72  2018-01-04 by Pedigreelover69


That whole article about this is really something, including trump forgetting his old friends

Niggahs got dementia

Reagan had Alzheimer's, so if that's true he'd be in good company

Weird how presidents with cognitive disorders that end up elected are republican.

I wonder why that is.

Between Barack "Okie doke" Obama, Bill "Dickin Bimbos" Clinton, and Jimmy "Growin Peanuts" Carter the Dems haven't exactly had a stellar track record for the last half-century either.

Really, the last quality Dem President was Andrew Jackson

Don't talk shit about my Jimmy Carter! 😤😤😤😤

He's a nice guy and he had some nice ideas, he just wasn't really the right guy for the job

Literally nothing wrong with jimmy carter knock yourself out pls

On it fam 👌🏻


He was weak on foreign policy, the most important policy imo.

During the time being tough on foreign policy meant like bombing a lot of people with some McNukes

It was the economy stupid.

Jimmy Carter was kind of a union-busting piece of shit, tbh. He gave Reagan a run for his money there.

Also, the Carter Doctrine is pretty bad.

The fact you think Bill Clinton or Obama have cognitive problems is outright hilarious.

I didn't say they did, pizza mah boi, just that they weren't exactly stellar.

And if they don't come off looking great compared to presidents with Alzheimer's and dementia, that's really sayin something about them

They come off looking like fucking gods compared to them, what are you even talking about?

Gods, you were wrong just then.


How could Wolff possibly know for sure what Steve Bannon and the late Roger Ailes said at a private dinner?

It turns out Wolff hosted the dinner for six at his Manhattan townhouse.

Entrapment! The dice were rigged against daddy from the start!

This guy literally walked into the White House, recorded whatever he wanted, made friends with everyone without anyone knowing who the fuck he was, and then spilled the beans. What a madman.

I cannot believe it's this easy to get access to the White House. I am in awe of how shit this administration is

(Ding dong)

"Who's there?"

"Candygram, Mr. President."

"Oh, I love candy!"

Turns out the White House has the same level of security as Dashcon.

Is that a pony con?

Tumblr. Famous for mismanagement, begging for money when they couldn't pay the hotel, acts cancelling, and having a children's ball pit as entertainment.

This guy managed to walk right in and start filming because no one was guarding the door.

You think Daddy has a ball pit in the West Wing?

I think his handlers would veto it out of fear that he'd drown.

(Nods whole head while frowning)

How can you nod with any less than the whole head?

Well, instead of tilting your nose up and down like usual, you must extend your neck forward like a turtle then bob the entire head as though it were an oar rowing a boat.

... Serial killers have the weirdest and best metaphors!

My theory is this Wolff dude is fucking Melania, just like that writer guy on House of Cards, and that's how he got so much access.

I just figured out how this show ends.

Melania slips some poison into Trump's drink then covers him in bed so he seems to be asleep. She takes a suitcase full of America's top secrets and exits the White House. A limo picks her up and takes her to the airport. She boards a private jet and goes to Moscow. Another limo picks her up and takes her to the Kremlin. She enters, hands Vladimir Putin the suitcase, and they kiss. Credits.

I'd watch that show, would be way better than the shitstorm House of Cards has become


House of Tards.

Someone call the Hollywood Jews, we've got a golden pitch here folks!


From an article by the author of the book:

I interviewed Donald Trump for The Hollywood Reporter in June 2016, and he seemed to have liked — or not disliked — the piece I wrote. "Great cover!" his press assistant, Hope Hicks, emailed me after it came out (it was a picture of a belligerent Trump in mirrored sunglasses). After the election, I proposed to him that I come to the White House and report an inside story for later publication — journalistically, as a fly on the wall — which he seemed to misconstrue as a request for a job. No, I said. I'd like to just watch and write a book. "A book?" he responded, losing interest. "I hear a lot of people want to write books," he added, clearly not understanding why anybody would. "Do you know Ed Klein?"— author of several virulently anti-Hillary books. "Great guy. I think he should write a book about me." But sure, Trump seemed to say, knock yourself out.

Since the new White House was often uncertain about what the president meant or did not mean in any given utterance, his non-disapproval became a kind of passport for me to hang around — checking in each week at the Hay-Adams hotel, making appointments with various senior staffers who put my name in the "system," and then wandering across the street to the White House and plunking myself down, day after day, on a West Wing couch.

This is hilarious.

I'm so shocked all of these people didn't have unending, tight lipped loyalty to this demented spray tanned retard. FBI snitches in the campaign, author sitting in plain site the whole time recording actually publishing all the crazy drama? Where will it end?!

Ironic. Trump looked everywhere for Obama's secret recording devices but couldn't find them. He checked the microwave. Then he had a microwave burrito. Then he went back to Twitter.

Ironic, he could save others from imprisonment, but not himself.

truly tragic

Is it possible to learn this power autism?

Not needed, future President Pence got him covered.

I believe this is what /r/blackpeopletwitter calls "bringing the receipts"

Someone remind me who runs axios? Some big evil person I can't remember, maybe Soros?

It's run by Igor and Grichka Bogdanoff.

Could someone give me a quick rundown on them?

Meet the Bogdanoff brothers. Quick rundown on them:

rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs

in contact with aliens

rumoured to possess psychic abilities

control france with an iron fist

own castles and banks all over the world

direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line

will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)

own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth

first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies

both brothers said to have 200+ IQ

ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them

They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world

You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now

The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church

They learned fluent French in under a week

Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff

The twins are 67 years old, from the space-time reference point of the base human.

In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the Bog bang to the end of the universe

The Bogdanoffs will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love

The call that saved /r/drama