Chelsea Clinton Wishes Happy New Year To The Church Of Satan - Prepare For A Shitshow

3  2018-01-05 by templesthataum


Hail Santa!

Twitter has to be the most useless website on the internet tbh

said the Redditor


Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

The official church of Satan is joke religion like the official Jedi Order that was created just to see if they could

Naturally everyone took them seriously

Aren't all religions just jokes that went too far?

My serialflamingoys are deathly serious.

Why do conservative Christians not understand the church of Satan doesn't actually have anything to do with Satan?

Why should people have to know what they stand for to pass judgment? Learning their positions is ignorant

Because it’s called the church of Satan. Nobody needs to look into any further to know it’s full of edgy retards.

Well, you'd be as dumb as conservatives are, then.

So if you don't immediately go check the website of some organisation you've just heard of, you're a retard? How often have you gone and checked the website of some church or school or company or whatever that you came across? If you do that, you're the exception, not the rule.

So to be clear here, you're the type of person that spends years screeching about satanism/the church of Satan without knowing what it is?

I wouldn't be screeching about it, and certainly not for years, but I would rather stay away from it. Doesn't matter if it's actually worshippers of Satan (which would seem like a rather obvious conclusion given their name, even if it's a wrong conclusion), or just edgy teenagers. I don't like edgy people either. That's also a reason why I don't get along very well with /r/atheism visitors. Atheists are fine, but those people turn it into a fucking religion of its own.

Yeah, that'll be great for her future political career.

Let’s see if our friends at r/politics or r/conservative give us any material over this