Nu-male/SJW Landwhale in /r/movies gets triggered over someone finding an actress attractive

91  2018-01-04 by SpacePanther17



You keep using the word misogyny but I don't think you know what it means.

They know exactly what it means. They just also know it's a super popular and convenient insult these days

That's why it's the most fun to hold them to their own rules. Unfortunately it's not as enjoyable when they don't know what basic words mean. Especially the most inflammatory buzz words.

They seem to be confusing it with objectification.

At best. But isn't media literally objectifying?

Beauty and sex sells. That's why they've got 19 year old Emma Watson selling facial routines.

I'm not the one spending umpteen billions at places like Sephora and Ulta.

Not aromatically. I mean, there's nothing with making people look good in movies (until you get to whole "muh beauty standards", but that's another topic) or being attracted to them, but only commenting on their looks, ignoring acting, is bit objectifying.

Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Nice spergout op, could've sworn that you were actually creating drama and not actually being retarded

Of course. That would make him slightly useful instead of a sad waste of sub-par generic material.

What was I just saying about conservatives whining to r/drama every time they get BTFO'd

Well....a certain other sub found this thread before whinny op posted it here. This might be the cause of those downvotes he got...and this moaning...and bitching...and crying.

And you having a bitch fit over it.


And you having a bitch fit over it.

And you having a bitch fit over it.

Are you implying I'm conservative?

Shit dude calm down


chill out man jesus christ


all r/Movies talks about is how hot actresses are without ever talking about their performances

/u/PeterParkerPizzaTime believe it or not, the reason most people give a shit about these actresses/actors is because they're attractive. That's not muhsoginee. It's just life, you pussy.

Pretty sure itโ€™s just muh soggy knees.

u/PeterParkerPizzaTime do you even know what misogyny is? Like do you realize it has a meaning besides "Thing I find distasteful"?

u/PeterParkerPizzaTime do you even know what misogyny is? Like do you realize it has a meaning besides "Thing I find distasteful"?

Yeah, there's nothing distasteful about rating one actress over another, far better one because she's more attractive. /s

Yeah, there's nothing distasteful about rating one actress over another

No there's not. People rate one another all the time.

far better one because she's more attractive

Yea so this guy was rating based on looks and not acting talent get over it

  1. in certain social situations? sure. but on reddit it's not really distasteful

  2. "distasteful" is not "misogyny", it's just distasteful.


Yeah, I'm not surprised that some virgin with a username like that is in this thread XD

Colin Powell's famous quote on what Bill Clinton does in the White House.

You see sexism everywhere, you should talk to a psychiatrist about your male feminism, before you rape again.

rape again

u/PeterParkerPizzaTime when was the last time you raped someone?


How's that weird? Not all rapists are male feminists but all male feminists are rapists.


That's true though. The news about male feminists exposed as rapists outnumber other news about rapists about 10:1. And it makes sense if you think about it, on one hand you get mentally ill men who try to control their rape urges by public flagellation, on the other you get sociopaths who seek easy victims. Hugo schwyzers and joss whedons, to name them.

And this is not a coincidence, what else despicable kind of human would ally themselves with a movement that spends most of its time talking about how they are all rapists? Only the self-hating rapists and the opportunistic rapists. Which one are you btw?

You're a weird guy

for you

Still better than PussyPussyPussyTime

Does it work the other way around because The Rock > Vin Diesel.

Bitch what

Gendered slurs? In my /r/drama?!

We're ๐Ÿ‘ in ๐Ÿ‘ [Current_Year] ๐Ÿ‘ fam.

Thanks for sticking up for your fellow whatgenders

Bitch whaaaaat

Wait preferences are misogynistic?

No, it's problematic. It's problematic because they're unattractive and can't get any.

Thinking about others getting some? Creepy, and toxic. Gross.

/u/icyhat is a creepy and toxic user on this site.

I wasn't thinking about gussy. Gussy is the worst thing on the planet. It's alright to think about people getting some when it's all bussy.

Tacitly agreed. But I reserve the right to revoke your "ally card" in the case of future infractions.

Icky and gross

No, it's icky.

No, basing their preference on them as an actress on who is more attractive is what is misogynistic.

Oh you poor thing, women do the same thing. I know, it's probably new information for you, but that's just human nature.

And women who do that are idiots too

So people are idiots for following their biological urges? Now that's a hot take if I've ever seen one.


Is it misandrist to prefer attractive men over less attractive men?

Thanks once again for missing the point :)

What is the point? Why don't you try again.

Why don't you answer the question?

You clearly arenโ€™t getting laid

You clearly arenโ€™t getting laid


Why is it that when women do it it makes them 'idiots,' but when men do it it's 'misogyny?'

because he thinks only men have the brain power to do wrongthink

Biology is literal patriarchy

"Why can't people love a fat blob of mayo like me?? ๐Ÿ˜ข"

Oh no, girls are mirin'

Calling women who do things that you don't like idiots? How misogynistic of you.

Oh you sweet summer child

If it were back in the good ole days of radio dramas I'd say you have a point.

But just like the talkies destroyed actors with bad voices, HD video has destroyed the fuglys.

There is nothing distasteful about that at all. Just because you look like a tub of lard mixed ice cream that sat in the hot July afternoon sun doesn't mean that unattractive means talented or not.

Stop using the same bullshit you do to justify the failures in your life. You have failed in like because you didn't work hard enough for anything. Looking like you're holding in a really slippery turd isn't helping things out one but. Smile and people will be tricked into thinking you aren't a miserable failure with a victim complex.

Just because you look like a tub of lard mixed ice cream that sat in the hot July afternoon sun doesn't mean that unattractive means talented or not.

Very mature. And awesome projection.

If you're going to spend them time defending your retardation, please at least be funny about. Plz

If you're going to spend time on the internet insulting people, please use more clever insults than "retard". Considering you're obviously a 15 year old boy, I doubt that's going to happen any time soon.

Oh to be 15 again ๐Ÿ˜ข When men were men, and swamp rats were swamp rats.

I wasn't insulting you btw, just quietly yearning for an entertaining lolcow like from the days of yore. You're genuinely too easy to insult, it'd be no fun picking on you.


The classic I have nothing to come back at them so they must be projecting defense. You must hate the fact that the majority of the people out there don't hate themselves to the point that you do. I know there are people younger and more attractive than I am, and I'm perfectly fine with it. Not that I would have to be fine with it, it doesn't effect me one bit that they are. I'm not jealous that they are better looking than I am.

I would put real good money on you hating the way you look. Mentioning attractiveness has you hating on the person who said it. It's alright though, playa haters going to hate. You have me feeling sad because you don't look at me favorably. I'm always looking for validation form random people on the internet. I'm also a sheep that needs to be told how to think. Maybe one day I will be allowed to wear the big boy pants.

far better one

Based on what? She was shit in Star Wars, at least Karen Gillian played her part properly in Selfie.

I'm mostly triggered by people calling Karen Gillian a bad actress tbh.

I've honestly never noticed her acting. I concentrate on the essentials, like her ass.

She is spectacularly hot.

true, very true. god i can't wait till we can just scan in photographs and have custom VR porn models constructed, i swear to god, 5 karen gillians would be amazing


keep yourself safe

me > you

god DAMMIT why is he being downvoted? is the 'tism running more rampant today than usual? did the tendies not get into your damn mouths fast enough?

I upvoted you, /u/PeterParkerPizzaTime please go on, you're making a lot of sense here and may just redeem one or two of the fallen souls who lurk in the darkness of /r/Drama.

/u/PeterParkerPizzaTime , he RESPECK WAMEN.

Where did "wamen" come from? Popped out of nowhere recently and I see it all the time now


Oh shit so you're a fuckin Nazi, huh? Get punched in the face, Nazi scum.

Thank you, you too.

Stop downvoting the lolcow

/u/PeterParkerPizzaTime is right you guys, soulless gingers can't be attractive.

She is attractive, but well done for completely missing the point of what I was saying. Bravo.

I bet you smile w your mouth open in pictures

What are your thoughts on /u/Wil Wheaton

Pre-op or post-op...?

Wait, when did Wheaton have the operation to remove the stick from his ass?

She is attractive

Disgusting. Put it back in your pants young buck.

Way to play it cool, OP

I know right

/u/PeterParkerPizzaTime is the kind of person to tell women on /r/gonewild they have pretty eyes

Nah, he'd just try to save m'lady with his pure nippon steel blade and sharp fashion sense.

u/PeterParkerPizzaTime does an average sized seat belt fit you in cars and airplanes, or do they have to give you "the extender" ?

As a practicioner of cheese-pizza-philia, /u/PeterParkerPizzaTime objects not the romantic focus on women, but to the romantic focus on adults.


I mean really, the acting ability of someone in an action movie is almost meaningless. It only matters how they look.

lmao of course r/movies believes this, christ what a retarded subreddit

Hey OP! Are you such a little bitch that you have to call this sub to upvote you? Lol did your feelings get hurt?

Wow, you got me. You looked through my post history, and found that I'm okay with people looking through my post history. You're as pathetic as OP.

First of all how dare you.

frist of all how DARE yo u

Forgot the bold, nerd.

Forgot the bold, nerd.


Lol stfu

speaking of land whales.



upvotes to the left guys, come on now

Feelings got hurt, just your feelings though!

Redditor for 6 hours

Yeah sure buddy, nice alt.
