Grownups afraid of dogs argue about the validity of service animals

60  2018-01-03 by lmao_how_old_are_you




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/u/picturefraim is the hero we neef


I think this might be up there for most retarded sub. Like tied with /r/incels even.

Never trust someone that hates animals.

Found the dogfucker

Never trust someone that hates nans.

Found the person

Basically, your dog sucks. You are probably not using it for hunting, or farming, or as a service animal. It is your living teddy bear.

I imagine a vegan reading this and having a spontaneous stroke.

Some vegans consider having pets a form of slavery, so it's not unheard of for them to have an opinions similar to this

I meant to focus more on the part about not using the animal directly for sometype of vocation as being the only good use for a dog.

sometype of vocation

Millennial dogs don't/can't work.

My dog's such a lazy little NEET shithead

Does he sit around all day posting on the dogonet about how all the boomer dogs took all the good jobs and stole all the treats?

It is your living teddy bear.

As if this is a bad thing lol

Read it, am now waiting for amberlamps. But, hey, look at my dog!

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Black dog on a leash... typical wypipo.

Pfft, I am brown.

Even worse, subjugating your fellow untermensch.

At least /r/antitelevision has had zero activity in 4 months. Probably watching Netflix on a laptop as a loophole.

Some reason I find this as insanely ironic. Having to watch it and all.

Not to mention the fact that it's monetized.

Isn't it a meme?

/r/childfree is probably worse, because kids are pretty much the point of life, so they are literally trying to find a way to live their life pointlessly.

But /r/dogfree just sounds like a bunch of assholes.

Well, not now that we are over populated and making republicans REEEEEE over birth control and climate change

Africa is the only place with an above-replacement birth rate.

And overall?


kids are pretty much the point of life

yeah if youre some kinda boring faggot maybe

I saw a comment yesterday that said something along the lines of "Having kids is pretty much why we exist, why even live if you won't pass on your genes?"

I can only imagine the thoughts of people who are infertile when they hear stuff like that.

Dude like instead of spending money on a dumb kid I'm buying weed and that's like good for the environment and the economy y'know

I'm really sorry to tell you this, but there is no point in life. Things that reproduce just so happen to stay around for longer, there's no task given by god or nature behind it or anything. You should consider keeping yourself safe.

Now I know what /r/childfree looks like to breeders.

> breeders






this isn't just retarded, it's... sinister

like more than incels, even

That subreddit is full of cunts. Unless they have allergies, I don't trust people that don't like dogs.

Seems like allergies are one of the only substantial things they are complaining about. The other reasons probably stem from autism.

I'm the same way.

"You are afraid of dogs? Why? What'd you do to cause that kind of guilt? Innocent people aren't afraid of dogs."

Niggers, shitty whites, little kids, drug addicts, cops.

You can all stay away from my old fat H A P P Y B O Y E

Pit bulls are the niggers of the animal kingdom

Except africa has a murder rate dwarfed by latin america, which is iirc is about 3 to 4 times higher

They can't even murder as well as hardworking Hispanics, sad.

also iirc latin america has a freakin majority of the world's murders. Its actually insane just how bad it is

Oh sure, push for pro-choice legislation and it's "progressive", but the browns engage in late-term abortions for the purposes of population control and it's "bad."

Pugs are the downies

So that makes /u/zachums a literal tard handler?

He does mod us, so...

Pugs and Boston Terriers!

I never got mugged by a pitbull

Pit bulls are the niggers of the animal kingdom

  • Strong

  • Healthy

  • Athletic

  • Better than every other dog at anything physical

  • Mayos bred them for specific traits

  • Mayos get mad when they display the strength, speed and agility they were bred for

  • Mayos beat them down until they become killers and thugs and then mayo claim it's in their nature

The math checks out.


What, does your wife fuck pit bulls too now?

You're just on a roll right now aren't you?

Did you know pit bulls are 12% of the dog population but are responsible for 40% of fatalities?

Lmao what the fuck

/r/dogfREEEEEEE was an inevitable result of the doggo pupper boye crowd.

You like something? Well I HATE it.

This, but unironically.

So these people get triggered seeing puppies

There are many canines that are far more intelligent, kind, caring, loyal and awesome than some people.

Some breeds tend to be a little better than others, but I'll trust a dog before I do a person most of the time.

I'll trust a dog before I do a person most of the time.

My cocker spaniel wants to know what your credit card details are.

Tell your cocker spaniel I'll transfer some dogecoin if it gives me address.

I don't dislike dogs enough to subscribe to a sub about it, but I'm basically on their side. I don't want a dog in my fucking restaurant or hospital unless it really HAS to be there. If you're so buttblasted at life that you can't leave the house without a "comfort dog," you don't need a "comfort dog," you need intense therapy.

I don't want a dog in my fucking restaurant or hospital

Damn, you own a restaurant and a hospital?

And a morgue. Soylent green is people.

I don't dislike dogs enough to subscribe to a sub about it

Then you're already looking like you might be a normal person

If you're so buttblasted at life that you can't leave the house without a "comfort dog," you don't need a "comfort dog," you need intense therapy, and I for one would prefer that you STAY home until you get it.

How does this not equally apply to people that CAN'T EVEN the sight of a dog?

Maybe he needs a comfort dog to comfort him around other comfort dogs.

you need intense therapy, and I for one would prefer that you STAY home until you get it.

This is just the sort of bullshit I made a post about.

I got the message and fucked out of that sub even when you wanted to turn it into disabled-hate and not dogfree. So you all need to fuck out of other subs with that attitude.

Look around this sub. It's literally for mocking people that get emotional and get supes mcdupes serious about internet nonsense. Back away.

Found the buttblasted freak.

I feel the same way about bitchy little fags who don't like dogs.

It can't be that the dog is the therapy, right?

Have you considered that you might be actually retarded and you don't know shit?

Right. The dog is not the therapy.

I have considered your position and rejected it.

Idiots ruined therapy dogs by trying to pass their stupid untrained dogs as therapy dogs.

/u/mariestellamaris in hospital:

Nurse: "Do you want to watch TV?"

mariestellamaris: "EXCUSE ME?!?! Why is there a TV in my room?! No one asked for television."

Nurse: "It's part of the service we offer to patients to help with their recovery, due to entertainment helping with healing."

mariestellamaris: "NO! You had to ask me if I wanted to watch TV, that means NO ONE asked for a television in their room and you just installed them with asking!!! I want the television in my room removed IMMEDIATELY. And the ones in the other rooms! If I see a TV while walking around this hospital I will be SO TRIGGERED!!!!!!"


It’s not about being “triggered”, it’s just a reasonable expectation of safety and hygiene in a hospital. No one has died (directly) from Doritos as far as I know, and very few have from improperly mounted televisions, but nearly five million Americans get bitten by dogs every year (check CDC for current data). I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the patients in that hospital were there because of dog attacks.

If it were a true service dog- properly trained to perform a useful, necessary task- no one would have a problem with it, but a “comfort” dog, like the one in the original post under discussion, which they just parade around because a lot of people like dogs, is another story altogether (the ADA guidelines are fairly clear on this distinction). Dogfree people get vilified all the time, like in this thread, but for myself, I don’t care if you have a dozen dogs in your own house, but please be considerate enough to respect other people when you’re in public with your dogs.

Again, service dogs are one thing (they’ve been around for decades and haven’t caused nearly as many problems as the current trend of fake emotional support dogs), but someone wanting to take their dogs to restaurants or grocery stores just because it’s convenient for them is not above the general public’s safety from attacks and health hazards (like dog pee and poop on your food). An example I would compare it to is smoking. You can smoke all you want in your own house, but for the most part, they no longer allow people to smoke in theaters or airplanes, and definitely not inside hospitals. That’s because we as a society have recognized that not everybody wants cigarette smoke all around them. Some people like smoking, but we don’t have to subject everybody to the hazards of their choice. I don’t see why it’s so unreasonable to expect the same with dogs.

I don’t expect any of you to see it from our point of view, but I just wanted to say it anyway, just in the hopes of having a measured discussion without name-calling and insults. For the record, we were having a discussion in our sub, and was “visited” by dog people calling us freaks. We’re not the ones causing harm to other people, so please just leave us to have a space to voice our opinions without being vilified or attacked. Thank you.

The HOSPITAL asked the dog and it's owner to come visit you nonce. And I'm sure they have a better handle on the effects of service dogs in regards to their hygienic practices than you drooling retards such that Mr. Houston and yourself.

You fucking idiot

Therapy dogs have to be trained; those dogs that go into hospitals to see people are suppose to be trained therapy dogs.


I already made my contribution for the week, you can take this one.

No, no, after you.

No, please. I insist.

Sir, I cannot possibly; this is yours, go ahead, take it.. TAKE IT! OR I'LL SHAG YER NAN M8!

"discussion". From Dogfree? That's hilarious.

Shut up bitch

No one has died (directly) from Doritos as far as I know

but nearly five million Americans get bitten by dogs every year

1.5% of the US population? Oh no? The horror?

but a “comfort” dog, like the one in the original post under discussion, which they just parade around because a lot of people like dogs, is another story altogether

Remember that time hospitals would allows dogs into their wards without having insanely high standards of hygiene and safety so they don't get the ever-loving fuck sued out of them?

Me neither.

Dogfree people get vilified all the time

Deservedly. You're the vegans of the pet world. Which is saying something, because hardcore vegans are against pets too.

but please be considerate enough to respect other people when you’re in public with your dogs.

Just cross the street. You probably do that for certain people already, why not dogs too?

I don’t expect any of you to see it from our point of view

Probably because I'm well-adjusted and not scared of the outside world.

1.5% of the US population? Oh no? The horror?

That actually sounds like a lot and I bet it's lower in developed countries, but a few of them probably get bitten multiple times a year anyways.

I totally agree. I mean look at this image. How can you like dogs after this.

Holy shit I had no idea dogs were capable of spousal abuse.

just the other day I saw a emotional support dog shitting in the salad bar at whole foods, what has this world come to

what has this world come to

All sorts of things. Lesbian porn, gay porn, trannie pron, bestiality, incest, twincest, painal, struggle fucking, BDSM, rapeplay...


1992 called, they want their subreddit back

Nope, if a weeping child in the ER is deranged enough to be comforted by petting a dog, they're a garbage child.

/u/heptodon I hate everything about that sub, but I gotta respect this hustle

Read through a bunch of the posts there, and it seems like it's more of a general pet hate than dog. I mean, they are dog specific, but a lot of their posts could apply to pigs, horses, reptiles, etc. Although some of them can't handle the site of seeing a dog outside, even on a leash, and they need therapy lol. You have to overcome phobias, not let them sit with you your whole life and then complain that no one is catering to your needs.

/u/mariestellamaris Imagine being such a fucktard you have a bitch fit over therapy dogs in a hospital.

Come defend your autism /u/mariestellamaris

I legit wouldn't feel any sadness if it came about that all the subscribers to r/dogfree came to a natural but untimely end tomorrow morning.

u/wonderlandrabbit - I don't think you know what rights are. If not smelling a thing was a "right" then every curry faggot who refuses to use BO would be banned from everything. Also, WTF? Having someone reputable and trust worthy watch your pet is being "pampered and spoiled?" Get off you own fucking dick.

u/LickyBumBumScum - It's not illegal for a dog to walk up to you dumbass. I have a solution for you though: Don't go to bars that allow dogs. Fucking simple stupid.

u/nrcssa - You won't fucking believe whats on money to begin with.

I'll probably be accused of whataboutism, but why the hell are they focusing on dogs when cats still exist?

because cats are flawless in every way

Yeah, why isn't r/dogfree focused on cats? That's a real head-scratcher.

But you could start r/catfree; I'm sure you'd attract other people who share your fear of cats.

Sounds like you're shilling for Big Cat. Hope those kittybucks were worth it, sell out.

Some of the threads there are more insane than incels. Comments like:

"I'm a dog person" = "I'm a slob who doesn't mind a house that is filthy and reeks."

To be fair I have never been in a dog owner's house that didnt look or smell like it. Doesn't bother me what someone's home is like- but dogs are like toddlers, they like to eat everything and poop on everything. Theyre extremely high maintenance and if you have a full time job it's impossible to keep up with.

because "What kind of a person doesn't love dogs??"

Joyless cunts apparently.

We need a r/dogfreecirclejerk.