Should cops be able to make up charges and arrest you? Sure, what could go wrong with that?

20  2018-01-04 by southmouthneutral


u/Smilge is a real american hero. Willing to go to jail, court, pay fines, appointed therapy, etc. as an innocent man just so we don't let even a single guilty person get away. Godspeed you beautiful man.

I love /r/ProtectAndServe. They think they should be allowed to arrest people who haven't committed a crime and in their next breath they whine about people hating cops.

Most of that sub being conservative and voting republican is a mystery that baffles to this day

it really does .

I went ahead and locked the thread seeing as how this shit show of a sub doesn't encourage NP links.


Don't worry, the wambulance is on its way! :)

Why, did a police officer shoot someone?

realistically .np-posting should be a class IV misdemeanor like other extreme breaches of decorum

but thanks for letting us know you care

lmao you get banned for posting np links here.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Did you have a warrant for that?



You're a cunt lmao

Coming from a soy boy

Oh no! How will i ever recover from this le sick burn!!!

Killing yourself would be a start

ecks dee

This guy gets it.

Excuse me, Ed consists completely out of pasta.

Soy based pasta



np linking is a capital offense, much like being brown

fuckin fascist REEEEEEEEEE


NP links are the training wheels of Reddit.

Dude like no joke, a worrying amount of the people in your sub are shitheads. No wonder people dont trust cops all that much. A lot of the comments there are pretty fucked up.

How many games of Simon says are you going to play with some white trash out of frustration from this?

I plead the fifth

Cry moar pig

u/IamPezu how many of those 90 took a plea deal or didn't have the time/money/energy to fight this all the way? Should they just go suck a fuck?

Considering people get qualified lawyers for free... most people take deals because they know they have made a mistake and want to take responsibility for their actions.

That being said, taking things to trial is perfectly fine if you're innocent and/or think you can beat the charges levied against you. I have been falsely accused of things before. I was arrested, charged, and went to trial for a vandalism I didn't commit. I fought it via trial and won after I was able to show the main witness was a liar with a personal grudge against me.

Arrests don't ruin people's lives. People who claim otherwise don't know how the system works. Many people are arrested without charges being filed. That doesn't necessarily mean the arrests were bad or unfounded. Some prosecutor offices don't file charges in cases they don't think they have at least a 90% chance of winning.

Sometimes people take diversion programs in lieu of charges and formal arrest records because they know they made a mistake (i.e. driving home from a bar/party when they shouldn't have).

Blah blah blah. The buck stops at you piggy boy. The guy admitted in the video himself that his "free, qualified lawyer" tried to get him to take the plea deal when he did nothing wrong, and the only reason he nutted up is because of the real possibility that he wouldn't be able to see his kids anymore. Again, how many people didn't nut up for whatever and just ate shit for no reason other than a cop had a gut feeling?

Don't blame the higher ups because you are too incompetent to protect and/or serve. Only you can prevent forest fires motherfucker.

People in that thread are saying "3 out of 90 is 3%".

...wouldn't that be 3 out of 100? Wouldn't 3 out of 90 be much more than 3%? I'm retarded, someone who knows math please advise

it's 3.33%. So 3%, give or take an amputated dick.

Oh ok. So I am indeed retarded, thanks.

I mean the made up charges would only stick against poor people, what's wrong with that : )

or black people

The absolute state of 'merican police lel