Wtf I hate Steve Bannon now

17  2018-01-03 by Matues49


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Lmao Bannon literally won Trump that election. The entire strategy of riling up the rural retards, the nationalist propaganda, the promising of healthcare and stuff was Bannon.

The Trumptards better think twice about going against him. Bannon will win the rural Trump base every single time because he's the mastermind behind winning them in the first place.

Did Bannon win it for Trumo or did the DNC fuck it up by nominating a soul-less cuckquean who did her best to impersonate a mannequin with dementia and parkinsons?

we'll split the crown.

Trump won because he was a republican that ran on keeping social safety nets in place, healthcare, and infrastructure.

These are all bannonite traits. The white working class that supported Trump are very much in favor of those left-wing programs because many of them depend on the programs.

Trump, when in office, ended up being another establishment conservative pushing standard GOP policy. This is what caused the rift between Trump and Bannon.

Bannon is a die-hard believer in the bullshit he spews. He's a real nationalist. Trump isn't, Trump is a con-artist, someone Bannon tried to use to push his vision on America.

"healthcare and infrastructure"

meanwhile in the year 2018

healthcare is still a mess and so is infrastructure.trump won because he appealed to all the far right morons that are as intelligent as a sack of bricks

the dnc fucked it up by rigging the nomination so that hillary got it instead of bernie sanders.thus pissing half of the people would could of dropped a vote for the democrats in the ballot box and instead they stayed home

but why does your mexican ass care,minoritys will never vote for republicans anyway

Shut you're mouth. The reason Trump won is because millennials didn't Pokemon-go-go-to-the-polls.

REEEEE... Don't you desecrate the Pokémens this way!

if only the millennials communist hero bernie sanders got nominated instead of hillary

haha,you think the rural trump base is gonna vote for some fat neckbeard like steve bannon

actually,what won trump the election was democrats rigging the nomination for hillary clinton and obamacare's effect on the middle class.not some fat neckbeard who likes to pretend hes a white nationalist

You are hilariously bad at this dude.

all these neckbeards who came out after trump got elected arent real white nationalists anyway

so some basement dwelling moron doesnt like donald trump hoo

he can take his fanbase of dumb privileged college kids who like to pretend to be white nationalists with him

good riddance

u/Parogarr what excuse did your mods give for removing that post?

think i was banned for rules 2 and 8

Wow. I didn't know t_d was so worried about "concern trolling". What whiny leftist buzzword are they going to culturally appropriate next? "Sealioning"?