far as I know he isn’t be married to someone else either. Just a weird joke I guess.

Anyone have a permalink of the comment from the ex? I'm having trouble sorting through that thread.

You should be able to see my comment history, no?

Does anyone have a copy before those douches over at /happy decided to purge the "non circlejering" comments? It seems they deleted like 200 comments just to keep this little whores narrative.


Wow, a women being a two-faced whore? What a surprise.