What you get when you cross Radical Centrism with Anarchism.

7  2018-01-04 by T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy


Autism And or highly ascended thought

The true genius knows His arguments are perfect and that He is infallible.

Well aren't you the tough guy, do you shoot fish in a barrel? Were you a bully in school, did you like to torment those who you think inferior? They weren't pretty, they were alone, fat, unpopular, easy targets, ripe for the plucking.

/r/drama users are what, about 2% of US? I'm not a /r/drama user, I'm a SRDine but how to you successfully argue against stopping war, the drug war incarcerating our citizens or "crony capitalism"? Neither the Democrats or Republicans have lifted a finger to work on those goals. Only "crazy old uncles" like Bernie or Ron Paul have had the courage to stand firm. You can't successfully argue against it with facts or logic so you "spam" it with numbers. You throw strawmen, deflect, use personal attacks; basically all the stuff you accuse the other side of doing.

/r/drama users will always be more democratic than you because they truly believe in "power to the people". You only believe in "power to the people", when your side's in charge.

Was I a little over the top? I'll admit I've got a little thespian in me... I'll sing but I can't dance...:)

You've got a little autism in you.

Do I laugh, cry or get pissed...What's my motivation?