Tonight - RichardBSpencer vs Styxhexenhammer666 vs Sargon of Akkad.

7  2018-01-04 by masodeq


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Can you even hold this much autism in one room?

What happens when it hits critical mass? Should we be worried?

The last time Sargon debated whiteknight Jared Taylor it didnt went well. Its fair to say he got demolished. He needs to bring more game.

Maybe if the alt right started promoting people like Jared, they wouldn't be thought of as angry, mentally deficient nerds who got brainwashed by memes. But no, he doesn't think the Jews are demons and he doesn't troll libtards epic style, so he's controlled opposition or something. Apparently caring about how media and the people see your populist movement is cucked. No, it's much better to just act as everything negative they accuse you of being, while simultaneously trying to prove them wrong. Glad to see the alt right fall to the same type of infighting that ruined the far left.

Actually Spencer goes back a long time, before the memes. Here he is with Ron Paul:

Ron Paul: "Take down (((the fed)))", stop (((foreign wars)))" etc.

I know, but Jared is just incomparably better. I don't agree with him on pretty much anything, but you can see he's a real intellectual. Spencer is just an opportunist and an attention whore. Also, my phone autocorrected "whore" to "white" #WOKE

That why they banned him from twitter first. Considering the current quality of politicians , that guy has a non-zero chance to be the next facist overlord. Don't forget to thank Jack for still being able to fuck gussy without going to a camp.

Sargon is representative of...the left?

Yes. Lot of leftists afraid to come.

Tonight, Heinrich Himmler will debate Adolf Hitler, the latter of whom will represent Jews, since stupid Jews are afraid to come to the debate!

And toss in some Goebbels too.

Sargon wishes he had clubfoot half as sexy as Goebbels's.