Mod for /r/Political""humor"" is fed up with posts being linked to /r/HailCorporate

105  2018-01-03 by Protect_Me


No? You know what? Just go away.

Every time someone posts a picture, a gif, a video, a screenshot, or just anything really that involves some kind of "corporate" thing - A video game, a logo, or probably just even the town hall of a city given how overboard you dummies go, you have to /r/HailCorporate it.

I'm done. I've had enough. You can't just spam /r/HailCorporate and expect an upvote. You can't just be like "dude, you're playing a game?" and post /r/HailCorporate. You just can't.

I doubt you even work for corporate given how against them you are. You live in a cardboard box, typing on your CrapBook Pro, feeling good about yourself because you think you just "called someone else out" for being a corporate shrill.

Just who do you think you are? Some epic 12-year-old on the internet with le cool fedora posting about how "corporate shrill hails this, corporate shrill hails that?" Well, I've got news for you. You aren't anything. You aren't epic, you aren't a 12-year-old, and your fedora certainly isn't le cool.

I hope in time you will learn that not everybody and everything is a corporate shrill.

I have to disagree with you here, and I think it’s important that you understand why you’re wrong.

The fedora itself is almost certainly cool. It’s a great style of hat. Timeless, really. It’s just that all these stupid neckbeard posers DON’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO PROPERLY WEAR A GODDAMN HAT

It’s so easy. There are literally three rules to wearing a brimmed hat.

1: With a collared shirt. Absolutely no exceptions. If your hat has a brim, your shirt has a collar. Don’t try to argue, don’t try to compromise. These laws are set in stone by the sort of men you and I can only hope to surpass.

2: At an angle. Don’t just plop something on your head and call it a day, and for the love of all that is Good and Holy in this fair world don’t pull the brim down over your eyes. Hats should highlight and accentuate your head and face, not hide and/or distract from them. You’re a good lookin’ fella. Embrace it. Or if you’re not, you could, I dunno, maybe fucking shave. Or something. Just a thought.

3: KNOW WHEN TO TAKE IT OFF AND KEEP IT OFF. I am talking ProfessorOak.jpg here, people. Entering a residence, hat off. Entering a movie theatre (the actual theatre), hat off. Places of worship, even if YOU don’t worship, hat fucking off. Show some goddamn respect, son.

Don’t hate the hat. Hate the head.

you bring up a topic that near and dear to me.

Buttholes are like a glimpse into something very private and personal, like a tonsil stone or an earwax flake or a large mass with a lot of hairs attached to it that you pull out of a bellybutton.

I enjoy looking at buttholes. I prefer women's buttholes because the sight of them makes me think I can touch one, and that seems like an inexplicably fun activity.

Buttholes are to be encouraged. Free the buttholes. Show them, post them, K them.

This “Soyboy” meme is getting out of hand, and honestly, it’s just REALLY fucking ignorant. I have been lactose intolerant since I was a child. I literally shit myself in 2nd grade once. I grew up eating loads of Soy and rice based versions of dairy products, soy milk, soy ice cream, soy cheese, you fucking name it! My parents didn’t force them down my throat either. I LOVED the Soy foods immensely. I am currently Six Foot fucking Four. I have a massive fucking beard, and a decently sized 7 inch cock with visible veins. I am attending University, studying for a PhD in Math, any job I want, $300k+ starting fucking salary. Who is the SoyBoy now faggot?

You moderators are a bunch of fucking pussies. I bet you douches wear tight jeans, beanies, smoke weed, act like you love diversity for the sake of being hip, enjoy Starbucks, have a coexist sticker on your fridge along with an I’m with her sticker on your Prius or subuaru. I bet you hate bald eagles, dislike war, wish Bernie and Hillary had a baby who you could vote for, and smoke cigarettes. I bet you frequent cnn, huff post, and the every other fake spewing liberal propaganda website. I bet every thing you hear about trump is true despite facts, because facts are only for conservatives. I bet your vegans and LOVE Al Gore. I bet you would drink Hillary’s bath water or eat Bernie’s toupe roots. Now go ahead and take your uber to get your pumpkin spice latte and put on your vagina hat- cause your all in for one hell of bald eagle screamin, flame shootin, ISIS bombing, terrorist killing 8 years of pure bad assery. ENJOY snowflakes :)

I had a few experiences with Power Mods.

This is (effectively) how they work. Their objective is not to 'take control' of a sub, but to get others to do their bidding through 'voluntary compliance'.

The way you can tell a (paid) power mod vs (regular) mod :

1) They have a HOT temper

This is their job. If the sub goes poorly, they get fired. Unlike regular users who are 'chill', power mods flip their fucking shit when something 'controversial' gets promoted. Where as a regular mod doesn't care about controversy only 'pleasantries' (most of them), a power mod HATES controversial subjects, and will Private Message all other mods that X mod is a terrorist on drugs in need of mental treatment (standard MSM discrediting).

2) They are OBSESSED with privacy

Doxing is not really a thing. Sure, it happens, but it's SUPER rare. I've pissed off a lot of mother fuckers, with very direct comments designed to hurt them emotionally, and haven't got a reply from 'regular' users. I did have a Newspaper contact me and ask me a bunch of leading questions, which they published an article on, but nothing from 'regular' people.

Working for the Deep CIA / Secret Service / FBI has one strict requirement - Don't blow your cover for ~20 years (to get full pension). The way you absolutely blow your cover is revealing your real identity to people. I host 'conspiracy' meetings open to the public (conspiracy and Bitcoin). I record and publish all meetings. I have yet to worry about a Deep Agent, because if they attend this meeting, then their face is exposed to the world. If they attend ~10 other conspiracy meetings (across multiple states), or 'other' type activities, then people can put together the pattern. Now their cover stories have to match, their name has to match, and if they go to trial, then their identity is automatically exposed.

People in Deep State will insist on not giving up names or recorded pictures, images, as a form of 'privacy' to protect against Doxing. But in real practice, the government has all that shit already, so all you are really doing is protecting the longevity of their career. - Remember they are full time, so they effectively need to attend several meetings at once chasing leads.

3) They are programmers

None of the 'social media' trolls that work Deep are not programmers. So when a power mod or deep state official comes on board, they always have a bunch of fancy programs to share. Initially, these seem innocuous. Then another program gets added, and so on, and so forth, and the sub deteriorates to nothing.

4) They are well spoken, but don't have time for complex thoughts

People come to reddit in their free time. Either you are having light, 1 sentence conversation, or you discuss complex topics. But very few people come to reddit to engage in long 'drama' type discussions (like belligerent Real Housewives). Since this is their actual job, they have to be here, inevitably they 'work' even when they don't want to. So like maybe 1/3 or 1/4 the time, they will spend HOURS engaging in spittle. Not 'discussion', but name calling, and creating stupid drama. Effectively, they must entertain themselves, somehow. So they cause fights. And not minor name calling fights, but like insanely dramatic fights, as you might imagine someone who'd qualify to work for Deep State, but got put with a shit fuck job.

If you want to keep Deep State out of your subs, simply follow these steps :

1) Embrace Controversial subjects - Don't 'Tone' Police

2) Keep Quality High - Everyone knows the difference between 'controversial' and low-quality. Stay liberal in thought, but not so much that you feel obligated to allow every piece of shit that comes through (the Power Mods will make it sound like it's all or nothing, that unless we remove controversial things, then we can't remove low quality shit either).

3) Enforce real identities with Mods. Do not allow 'Alt' Accounts, without a real identity known behind each one, with a real person attached to it. I strongly encourage not allowing 'alts' (power mods use a shit ton of alts, it's far worse than you think).

4) Do not allow private meetings, private messaging (regarding moderator rule making), or private discussions. Make every conversation Public. This effectively forces civility, as an 'asshole mod' becomes known to all as being an asshole. If this gets done in private (via a series of PM's), then it's difficult to explain, or if group decisions get made PRIOR to the public discussion, then it becomes conflated whose idea it was to begin with, and one person can end up coming up with ~10 'anti-rules', but make it look like it was another mods idea, and have them present the idea, etc. Generally speaking, enforce civility.


This but Unironically

OK, smartypants, tha's funny and all, but it's not what makes mods smarter. This is due to several factors:

  • Smarter people tend to seek out mod positions. Reddit itself is proof of that. I challenge you to show an example of a mod of a subreddit of more than 5k members doing something stupid.

  • Modding takes hard work, so dumb people tend to give up. Smart people tend to hold a monopoly on hard work. Dumb people tend to be lazy. That's why the sheep need shepherds like us to show them the way.

  • The vast majority of Reddit mods are successful in life. Who has time to mod r/funny between applying for food stamps? If you're modding a default, you likely have made it in life so well that you have enough time left over to do something like mod a default.

Mods are smarter. It's just the way it is. It's OK, it's our burden to bear. And heavy is the head that wears the crown. And before you Xpost this to ShitAmericansSay, your main sub, yes I am an American. And I'll proudly stand up, next to you, to defend her still today.


I find two things extremely unfair:

a) that you ban me while not banning any of the others who attacked me en masse and kept attacking me.

b) you keep my comments up but you ban me and so I keep getting reply notifications AND I cannot defend myself because you banned me.

Why do this?

If you want to protect the other commenters who were incredibly nasty and vicious, while still banning me, why keep my comments up?

If you want to sit back and enjoy me getting publicly humiliated, why not state that plainly in your ban notice to me?

As such, what you are doing is not 'moderating' of comments. It is bullying and abuse in itself.

You're aiding, abetting and enabling the abuse of just one person by others repeatedly when you do not give me a chance to defend myself with the ban while not removing my comments entirely.

You're this setting me up for further abuse.

This is scapegoating.

And keep in mind, I did not say anything racist, misogynist or bigoted in any way. I have, on the other hand, been treated with absolute contempt repeatedly all because I merely suggested someone offer someone else an apology.

Why are you standing back, and quietly enjoying this?

Are you moderators or people who enjoy scapegoating and public humiliation?

I would really like to know.

Again, if you want to ban me for being 'uncivil', please prove your lack of double standards and ban the others who viciously attack me as well.

If you want to keep my comments up on the page, then un-ban me and give me a chance to defend myself.

Otherwise you are committing abuse as moderators and actively participating in scapegoating and public humiliation.

Is this what you all have come to?

Thank you.

Why do you downvote? Are you really that sad of a person that you have little fits of spite and have to reach out through a medium that has nothing to do with validity? You do realize karma is worthless right? And that downvoting a comment doesn't do anything to the legitimacy of what's in the post right? Or do you just ignore all of that because you're butthut and have to lash out like a baby in need of a circumcision? I mean seriously! You can't have a conversation with someone on the internet without angrily clicking the downvote button? Do you feel like you've had vengeance on me or something? I personally don't care about downvotes either way (by all means, call your silly downvote brigade on me, it means nothing at all to me), but I just find it funny how seriously you and others like yourself actually take these imaginary internet points. Reddit really is all you have, huh? Damn do I feel bad for you. But you know what? I don’t care! I’ll rake in the coal! You’re logic is flawed, kiddo. Don't like what people are doing with it? Downvote me, that'll show 'em! Go ahead and press that down arrow, I know you're itching to do it. Think you're contributing to the community? "Doing your civic duty"? Nope. You're just decreasing a meaningless number on the internet. You just want to hop on the bandwagon. Well POUNCE! O can hear you as your feet land on the cold real steel of the inside of the wagon. You know what? Enjoy the ride, for now. Maybe even stick your head out the window and feel the breeze while you reflect on the importance of your downvote to me. I'll even give you my word, this isn't even my primary account, kiddo. Downvote away, downvote to your heart's content. But listen kid, please remember rule 1 of reddit. Treat the other people commenting as if they are human beings. It is fascinating, however, that people ignore the fact that I am right just because the first two people downvoted me. From that point it is just snowballs. When people see downvotes, do they neglect their own ability or reason? It is similar to the fallacy of poisoning the well. Once they see the fact that others disagree, they assume that the person must be wrong, even if undeniable truth is on the other side. It is an interesting phenomenon, and I am not sure how reddit should address this issue moving forward. There needs to be a solution that prevents cases like mine from happening. If someone posts something truthful, it should be upvoted, not downvoted. It is imperative that we allow free speech and the truth to be shared. I don’t care about the karma. Hell, I’ll gladly rake in the coal! But we must remember that free speech and opinions are key to our society and, more importantly, reddit. So, next time you want to downvote something, just think about what you are about to do!

Well, well, well, well, well, WELL, well, well. Looks like word has gotten out that alpha king Donald Trump is the new president of America, and lo and behold, the beta leftist ding-dongs are crying cups and cups of sadness everywhere because they didn’t get their way. Well, guess what, libtards. Cry all you want, because I am VERY much enjoying things here in my LIBERAL TEARS BATHTUB, where I am washing the gunk from my CREASES with LIBERAL SNOWFLAKE TEARS in order to deal with my AGGRESSIVE and ALARMING skin problem.

Yep, that’s right, cucks. DONALD TRUMP is the leader of the free world, and yours truly is blissfully holed up in a lukewarm tub full of your pitiful yet SURPRISINGLY CURATIVE tears. I got this wretched belly skin that stinks like sin, with all kinds of putrid SILTLIKE BACTERIA growing in the FLAPS. It looks like a forest of oozing toenails sprouting out of muenster cheese, but instead of begging for OBAMACARE HANDOUTS to keep that shit at bay, I’ve discovered that your SJW chuckle-fuck tears make for a WONDERFULLY effective TOPICAL REMEDY that also tempers the SWEET-ONION STINK. Rub-a-dub-dub, P.C. asswipes! God-emperor Trump Benghazi’d the shit out of Crooked Hillary, and now all your bitch-ass snowflake tears are the HEALING SALVE in which I bathe, or my DECREPIT SKIN would likely fall off like a SNOW CONE BEING CHUCKED INTO A WALL.


Before Trump, I tried everything to get this unruly skin fiasco under control, from EPSOM SALTS to OATMEAL SCRUBS to having my PASTOR’S DAUGHTER’S FERRET gnaw down the FLESHY OUTGROWTHS, but those things only EMBOLDENED the eruption of skin horrors within my CREASES. While all you left-wing welfare goobs were locked away in your SAFE SPACES merrily slobbing Barack Obozo’s gluten-free MICRO-KNOB, this bristled volcanic moonscape of a belly was growing SCARIER BY THE DAY, to the point where I once took my shirt off to swim in the ocean and NUMEROUS majestic blue whales BEACHED THEMSELVES out of fear of my gnarled sea monster torso. If you need any proof that Trump is MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, just check out the before-and-after photos of my shirtless bod—this shit is CONSIDERABLY LESS GROSS NOW thanks to you Killary-lovers’ MEDICINAL TEARS, without which I would DIE A SLOW AND AGONIZING DEATH.

Now, don’t get me wrong, you participation-trophy dipshits. My skin is still a God-disproving catastrophe. If I were to bare my flaps unto you, they would call to mind either a sarlacc cosplay or a lasagna DESPERATELY in need of delousing. But the more I lather your MAGNIFICENT LIBTARD TEARS into this BLISTERED NIGHTMARE HUSK of mine, the smoother and smoother it gets. And as long as our GLORIOUS AND SEXY LEADER Donald Trump keeps milking your RADICAL LEFTY TEARS with his AWESOME executive orders and BADASS SOCIAL MEDIA PRESENCE, this troubled belly skin should be SLEEK and CREAMY and NEUTRAL-SMELLING and PRESENTABLE just in time for a second term. Until then, I openly WELCOME DEATH.

So keep those lefty snowflake tears coming, cucks! PLEASE. DEAR GOD, PLEASE.

bitch ass-snowflake tears

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

Holy fuck that's beautiful

I mean what the heck did you just say about me, you little honey bun? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Cutie Patooties, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret tweets on Daddy Trump, and I have over 300 confirmed snookims. I am trained in butter biscuits and I’m the top sweetie in the entire US sugar doodles. You are nothing to me but just another Daddy. I will cuddle you the heck out with warmth the likes of which has never been felt before on this Earth, mark my words. You think you can get away with saying that dookie doo to me over the Internet? Think again, cutie. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of Mommies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the huggie wuggies, deary. The huggies that wipes out the silly little thing you call your meanie doodles. You’re in trouble, Daddy. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can tweet you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in butter boops, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Cutie Wooties Fruity Tooties and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your widdle face, you little cutie pie. If only you could have known what huggie wuggies your little “tweetie weetie” was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your mouthy wouthy. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, honey buns. I will wiggle woop all over you and you will drown in it. You’re really sweet, honey.

How have I never seen this version before? This is cute af 😍😍.

Whom'st'd've downvoted this


Everyone, because you ate the pasta, retard.

power mod taking reddit far too seriously again? I AM SCHOCKED

I had a few experiences with Power Mods.

This is (effectively) how they work. Their objective is not to 'take control' of a sub, but to get others to do their bidding through 'voluntary compliance'.

The way you can tell a (paid) power mod vs (regular) mod :

1) They have a HOT temper

This is their job. If the sub goes poorly, they get fired. Unlike regular users who are 'chill', power mods flip their fucking shit when something 'controversial' gets promoted. Where as a regular mod doesn't care about controversy only 'pleasantries' (most of them), a power mod HATES controversial subjects, and will Private Message all other mods that X mod is a terrorist on drugs in need of mental treatment (standard MSM discrediting).

2) They are OBSESSED with privacy

Doxing is not really a thing. Sure, it happens, but it's SUPER rare. I've pissed off a lot of mother fuckers, with very direct comments designed to hurt them emotionally, and haven't got a reply from 'regular' users. I did have a Newspaper contact me and ask me a bunch of leading questions, which they published an article on, but nothing from 'regular' people.

Working for the Deep CIA / Secret Service / FBI has one strict requirement - Don't blow your cover for ~20 years (to get full pension). The way you absolutely blow your cover is revealing your real identity to people. I host 'conspiracy' meetings open to the public (conspiracy and Bitcoin). I record and publish all meetings. I have yet to worry about a Deep Agent, because if they attend this meeting, then their face is exposed to the world. If they attend ~10 other conspiracy meetings (across multiple states), or 'other' type activities, then people can put together the pattern. Now their cover stories have to match, their name has to match, and if they go to trial, then their identity is automatically exposed.

People in Deep State will insist on not giving up names or recorded pictures, images, as a form of 'privacy' to protect against Doxing. But in real practice, the government has all that shit already, so all you are really doing is protecting the longevity of their career. - Remember they are full time, so they effectively need to attend several meetings at once chasing leads.

3) They are programmers

None of the 'social media' trolls that work Deep are not programmers. So when a power mod or deep state official comes on board, they always have a bunch of fancy programs to share. Initially, these seem innocuous. Then another program gets added, and so on, and so forth, and the sub deteriorates to nothing.

4) They are well spoken, but don't have time for complex thoughts

People come to reddit in their free time. Either you are having light, 1 sentence conversation, or you discuss complex topics. But very few people come to reddit to engage in long 'drama' type discussions (like belligerent Real Housewives). Since this is their actual job, they have to be here, inevitably they 'work' even when they don't want to. So like maybe 1/3 or 1/4 the time, they will spend HOURS engaging in spittle. Not 'discussion', but name calling, and creating stupid drama. Effectively, they must entertain themselves, somehow. So they cause fights. And not minor name calling fights, but like insanely dramatic fights, as you might imagine someone who'd qualify to work for Deep State, but got put with a shit fuck job.

If you want to keep Deep State out of your subs, simply follow these steps :

1) Embrace Controversial subjects - Don't 'Tone' Police

2) Keep Quality High - Everyone knows the difference between 'controversial' and low-quality. Stay liberal in thought, but not so much that you feel obligated to allow every piece of shit that comes through (the Power Mods will make it sound like it's all or nothing, that unless we remove controversial things, then we can't remove low quality shit either).

3) Enforce real identities with Mods. Do not all 'Alt' Accounts, without a real identity known behind each one, with a real person attached to it. I strongly encourage not allowing 'alts' (power mods use a shit ton of alts, it's far worse than you think).

4) Do not allow private meetings, private messaging (regarding moderator rule making), or private discussions. Make every conversation Public. This effectively forces civility, as an 'asshole mod' becomes known to all as being an asshole. If this gets done in private (via a series of PM's), then it's difficult to explain, or if group decisions get made PRIOR to the public discussion, then it becomes conflated whose idea it was to begin with, and one person can end up coming up with ~10 'anti-rules', but make it look like it was another mods idea, and have them present the idea, etc. Generally speaking, enforce civility.



So did T_dumbs rape you or are you an actual fan of his? Inquiring minds and all.

Huge fan. I follow her around and upvote all of her posts 😊

u/t_dumbsford would like this comment

STFU Lana 😠

who are you an alt of

Wouldn't you like to know 😜

yes i would actually

Oh I know bby but I'm not gonna tell you 😊

smh my head

Whoever you are, I'm impressed with the account. Most of the idiots who impersonate my name just pull a one and done throwaway. Such a waste of my sexy handle.

so its not you???

Why would I impersonate myself? I have alts but this ain't one of them.

big fact tbh

Ikr? Was a bit surprised this was available tbqhwy 😄

Well, at least agree on one thing. I am pretty sexy.

big facts

Ooh yeah bby very nice 😘


You have experience, I see

OK, smartypants, that's funny and all, but it's not what makes mods smarter. This is due to several factors:

  • Smarter people tend to seek out mod positions. Reddit itself is proof of that. I challenge you to show an example of a mod of a subreddit of more than 5k members doing something stupid.

  • Modding takes hard work, so dumb people tend to give up. Smart people tend to hold a monopoly on hard work. Dumb people tend to be lazy. That's why the sheep need shepherds like us to show them the way.

  • The vast majority of Reddit mods are successful in life. Who has time to mod r/funny between applying for food stamps? If you're modding a default, you likely have made it in life so well that you have enough time left over to do something like mod a default.

Mods are smarter. It's just the way it is. It's OK, it's our burden to bear. And heavy is the head that wears the crown. And before you Xpost this to ShitAmericansSay, your main sub, yes I am an American. And I'll proudly stand up, next to you, to defend her still today.

There's more humor in that comment chain than in the rest of that sub combined.

No? You know what? Just go away.

wasn't /u/awkwardtheturtle the user that led to joan and Jr (aren't they the same person?) having no mod perms for trying to overthrow /u/AnnArchist?

he/she should def be a mod with a sperg of this level. unless rie and JR are still all "scared" of someone finding out who they are or whatever

Would you like some sauce with that pasta you just ate?

I need to use these more.

Guy is confirmed to be a shill. Political zealots are a good mark to scam, after all.

Hailcorporate are a bunch of autists though

Not an argument.

It doesn't have to be an argument to be true

You also don't need a brain to comment, but I see nobody told you yet.

looking at my post history

You autist

this is really the best you could come up with?

I'd say that it's easy given the bar is low, but that'd imply the bar isn't six feet under the damn ground and I can better it by walking.

Pasta is virtue signaling for autists.

I swear to God, internet children are getting dumber and dumber every day.

You'd think that with access to such a massive repository of study, intelligence and research, people should be getting smarter.

But no. Everyday it's just dumber and dumber shit in internet so-called "culture".

No? You know what? Just go away.

Every time someone posts a picture, a gif, a video, a screenshot, or just anything really that involves some kind of "drama" thing - A video game, a logo, or probably just even the town hall of a city given how overboard you dummies go, you have to /r/Drama it.

I'm done. I've had enough. You can't just spam /r/Drama and expect an upvote. You can't just be like "dude, you're playing a game?" and post /r/Drama. You just can't.

I doubt you generate drama given how against it you are. You live in a cardboard box, typing on your CrapBook Pro, feeling good about yourself because you think you just "called someone else out" for being a drama queen.

Just who do you think you are? Some epic 12-year-old on the internet with le cool fedora posting about how "drama whore this and drama whore that?" Well, I've got news for you. You aren't anything. You aren't epic, you aren't a 12-year-old, and your fedora certainly isn't le cool.

No? You know what? Just go away.

Every time someone posts a heart felt rant that speaks 100% truth, you have to /r/copypasta it.

I'm done. I've had enough. You can't just spam /r/copypasta and expect an upvote. You can't just be like "dude, you're playing a meme?" and post /r/copypasta. You just can't.

I doubt you even work to create copypasta's given how against them you are. You live in a regular house, typing on your average computer, feeling good about yourself because you think you just "called someone else out" for being a copypaster

Just who do you think you are? Some epic 12-year-old on the internet with le cool fedora posting about "copypasta this, copypasta that?" Well, I've got news for you. You aren't anything. You aren't epic, you aren't a 12-year-old, and your fedora certainly isn't le cool.

I hope in time you will learn that not everybody is a copypaster and not everything is a copypasta.

Amazing! An r/Drama mod ate the pasta. How the hell are you even mod if you can't identify pasta by sight alone? I bet you have a fulfilling and rewarding life full of deeper pleasures than being right on the internet smh.

I want to keep myself safe.

Tbf I'm drunk.

Also fuck you my pasta is lovely.

a hillary supporter defending a mega corporation? bwa!?!?

This is a meme. OP is dum and gey xd

False and Non-Cis, tbh.

why do you say that like it's an insult

Im sorry, this is too retared for even my tastes. God help you all

No? You know what, u/uawkwardtheturtle? Just go away.

Every time someone posts a picture, a gif, a video, a screenshot, or just anything really that involves some kind of "conservative" thing - A cartoon, a quote, or probably just even the town hall of a Republican city given how overboard you dummies go, you have to /r/PoliticalHumor it.

I'm done. I've had enough. You can't just spam /r/PoliticalHumor and expect an upvote. You can't just be like "dude, drumpf is dumb?" and post /r/PoliticalHumor. You just can't.

I doubt you even vote for liberals given how dumb you make them look. You live in a cardboard box, typing on your CrapBook Pro, feeling good about yourself because you think you just "called someone else out" for being a dumb rethuglican.

Just who do you think you are? Some epic 12-year-old on the internet with le cool fedora posting about how "conservative fascist oppresses this, conservative fascist oppresses that?" Well, I've got news for you. You aren't anything. You aren't epic, you aren't a 12-year-old, and your fedora certainly isn't le cool.

I hope in time you will learn that not everybody and everything is political humor.

This pasta is actually better

That guy is really pro corporate for how anti-corporate the rest of the sub is.

/u/awkwardtheturtle you ignored me the last timeeeee!! Notice meeeeeee!!! 😭

Did I ignore you? Shame on me :-^(

Awww! It's ok! It's hilarious people link your pasta to drama. This is what? Like the 3rd or 4th time this has happened lol. At least of the ones i know.

Lol right? This pasta is super ancient. It's one of my favorites, but man, it's been around the block. Not new material.

And yeah lol it's probably been posted here four times by now. This thread was the best:

Lmaooo. Also what did the deleted comments say and which mod was it? :D

I'm not one to cyber bully people, so I won't name names, but man it was good times and great oldies. Said something along the lines of insulting me for being an emotional turbo-autist. But with more vivid terms.

And what we learned along the way was that they were finally revealing their own inner turmoil, and that they needed to expand their knowledge of copypasta. It was an inspiring moment.

Hahahaha but you deleted the Imgur links :( I think. People are just jealous of you boo! You'll always be my favourite awkward turtle 🐢💞

Well.... every top post IS Corporate shilling...