Documentary about pakis in the UK being massively inbred that it becomes a public health crisis. With its usual kneejerk whataboutism response, Reddit immediately say it can't be worse than Christians in the South of the USA.

146  2018-01-03 by IAintThatGuy


The healthcare websites in the UK have to explain to Muslims that >“Jin Possession” and “Evil Eyes” MIGHT be mental health issues.

They also SUGGEST that PRAYER shouldn’t be used in place of treatment, but should be used WITH treatment. It even quotes the Quran.

I wish the NHS would shut up and let them Darwin themselves.

I'd rather the NHS warn them that under British law sexual emergencies aren't a thing.

They are just not for mayos

Mayocide is a sexual emergency.

I'd rather they were just deported.

Well said

I still can't believe that these goatherding fucks have more right to be in the UK as opposed to educated, English speaking, non-EU member professionals from East Europe and the Balkans.

All the Polish and Czech I've seen in service jobs in the UK are amazing. Always smiling, always doing a good job. They have asian work ethics with aryan looks, and central european language proficiency.

Coming soon from Matt Forney Press: Do Old Blighty

Friends have told me that they never really see Muslims in the UK other than your typical Turk or Albanian.

Is it common to just walk into these Paki ghettos? And is it true what some of them are saying that these specific pakis are a “special” case

Have you ever been to London?

No. Is the Paki situation bad over there?

London is more muslim than white.

Not really, I was interested in looking up demographics for London and it seems Anglos are still on top with "Other whites", Asians, & Blacks following suit.

The main religion also appears to be Christianity and Irreligious with Islam following them at a mere 12%.

Yes but they're scary

Go take a visit.

Muslims are 20 times more explodey than other people, so their effect is ~240% in London.

There are white Muslims. They're just as explosive.

islam isnt a race,its a religion

london elected a muslim mayor,thats how fucking cuck'd europoors are

London actually has a relatively low Pakistani population. There are more Indian Hindus in London than Pakistanis.

Friends have told me that they never really see Muslims in the UK

yes, there are problem areas. i mean it's not like they've taken over the whole country but sometimes you will encounter a pack of them. they do a lot of antisocial behaviour like giving me dirty looks if im wearing a short skirt and stuff like that. oh and gangrapes

The gangrapes are only a problem if you're 16 or younger, so you've got that going for you.

I'm from the uk. Shit loads of muslims where I am. Like nearly 50% of my workplace. Not that I have an issue with that since the vast majority of them are just normal and aren't terrorists.

go figure the cuck from the uk thinks muslims are normal and "arent terrorists"


I’d really like to see if they’re truly “taking over the country” as some people put it.

Spain or Greece is a much more tempting offer tho.

The problem is poles tend to 'take over' an area quickly where suddenly there is a mass influx of very cheap labour and springing up of polish/Eastern European chain shops everywhere.

At least they don't cause spontaneous rape-splosions.

If "taking over" is done through honest hard work (like asians do), I don't see a problem.

Well the problem is that all low skilled work quickly becomes dominated by this cheap workforce that wasn't there 9 months ago, it's especially terrible for young people like students trying to find the usual part-time jobs as they are now taken by full-time new eastern european migrants.

I like the Polish chain shops tbh

This subreddit has gone full stormfront.

We must secure a place for mayo bussy and a future for mayocide.

London has gone full akbar.

Nah I don't blame the jews, just the mayos.

Deus Vult, infidel.

أخرِجوا الأجانب من جزيرة التوحد

won't you be suprised to hear about what uncle Adolf's favorite religion is.

Luckily you guys can import labor to do service jobs so you don't have to stare at the average fatass Brit with their crooked yellow teeth

That's funny cos all the East Europeans I meet are surly sex workers who charge ten quid for a handjob and won't even let you squeeze their tits without paying extra.

I'm more thinking of people who work in cafes, or flight attendants.

Well I'm thinking of those skinny little bitches in the down jackets hanging around Middlesborough waterfront.

East Europeans can come without a visa. They do have more right.

Immigration from the Middle East has been high enough that large insular communities have been created unfortunately.

East Europeans can come without a visa.

But that'll change when UK leaves EU right?

If the UK also leaves the common market ('hard' Brexit) then yes. The government plans to do some sort of hard Brexit

Ah k. Thanks.


East Europe and the Balkans.

Pick one fam

STFU faggot Poland is God's chosen land

Poles thinking they are allowed to talk 😂😂😂😂

Or from the country they fathered that speaks English natively and contains a large chunk of the biggest and best tech companies and research institutions on Earth. I wanna live in Scotland for a year pls

/u/MikyT21 You're own fucking link disproves your claim. He said "Part and parcel of living in a great global city is you’ve got to be prepared for these things". Be prepared for these things, like it just comes with the territory? 'Be prepared' implies 'it's gonna happen, you just have to mitigate the damage'. You have to 'be prepared' for the flu every year, not a terror attack.

But London is a target for terrorists, therefore we should be prepared. I don’t see why this is so controversial unless you’re trying to twist his words

I get what you mean but it's kinda like a pilot telling you crashing is part and parcel to flying before take off.

I see it more as the airline taking measures to stop avoidable accidents.

You could keep Islam out.

But the attacks in the UK were carried out by British citizens, usually second or third generation, not foreigners.

Are you suggesting we round up all the people of a certain religion, despite them being citizens?


Why did you feel the need to add a .gif saying the except same thing? You think this is /r/TrollX or something?

Because you can’t see me rolling my eyes

You might wanna see an exorcist for that

A troll hunter might be more useful



So you're a fascist dumbass

No i just don't like Islam

I don't like any religion but I'm not a fucking fascist like your dumbass

Good for you, fam

Hopefully you do the world a solid and keep yourself safe

I'm not gonna die until i'm 90, just to spite you

Doubt it

He's an ex-muslim sand person fyi tbh smh

I'm a fucking fascist, and fuck you.

i hope bad things have happened to you and i hope more bad things keep happening

Bad things have happened to everyone. The test is whether you keep striving for beauty, strength and glory! #MAGA

r u 'tarded?

are you a shitty person?

No, I am an Episcopalian.

Nothing fascist about rounding up people of pisslam.

or just not let even more of them in, that would be a good start

How are people like you actually this stupid?

"Hur dur british citizens".

You even acknowledge that they are the children of immigrants, yet somehow don't put 2 and 2 together and realize that those people wouldn't be citizens if their parents never immigrated in the first place.

Especially since I'm pretty sure it's fairly common knowledge that the second and third generations are generally more extreme than their parents, since they don't actually know how good they have it and how much of a shithole their original country was.

And no, you don't need to round up people who are already citizens, but you can stop more from coming. It'd be like if airlines kept allowing boxcutters on airplanes after 9/11, and just said: "Being hijacked and flown into a building is part and parcel of flying on an airplane".

It's one thing to say that if you're actually making attempts to curb it. It's another thing to say that if you're not doing anything to reduce it, and just keep going on like there's no problem with your actions. It's the real life equivalent of "just deal with it".

"ACKCHYUALLY terrorism in the UK is carried out by second generation Muslim migrants"

How does this help your narrative at all? Doesn't this make it worse?

muslims and terrorism go together like peanut butter and jelly

usually second or third generation

Yeah, it is important to not let Islam get a foothold in your country, because it doesn't assimilate, even after mulitple generations.

europoors are to pussy to keep islam out,just look at germany.a nation that was once a super power and now its turned into a giant clusterfuck of muslims

I wish the mods of this sub would treat right wingers the way right wingers treat non-mayos. Go back to your country please

"Right-wingers" are normal, traditional people.

"Left-wingers" are insane, screechy faggots seeking their own destruction.

20 bucks says you haven’t lived more than 30 minutes from your moms house your whole life. The world is your oyster. You don’t have to be a lonely forgotten boi your whole life. Go explore

OK, you lose. Pay up.

dude youre pretending to be a socialist ephebophile online. you're lying about living in cali. you live on the west coast of louisiana

There is no West coast of Louisiana, you gay retard. Now, pay the fuck up.

never! i was lying the whole time

>not embracing the death drive

this is why tradtards will always lose

If we cuck ourselves, we win! - leftists

its been working so far :^)

Yeah, things are looking great for mentally ill communists.

you call it mental illness, i call it recognizing the innate thirst for annihilation

Yeah, what's Germany, only the biggest economy in Europe now? Crazy how far they've fallen smdh

they actually have,just ask the people getting raped by the muslims that dumb liberal cunt let in

Ok I'll go ask them

Germany: dedicated to finding new ways to fuck everything up.

You should at least learn how to construct a sentence before trying to make a point this stupid.

I see it as an apology for his failure to exclude Islamic terror from his city.

Why is London a target more than other cities? I sure as hell don't see this in Tokyo. If you just throw your hands in the air and go 'welp! It is what it is!" you're not going to put a stop to them. You can only do that until you figure out why. Other very multi-ethnic large cities also don't have this problem, hmmmm wonder why.

Britain is and has been active in the Middle East. Japan hasn’t. Don’t get me wrong, terrorists can go fuck themselves, but that’s why certain nations are more of a target than others

So countries that were/have been active in the Middle East, like the Philippines - oh wait, they've been minimally involved in the ownership and politics of the middle east and yet they're still targeted. It's almost like there's something else going on, a kind of undercurrent running through these attacks.

Anyone who says "this is just how life is" or insinuates anything to that effect should be ashamed of themselves. It's a shoddy attempt to absolve themselves of blame for not being stricter in the face of intolerance.

The Poles were pretty supportive of American action in Iraq FYI.

Afghanistan too, and any future US invasion, because we rely on NATO to keep the Ruskies at bay.

because we rely on NATO to keep the Ruskies at bay.

this but replace 'we' with 'they'

this but replace 'we' with 'they'

this, but replace "replace 'we' with 'they'" with "replace 'we' with 'they', if you are not Polish".

Poland and Estonia are impressive as fuck with how they've taken this on but they still cant take on Russia alone without the US. Its just numbers, bro. No need to be triggered.

I know. What the hell are you talking about? I'm Polish, that's why I said "we".

replace this with that replacement and replace this with that...and replace replace. its confusing as fuck.

"replace 'we' with 'they', if you are not Polish".

what the fuck are you trying to say? Just say it. This reads like you're saying everyone else in europe relies on NATO to keep Russia at bay except for Poland.

I get it now. You're saying "we" because youre a Pole.

yeah :)

Polish military = Best military

Russian and German occupation = the long con

Yeah, and how's Germany and Russia doing now huh? Long game = Polish game


Many moons ago, George Dubya Bush called John Kerry out for forgetting that they were part of the coalition. It became a meme, or "fad" as they were known in those days.

"britain is and has been active in the middle east"

yep,you guys are america's lapdogs.taking orders from the superior countrys

Our security forces and police most definitely are not “throwing their hands in the air and going 'welp!”,

Your mayor is.

Russia was also very active in the middle east but I dont hear about a bomb going off in Moswow every week.

because unlike other cities who have the balls to deal with there barbaric muslim population.europeans are to pussy to handle them

Idk why you say this. Spain was built on throwing out the muslim moors. This is an ollllld conflict.

i say this because modern day european countrys are a pile of muslim shit

Because it is pretty hard for foreigners without specialization to enter and live in Japan

why would you want to live in japan in the first place

safe streets

too much anime

Low percentage of mayos

It's the same for UK if you're not from the EU. You need a high enough salary and a licensed company to sponsor your visa.

Wow you should make UK immigration laws.

But London is a target for terrorists

Yeah, because it is popular with Islams.

London is a target for Irish terrorists, the Muslims are culturally appropriating.

Imagine your taxes going towards making sure these inbred terrorists can continue breathing.

In a perfect world the only people that benefit from social welfare are other white people.

Imagine a world where you stopped posting here and killed your self and all of your cringeanarchy friends

Imagine a world where you’re a huge, triggered retard.

y-you’re just t-triggered

Guess you can kill yourself too if you aren’t an alt 😂

You first, babe.

Now kith.

Now KYS.

we dont have to imagine

lmao someone is mad that the only cousin they get to marry is the retarded one

Aww the goat-fucker got triggered.

assuming everyone who think you're retarded is a "goat fucker"

reported for white people nonsense

Mayocide Now

t. Strasser

Imagine being enough of a failure in life that you turn into a fucking Nazi

Imagine a world without Islam.

very slightly different

imagine a world without jews

Everyone's wouldn't have their dicks chopped up? ... Can the benefit still be gained if the actions taken are retroactive?

but we'll still have blacks

blacks will be the new muslims

Poor whites are also getting sent back to where they came from. We'll make them harvest crops at gunpoint. That's the new welfare state.

"getting sent back to where they came from"

but america is a white country,if anything the goat fuckers and cotton pickers are gonna be the ones getting sent back to where they came from

This problem is clearly exaggerated to reinforce your ignorant prejudices. Anyway, it can't be any worse than those denim-clad sister-fucking yokels. Y'know the ones, always sipping on big jugs of moonshine in their rocking chairs with a shotgun across their lap

Yeah drinking from clay jugs with "XXX" written on it cause they can't spell good.

The XXX means triple distilled.

In the South it means the drinker has slept with three of their relatives.

Nah this is standard practice in Muslim countries in the Middle East and South Asia. These places are a lot like the hillbilly south, down to the cousin fucking and hate of civilized values.

how stupid do you have to be to compare muslim countrys to the "hillbilly" south

You’re right, there’s way more obesity and general degeneracy in the hillbilly south than there is in Muslim countries.

It's actually far worse than in the south. About 50% of Pakistani marriages are between family members (cousins or closer).

Naturally, that's not good for their health.

"ignorant prejudices about muslims"

even though muhammid married a 6 year old

Nah, just in one that fucked a 12 yo.

Religion is pretty great if you like fucking little girls or altar boys.

id rather live in a country full of sister fucking yokels then a country full of muslims

Man, there are a lot of butthurt Southerners in that thread. You make one in-breeding joke and it's REEEEEEEEEEE'ing for days.

Well, you know the saying, don't talk about rope in a hanged man's home.

"All I said is that you fuck your sister, why you mad?"

It's not libel if it's true tho

at least they have somebody to fuck,unlike all these 30 year old virgins living in there mother's basements making fun of incest in the south

That's...... I mean I'm as functional as an /r/drama poster can be, and I'd much rather be the latter than the former

I would rather fuck my sister than die alone in a basement of heart failure at the age of 25.

Can I just keep myself safe?

Whatever helps you and your sister/wife sleep at night my man.

when 1.6% of your population is responsible for over 1/3rd of Health issues

Pakistan resigned 😂😂😂😂

Bob n vagene

"inbred pakis"

but i thought only white people did this shit

god damn mooselimbs,i guess the goats must not be good lovers in the uk


It might be different in your country but here blowing up infidels doesn't count as a job


See you on the front page of /r/The_Donald!

oh noes, im shitting myself here

fukken BASTE XD

you got it wrong, it's the poles stealing bongland jobs.

one day white countries will learn that letting themselves be flooded with millions of third world shitskins was a bad idea

will they learn fast enough to resolve it relatively peacefully, or will they wait til theyre really up shitcreek, and then have an old fashioned bloodbath? i bet on bloodbath

blame the jews,they are the reason for the destruction of white countries


totes radical centrist.

This cunt doesn't represent drama you dumb motherfucker. We're the reason his overall karma was in negative. Smh

It's moreso that certain types of people are attracted to this thread.

This whataboutism buzzword is one of the worst things to happen to discourse. All of a sudden situations aren't allowed to be compared.

This whataboutism buzzword is one of the worst things to happen to discourse

And I love it. 2018 is going to be awesome.

and the same people crying "whataboutism" are the ones calling half the US nazis ...

the hypocrisy and lack of self awareness is breathtaking, really.

it just means they know theyre a hypocrite but they dont want to admit it



I know what it is short for which is why i was questioning it being used. Should have made that clearer and appreciate the help you were giving me either way.

Oh ok. I'm not a native speaker, neither am I british, so I've read "pakis" used a lot online. Didn't know it had sinister implications.

Yeah no problem, it is still used by the older generation at best in an outdated "that's what i've always called" them way, at worst the inference is from a place of hatred and prejudice. If you're reading it online it is the latter.

It's a racial slur, like nigger or chink. Most white people find living in a society of people with different skin colours deeply challenging, so they resort to behaving like children.

Nice alt motherfucker, lmao.

implying every race isn't like this lel

white people are the worst about it, anybody sane has noticed it

I am well aware of it being a slur, it was why it was used in the title - that was why i was asking.




That's better.

First time I ever hear "pakistanis" are better than litteraly anything.

Thank you for 3 pages or REEEEEEEE.

I did have hopes you weren't a POS. I'm not sure why.

This is /r/drama. Abandon all hope ye who enter here.

Especially Pakis.

Stop being outraged for other people. There are 220 million in Pakistan. Let them speak for themselves. Will you be outraged at "Brits" "aussies" "kiwis" "muricans"?

Of course not. Smh

It's an established offensive slur and was used as such in the title. Pakistanis have spoken. It's not like Brits Aussies kiwis or muricans.

Do you go to beaches whip your dick out and get mad when life guards tackle you?

I'm sorry if you guys are offended. I'm sorry r/drama isn't a T_D refugee camp.


Pakis have spoken

it's not like...

whip your dick

If i had one maybe but tbh? No.

isn't a refuge camp for TD

/u/IvankaTrumpisMyWaifu tell this motherfucker how we shit (me especially) on TD, republicans and Christian cuckservatives lmao.

Again Ed calm down. Paki is a slur. Get over it.

Imagine being this triggered over a single word



Pakistanis are here. Stop format freaking.



I knew you understood Ed. Now fuck off back to sort/controversial in r/politics where you emoji using losers make their bread and butter.

I don't visit that sub. It's not fun tbh.

Loser isn't a slur. Ed. Get your shit together man.

You're a big bully you know that? MEANIE!!!!!! 😭

I'm getting brony/juggalo vibes from you.


Do you wear a tail?

You're taking this way to seriously lmao

You do. Knew it.

Folks we have here a Paki lover.

Pakis wish they had designated shitting streets instead of a designated shitting country.

u/ed_butteredtoast ping

This is what I'm talking. R/drama used to be about linking accounts like this.

You may have meant r/drama instead of R/drama.

Remember, OP may have ninja-edited. I correct subreddit and user links with a capital R or U, which are usually unusable.


I fixed it you asshole bot.

Ping Acknowledged :p

Imagine being this retarded

I don't have to lol

I solemnly swear not to say "paki" when referring to northern curryniggers, or people of northern currynigger descent.

Vaaary nice

You know you're right when you're hitting Tz nerves.


Actually I prefer to be referred to as "English" or, if you must, "British".

Brit is the name of the actress who played Goodnight in The Man With The Golden Gun, not the accepted nomenclature of a nationality.

"Whinin' Pommy Poofter" is also acceptable so long as you never wash, wear a stupid hat with corks on it, smell like turpentine and fuck kangaroos.

Fuck off, you Burke.

Shush, convict.

Free Settler, fuck yourself

"Free Settler" is a strange way to spell "Rapist of a country and oppressor of indigenous people"!

But fuck, why would I expect an aussie to have 2 brain cells to rub together?

I'm part aboriginal so...

which part - your IQ?

Wow racist.

Wow. Well done. Im impressed you understood the joke! Way to you you!! :)

Way to you you Racist and illiterate..

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I haven't edited that comment in any way shape or form, honest.

Go away.

yawn Run along before I spear you.

you mean boomerang me?

Fuck off, you Burke.

I would take that as a great compliment except that I'm English and Edmund Burke was an Irishman. Maybe you meant berk?


Old cockney-English word meaning cunt. A profanity referring to the boxal region of a lady. "guvna, i had a right funny time tryin' to get up them there stairs" "shut up you fucking burke"


I'm pretty sure it's spelled "berk".

It comes from "Berkeley Hunt"... cockney rhyming slang for cunt.

Berkley... Berk.

Oh rip. Its been along time since I've lived in England.

Pakistanis aren't the only people who are called paki.

.. Did you just use a slur? How dare you.

Are you lost?

Hope to see you in a Logan Paul video, soon :)


This is you for the next 15 years.


Holy shit, go look at what subreddit you're posting on before you start concerntrolling; you look dumb as shit.

I didn't know it was about targeting certain groups with slurs. I don't see nigger in any post title no matter how I sort this sub. This isn't normal here.

The refugees have taken over another sub I guess. You'll find your safe space one day. Just not today.

Please don't call me a refugee! As an alt-right neo fascist it cuts me deep to be named as part of a group I hate - I'm literally shaking irl rn :(

I know that's why I said it. I wanted to have you.

And it does hurt, god damn you, fuzzydunlots! You've weakened me to the point that I don't have the energy to sustain my alt-right hatred of people of colour any more!

Guess I'll be going to Starbucks for a soy frappuccino and posting about Drumpf bring a fascist from my Macbook now :(

Eww that's how you divide people?

It's like when you are shown you're wrong you will go and run with a different, but still wrong concept.

How many chromosomes do you have?

How many uncledads do you have?

How many Hemorrhoidal danglers do you have to still be butthurt over 'paki' on /r/drama?

You linked to nothing. Like the father space on your birth certificate.

You should be stuffed into a Karachi missile silo for that second one.

Karachi missile sounds like what pakis call their dicks

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Are you a curry?? Lmaooo

They should put "brownies not welcome" in the sidebar now that your kind has made it your new refugee camp.

This is such a butthurt response, you aren't normal.

I don't think you understand anything clearly, let alone /r/Drama's demographic makeup; you are ignorant of how many in the Drama community are from the subcontinent or are from its diaspora.

You come on to /r/drama, a sub that has this

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

as its sidebar rule, but you persist in being buttsore? Over a single title?

It was an activist post by and for people in the racewar. Your just mad I called it out. Grow some backbone.

No, I just think you are profoundly retarded.

Nigger is not an equivalent slur for 'paki', it carries centuries of history of institutionalized racism. Stop comparing apples to oranges, twit.

You whining in your post refusing to stop being retarded is even funnier.


Is that how many digits you got, m8?

Oligodactyly is a side-effect of inbreeding.

That's nine. Show us how little you care some more.

Lad, wipe off the vindaloo, pull your pants up, and get out of the street.

Go glass your mother's cunt you marble mouthed overbite.

I can't even masturbate to that.

get a load of this retard ^

They should put "brownies not welcome"

if they make me a mod, i sure as hell will

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

I didn't know it was about targeting certain groups with slurs. I don't see nigger in any post title no matter how I sort this sub.

Are you saying that "pakis" and "nigger" are equal? Because just "it's offensive" is completely irrelevant.

It just surprised me that we were hosting someone's personal grudge as our own. We should do brony rage next, we have a lot of ex pony's here. They would like that.

"Why shortening an existing word that perfectly describes a group is like super bad and yuck and boo and gross" from

Just Google "is paki a slur". Or sit back as 30 "Jareds" cry about it.

Pakis came her on my post and called us "goray" which means "whities". That like calling black people "blacks" and some take a problem with that. Again, stop being outraged for 220 million people. Cunt.

Cunt is cool. Goray lol. Fuck off Ed pull the neoreactionary dick out of your ass you fucking Reddit refugee.

Not an argument plus I am into butt stuff so don't try to kink shame me. This is a sex positive subbies.

Go somewhere else because we obviously don't care about the word "paki". It's a shortened form lol. "Pakistan" means "Land of the Pure" so saying Paki (Pak means pure) isn't that bad lol.

You rn

Im not kink shaming. There's an unlubed phallus uncomfortablly digging around in your easily chaffed ass. This isn't your Pakistani hate sub. Sorry, you'll have to find a new sewer to shit in.

Pakistanis are welcome here. Don't get so territorial.

See? You're kinkshaming meeeee! 😭😭😭

No I'm saying the inflammation is medically causing damage. This is why you format like a Facebook commenter.

You comment like 2011.

You comment like 2011.

Never post this much without emojis again, Ed.

Don't tell me how to live my life you worthless piece of shitcunt.

I can't even understand your posts when they don't have emojis tbqhwyebt.


Pls no kink shame ed

Are you a butthurt Paki or just assblasted on their behalf?

I saw "Deutsch" in the notification and predicted your exact words. How does it feel to be an unoriginal template?

I hate activists.

I consider butthurt to be a slur as it references victims of anal rape. Pay recompense by keeping yourself safe please.

It also references the canal you were birthed out of. Consider it redacted butt baby.

Wait, what did I say about the Holocaust? I don't even think it happened, so that'd be real embarrassing if I had a slipup.

Whatever Jared. Go tell r/blackpeopletwitter how nigger is just playful nickname you fucking shitty topic expert.

And what will it tell us when the black faced minstrel show of reddit pretends to be offended?

The most offended people here are white dudes running out of safe spaces. The whiniest cunts in the room. As usual.

Answer the question sand-nigger.

Point to the black Ken doll and tell us where daddy touched you.

You must be very proud of your ability to make me re-live the pain of that awful experience.

The most offended people here are white dudes running out of safe spaces. The whiniest cunts in the room. As usual.

I mean, holy hell. Talk about a fucking megacunt. You people are the fucking worst.

You people. There you go again. Look at yourself, losing ground on a slippery slope of xenophobia. It's like watching a plugged toilet try to flush lol

I'm not an expert at anything. Pretty stupid tbh famalam.

You're an expert on every shitty thing on Reddit. Your post history reads like an NRA convention. Fucking Jared's are always on some bullshit. Go talk about rape somewhere.

I wouldn't even rape you.

You'd make 30 comments about it if someone else did.

Reading your post history and declaring it to be a normal human interacting with others is the single diagnostic criteria for autism.

Fuck off with your themed account.

no u

Thanks for playing.

Lmao they're Pakis. Not nuking them back in the 70s was the greatest offense, an offense to nature itself.

Like I said, I know my audience.

I'm Indian you twit. I'm allowed to call them Pakis, their inbred government threatens to nuke us like every Friday.

Isn't India actually Pakistan separated from itself?

Sure, without the inbreeding, goat fucking, spontaneous explosions and worshipping a pedo desert nigger.


Implying a Hindu nationalist cares about Gandhi


Godse literally did the nation a public service, that pseudo katua lived much longer than he should have.

Hey take it easy. No one gives a fuck about India/Pakistan relations. The whiteys are talking.

No one gives a fuck about India/Pakistan relations

Implying r/drama doesn't care about the IRL national rivalry that spawns the greatest slapfights across the internet, as hundreds of millions of online warriors duke it out on Twitter, national newspaper comments, Youtube and every social media to exist

Mayocide begins, at home.

Yeah nobody cares what they do with their free Facebook data plans.

lmao the dankest pajit has entered the match

Desi here

without the inbreeding


goat fucking

Substitute cow

spontaneous explosions

Substitute lynch mobs and the Tamil Tigers

worshipping a pedo desert nigger

Doesn’t India have the second largest Muslim population in the world?

Abe bhangi chudmarani, go do your aaptardity somewhere else.


Can you raise your hands above your head? Can you say your name for me? Can you please try to smile?

Tere jaise OCIko na saale kutte ki tara marna chahiye. Khud gora hone ke sapne dekhte ho, aur na hone par saala khud ke admio ke gaal dete ho takir goray tumhe apna kar le? Gaand se and tak sab kat lena chahiye.

Lad trust me when I say I’m more than happy I’m not white. I give my “own people” shit because Indians tend to be assholes who shit on me for my nationality, which usually I don’t mind, but then they cross the line from banter to racism and I get pissed off. Meanwhile they like to pretend that India is a perfect country that has been maligned by the entire world. That shit’s fucking embarrassing mate. I just want to read my news stories off Facebook, I don’t need to hear about how the BBC lies about everything to malign India (they don’t). Didn’t understand the rest because my Hindi is nonexistent and I got that far by using google + friends.

Enough real talk though. Post bussy.

For my nationality

What are you, a Paki or an Indian?



Bussy-Saint-Georges (pronounced [bysi sɛ̃ ʒɔʁʒ]) is a commune in the eastern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located 25.5 km (15.8 miles) from the center of Paris, in the Seine-et-Marne department in the Île-de-France region in north-central France.

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British nationality. Pretty neat, gives me access to the services of a government that actually functions on occasion. Hindustani descent though.

I don’t know what that link is supposed to demonstrate.

Pretty neat, gives me access to the services of a government that actually functions on occasion.

Do you honestly believe the 'Indians are salivating to emigrate' meme? What were you trying to do with that?

No you mong I was being facetious my government for being shit about things like the NHS. Christ, is self-deprecation really that alien a concept in India?

that's only in the UK. Paki(s) is used pretty often in the US by desis and non-desis alike with no negative connotations.

Oh, so you're retarded


Also, you looked 2 months back in my history. That's kinda pathetic

Its called sort controversial. It sorts by your greatest hits fucktard.

Go make a sign and protest an abortion clinic you fucking swamp thing.

Wut? I'm pro-choice, tard

You're whatever they tell you are you fucking follower.

You're whatever they tell you you are you fucking follower.

Yeah, I'm giving up on you. You're beyond retarded

You're an activist on the inside. I must look so weird from your fishbowl.


I love it when a plan comes together.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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You know...rugmakers.

I always figured the Osama flair was ironic

Didn't know you loved the guy

Sorry for your loss 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸

He gave Americans so many jobs. That's why they invented him.

Gotta love the way Americans make everything about themselves.

What does Islam have to do with being American? You do know that there are Muslims in America too right? Or do you mean 'glad I'm white'.

i like how this guy "refutes" the "claim" that there are no american muslims then attaches another arbitrary relationship between being muslim and white

I know someone who works at a private hospital in the UK and they have quite a few inbreeds with defects born there. But, you know, it's a rich person kid so they probably just throw it in the incinerator and try again another time.

I mean, when was the last time you saw a rich person with a retarded kid?

I mean, when was the last time you saw a rich person with a retarded kid?

The guy who shitposts from The White House’s toilet?

inbreeding makes you prone to irrational anger and extremism but im sure thats also incidental

“Part and parcel of living in a great global city is you’ve got to be prepared for these things, you’ve got to be vigilant, you’ve got to support the police doing an incredibly hard job. We must never accept terrorists being successful, we must never accept that terrorists can destroy our life or destroy the way we lead our lives.”