Crytocurrency users are worse than u/Wil - some bint in r/2XC

17  2018-01-03 by T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Good for you Snappy! 😘

/u/mrs_sassypants your questions were probably stupid and the people online at the time didn't care enough to deal with amateur hour. Or maybe everyone that deals in crypto is sexist. That's probably the more likely reason.

She missed losing her money on bitcoin because of those fuccbois. The patriarchy strikes again!

>My anecdote proves there's a widespread gender problem in Domain X.

>I'm not doubting the anecdote happened as you described it, but to conclude that it was caused by gender you'd need to run an experi---

>Stop mansplaining it's just an anecdote she's not trying to prove there's a widespread problem in Domain X!

Why do so many conversations go like this?

Because gussycide has not been implemented

a vegan and a bitcoin owner walk into a bar.... which one tells you about it first?

this is so unfunny I died a little

I love the word Bint

Ikr? Just rolls off the tongue.

I hope she didn't buy any ETH. Stay away from the crypto master race.


we cryptoautists hate women, kindly sell your bags and fuck off

Anecdotes are valuable for scientific inquiry

This is your brain on feminist science.