Homestar Runner Gets Killed In Robot Chicken Sketch, Both Are Things People Are Surprised Still Exist

19  2018-01-05 by SperglockHolmes



Damn, Homestar Runner was unfunny.

It was always fucking terrible, and I feel particularly credible as a millennial saying so. I remember back around 2000 trying to understand why some of my friends thought it was funny.

Strongbad was great but the other characters were never funny. Not even once. Maybe they had different writers? I can't believe the same person was responsible for all of it.

You mean you didn't think TROGDOR was hilarious!? But it's so wacky!

I liked it overall, but it was definitely inconsistent

So does this mean that I can make my own cartoon with Bart Simpson and it's okay as long as it's comedy?

Yes, you can even trace the art others have made.

You can if you're making parody. If you're trying to make your own episodes of the Simpsons, though, you're fucked.

I know I should keep my expectations low for robot chicken, but there wasn't even any attempt at humor for the majority of that. I assume the appeal is in their pop culture references, so to reference something so dated in a negative light, I can't figure out who the intended audience is suppose to be.