Weeb can't believe cops took his $1700 panty dropper Katana after he teleported with it to a busy street.

118  2018-01-04 by T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy


This is a second amendment issue.

This is a secondary embarrassment issue.

I can't imagine what his primary embarrassment is.

He's a primary embarrassment to his family, probs.

His crusty waifu pillow

He asked for his primary embarrassment, Ed, not yours

I'm not into anime degeneracy. Nice try friendo.

What type of anime are you into then?

The non existent type.

Supernatural stuff? So like ghost town?

No. Like vacuum. Empty space. Void. Nothingness.

Ah, sci-fi, what did you think of psycho pass?

Literally what?

A Netflix original anime with a police girl detective as the main character that solves crimes in a world where people can be scanned to determine if they have anti-social tendancies. It's a psychological thriller sci-fi anime and pretty good.


Oh nice. I'll check it out but I've never tried anime



Most anime is terrible but there are some gems.

it ain't a netflix original and isn't even on netflix anymore

Really? Could have sworn it said "Netflix original" under the title of it.

it was i believe co sponsered in terms of its dubbing, but crunchyroll and funimation started working together completely. You are right, it was, my mistake. Its weird the way that works. Now that funimation is working almost solely with Cartoon Network and crunchyroll a ton of shows have gone off the air on netflix, albeit some oddballs remain. Its a shame, netflix is one of those venue's that spreads great stuff like this quite readily

His micropenis.

posting on reddit

where my 2A people at

This kind of thing is literally legal in Texas. Step it up, commies.

Yeah, I always carry a sword to keep banditos away.

Funny story. I was in a bar in Katy, TX and there was a dude in there with a Banditos cut and a 1%er patch. I took a pic and put it on Facebook asking if I should go call him a pussy.

Apparently someone told him I took a pic, so he came over and made me delete it.

Yes, I was the pussy...I ain't tryna fuck around with Banditos.



Daddy needs it to defeat impeachment.

Seppuku will help.

I will forgive Jard & Ivanka & the next three generations if he does the right thing.

Well Bannon is fucked if Daddy figures out how to teleport.

Implying Bannon won't just whip a colt out his belt, say "You brought a sword to a gun fight", shoot then get on his horse and gallop away.

Have your Westerns misled me about American politics?


Note entirely, we spend most of our time in buildings and horses aren't allowed in them anymore but everything else is accurate.

Trump isn't a fucking weebos

Trump actually owns a Sword, this is a real thing

Pure American Steel, forged from Detroit and Carbon from all those national parks he single handily shut down.

one gay-ass rapier-lookin shitsabre

gay ass-rapier-lookin shitsabre

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

Tfw Trump is a dexfag

Fuck drumpf, Moonlight Greatsword BBY. It's for the buddy patrician

Chaos twohander or uninstall

Well for the low price of 400 bucks it could be yours to cosplay as a Nazi underage girl or whatever you weebs do.

But seriously the Model 1852 Naval Officers Sword was used in the 1st almost Modern Warship battle of the Ironclads Uss Monitor and CSS Virginia, they have a ton of Variance but the heavier blades were the fighting ones compared to the lighter ceremonial ones today's are based of of.

Cut and Thrust Blades> Katanas

Most Japanese sword technique is cut and thrust, just with two hands.

Yea, with a shit sword that's worse then literally rocks placed in a stick. Compared to the US Navy Saber, the 1911 of Swords

Goddamn Mongolians ruined their normal sword development they stole from the Chinese

Use that on the press, sir

We have the best swords, don't we, folks?

Excuse me, sword drama is my niche.

Are you challenging me to a duel?

Don't say I didn't warn you 😏

I give you permission to go all out. Just this once.

I have mastered the ocular patdown technique

Okay, Mac.

Are you the bone of my sword?

It couldn't pierce human skin. Only with proper training and cutting through a specific angle, but most people don't know how to properly use a katana.

Oh boy.

> My Mall Katana can't cut anything

> Not even Mongol Armor

> New York won't even let me protect myself from the Mongols



Nice Gif

I mean tbf 5 gallons of water is probably cheaper than a tatami mat.

/u/127_0_0_1_, a katana is meant to be a forgiving cutter. It's single-edged (so it can specialise to cutting on one edge), curved (helps with edge alignment and makes the cutting surface smaller), thick, heavy, and should be very sharp (though not very durable). There's some western cutters (like a messer or falchion) that are similar, and Indian / Middle Eastern cutters (like a talwar) are a bit better and easier at cutting, but the katana is pretty good.

Katanas are not thrusters. They're basically single use (with the pig-iron core and brittle edge). They're not good against steel armor. They're heavy and unwieldy. But anyone can cut pretty well with them.

Yes, you can cut better with a bit of skill, just like it's easier to ride a tricycle if you practice. But it's not meant to be hard - hacking at relatively soft targets is basically the only thing the katana is good for. Not fencing, not fighting anyone in decent steel armor, and certainly not lasting more than one fight.

Oh, and they look nice on a wall. That's their main special power - they're one of the cooler looking swords.

low effort trolling 1/8

It's a slow day(night).. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It's the craziest day in a long time for political drama. Mind you, that is even lower effort.

Wil v Master and Trump v Bannon is the greatest /r/Drama cards in the history of the event.

I'm loving 2018 so far 😋

Thx 4 recognizing other timezones fam.

Ooh which timezone are you in?

QUIT FUCKING DOXXING ME YOU SEX PERVERT!!! My bussy is NOT a commodity to be exploited by imperialism!

r/drama is full of teases smh.😒

Spain, Valencia

Come and get me big boy 😘

Who's gonna lead your attack now that Rafa Mir is gone?

Dedicated troll or really slow? I wanna know but I don't feel like pinginig that IP-address-named mf.

But you'd be pinging yourself.🤔

Ayy I sat confused for more than a minute before I figured it out. lol

Burgerland. Where having enough guns on yourself to finance a revolution in africa is perfectly okay, but having a katana is not.

I'm no expert in New York City law, but I'm pretty sure walking down the street carrying firearms is frowned upon by the police there as well.

Isn't it, like, anti constitutionnal? From what I understand of burgerland, free speech and firearm are pretty much the two only rights that you have.

Well the second amendment mentions needing guns for a militia, so I guess its interpreted to mean that you don't have the right to conceal / public carry, but you can own guns at home. Some states let you do it though.

How the hell do you move your guns from the shop to your home then?

No idea, but you probably just keep the gun unloaded or something.

It's legal in damn near every jurisdiction to keep it unloaded in a case (separate from ammo) regardless of concealment laws, yeh.

All of these laws are highly contested.


It's complicated. States and cities can put some restrictions on firearm use and ownership, but not others. One thing they can restrict is openly carrying firearms. Where I live, you can openly carry almost anywhere, but other places don't allow it at all.

New York has too many minorities, the Constitution doesn't apply there

Correct, everyplace that doesn't have Free Speech and Cowboys shooting each other in the street or weekly Duels of Honor with Flintlock pistols isn't real America

It's always either California ( A place full of more Socialists then an Irish Mining town during the same time period) or NYC ( Where all the German Socialists emigrated.)

Our Supreme Court says that NY's rules are okay because they aren't denying you the right to bear arms, you just have to say why you feel the right to bear arms.

And the answer in NYC is "I am well connected" or "I have made the appropriate bribes." We've for real got Hasidic Jewish vigilante groups cosplaying as NYPD running around with permitted pistols because they slipped bucks to real NYPD.

Only rights you ~have~ need.

Fixed it, bb.

I am european, so I think that there are many other important rights. Like the right of opening the door and not getting shot. :^)

You just need to shoot through the door before going outside. Sure, I shot my ranchhand the last time I did that but you can never be too safe with banditos

Fair. Doesn't work against the police tho.

Only 2 rights? As opposed to what? Europoors who have no rights?

We have plenty of right. That's logical, because american are descended from the one who left.

So that's what is meant by right wing extremists, the fascists are starting to make sense.

I swear, you elect Hitler once and they never let you forget it. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Trying to sweep Mussolini under the rug as usual. And I haven't forgotten about Brutus.

Mussolin-what, now?

And brutus did nothing wrong. Caesar delenda est.

The firearm laws in New York City are infamously draconian. It's pretty much impossible to get a license to carry as a civilian (see: this person's attempt).

Only tangentially related, but federal authorities investigated the NYPD for accepting bribes and favors in exchange for gun permits:

A former New York Police Department lieutenant, two former police officers and a lawyer who once worked as a prosecutor were arrested in a federal gun licensing probe Tuesday as authorities said police employees traded speedy handling of gun permits for paid vacations, jewelry, catered parties, cash and visits to strip clubs.

According to court papers, the trading of gun licenses for bribes stretched from at least 2010 to 2016. Authorities said members of the NYPD License Division solicited and accepted bribes from individuals who charged customers thousands of dollars in fees to secure gun licenses.

Some of these people were none other than members of the chosen people's defense force:

A member of a neighborhood watch group in Brooklyn who obtained dozens of handgun permits by bribing officers in the New York Police Department’s gun-licensing division also handed out cash and gifts to other officers assigned across Brooklyn, prosecutors said Thursday.

That disclosure, made in Federal District Court in Manhattan, suggests that rather than winding down, a major federal investigation into corruption within the police department is still turning up new evidence of misconduct.

The revelation that additional officers had accepted cash and gifts came during the sentencing of Alex Lichtenstein, a member of the shomrim, a neighborhood patrol operating in ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities in Brooklyn.

The firearm laws in New York City are infamously draconian. It's pretty much impossible to get a license to carry as a civilian (see: this person's attempt).

Only tangentially related, but federal authorities investigated the NYPD for accepting bribes and favors in exchange for gun permits a while back:

A former New York Police Department lieutenant, two former police officers and a lawyer who once worked as a prosecutor were arrested in a federal gun licensing probe Tuesday as authorities said police employees traded speedy handling of gun permits for paid vacations, jewelry, catered parties, cash and visits to strip clubs.

According to court papers, the trading of gun licenses for bribes stretched from at least 2010 to 2016. Authorities said members of the NYPD License Division solicited and accepted bribes from individuals who charged customers thousands of dollars in fees to secure gun licenses.

Some of these people were none other than members of the chosen people's defense force:

A member of a neighborhood watch group in Brooklyn who obtained dozens of handgun permits by bribing officers in the New York Police Department’s gun-licensing division also handed out cash and gifts to other officers assigned across Brooklyn, prosecutors said Thursday.

That disclosure, made in Federal District Court in Manhattan, suggests that rather than winding down, a major federal investigation into corruption within the police department is still turning up new evidence of misconduct.

The revelation that additional officers had accepted cash and gifts came during the sentencing of (((Alex Lichtenstein, a member of the shomrim, a neighborhood patrol operating in ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities in Brooklyn.

Lichtenstein reportedly yelled "Oy vey!" as he was handcuffed by federal investigators.

Death before dishonor, he has forever dishonoured his master and now has to commit sodoko.

I love the title, OP

Aww thanks bby 😘

Christ look at his edgy name

An IP address 😂

Love the post title! Vaaary nice

Are you guys mocking me? I can't tell tbh😔

Noooo lol. I really mean it :p I really do!

Still not convinced really, but thank you.

Ugh I REALLY mean it!!! <3

Alright fine jeez thnx bby 😘

I always assume that Ed is just a saint who is too good for this world.

He's a cutie patootie.

Master, forgive me....

It's funny you say that, I had to apologise to my leader.

For going all out?

Disobedience. Said I had the power and willingness to evade the NYPD.

guys help I can't stop cumming

This is a pretty obvious joke, OP. Did you really fall for it?

Read through all of his comments in that thread, he's memeing.



First they came for the weeabos... And everyone was pretty ok with it.
