OP gets roasted by r/Conspiracy for invoking Vampire lords and Satnic rituals to defend Pizzagate.

18  2018-01-04 by T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy


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I wouldn't mind tits' advances tbqhwy

When your theory is so outlandish that it gets roasted by /r/conspiracy...

People actually believe a super secret elite pedophile ring refers to their activities using 4chan internet lingo.

I don't see what's so funny about this tbh


Not like it isn't tru


The fact pizzagate is still a conspiracy boggles my mind. You'd think the conspiracy would have died when it turned out comet pizza had no fucking basement and the entire conspiracy hinged on that.

I know exactly what you mean. At the beginning of pizzagate, I went all Alex Jones on my family. I was showing them emails, videos, MKUltra things, I tried to explain 4chan and Reddit and show how all the dots connected. I was explaining the Clinton Foundation and its connections to Haiti, missing children, Jeffrey Epstein, Hollywood. My mom looked at me with pity and said, "Gosh, you sound really passionate about foster children. Maybe you should volunteer at a shelter." I couldn't believe it. I felt so betrayed. I never spoke to her about it again.

Pls tell me this is pasta



It’s from TD lmao


The entire scenario hinged on the coded language Podesta et al used in their leaked emails. It also was very coincidental that comet ping ping had an FBI recognized pedophile symbol as their logo.

Lol, what kind of a fucking retard considered any of that "coded."

So do you and your friends often share one slice of cheese pizza? Do you send multiple people the same email cordinating the sharing of a single slice of cheese pizza?

Only an extreme mongo would think there wasn't some sort of code being used. Personally, I'd lean to them talking about drugs or fully-formed prostitutes, then again Alafontis and his best boyfriend David Brock are truly fucked in the head...

Whatever you say dum dum.

You know what is interesting is that I agree with you completely. We should jail anyone that types weird or uses odd syntax. We should especially jail them if they’re democrats because we all they’re the only pedophiles.also we should jail anyone using butterfly or similar symbology because they’re definitely pedophiles (because pedophiles never stay secret about it )

Because he totally said that and you didn’t just use all the straw from your entire farm to construct that straw man

Implying I’m trying to actually argue

Implying I was even talking about you

Implying I care about anything

Implying I even exist

Y-you okay

this thread sucks

Lmao what kind of fucking retard thinks people casually email each other about pizza and hot dogs. It was clearly some kind of code

No. Not possible. They were all twink pukers. Sharing a single slice of Cheese Pizza is totally normal.


Don't worry, we at drama understand

You should post some more of your truth here