Roy Moore gets cuck'd by his own (((lawyer))).

42  2018-01-03 by Matues49


u/RoyMoore This is what happens when you trust the jews.

Look at the time, Moore.

It's let-the-fucking-election-go o'clock.


I want him to declare himself senator and be sworn in outside of a waffle house, then travel to DC and become bewildered when security won't let him into the Capitol building even though he's a "senator of the Great State of Alabama".

I want him to declare himself senator and be sworn in outside of a waffle house

AFAIK, this is how the official process works.

im pretty sure most of alabama's government is run out of squatted waffle houses

>trusting a Jew not to betray you for money

are you like 5 roy moore

I don't see where the lawyer got money out of this

wait until the dems institute shoah reparations, you filthy goy.

are you like 5 roy moore

He REALLY wishes.

u/RoyMoore with you defending yourself from being antisemitic by saying you had a jew lawyer i figured you'd actually be woke to the jq

but that was his wife

Is that rare? It reminds me of The Wire when its implied Carcetti's own team vited for his opponent.