OP suggests people use plastic bags while cooking to make clean up easier in r/SlowCooking. Redditors who don't want to be poisoned disagree.

37  2018-01-05 by T_Dumbsford-Is-Sexy


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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Uhh.. OK.

Slow cooking is for plebs TBH. Instant Pot is the real red pill.

Eating is for cucks. Real niggas (((ABSORB))) nutrients 💪

I had always sort of suspected you might be a plant or fungus.


I like to mash my food into a pulp, sculpt it into a dildo and then ram that dildo up my sauced up asshole.

Kinky! 😩👌💦💦

This but unironically.

We photosynthesize our nutrients

Disgusting chlorophyll fags! REEEEEE

Not recycling nutrients by swallowing your own ejaculate

What a pleb


This is what these people will go on the cross for? Pot liners? Mass incarceration? Not a big deal. Financial inequality? Doesn't matter. Making cleanup easy and fast? I'll kill your whole lineage you mother fucker.

I'm going to make Bezos richer and order some now.

Please use coupon code "IMRETARDED" to get 10% off.

I keep putting that in and it doesn't work. Got another?


u/ed_butteredtoast coupon code???

Ping acknowledged :p

Ping acknowledgement acknowledged.

Holy shit!!!

This and epic FCC man needing to literally die (wtf I love political violence now)

I bought a crock pot last year, then went on r/slowcooking for meal ideas. I never realized how dead seriously those fuckers take a simple appliance.

You literally just throw shit in and turn it on

Woah now. Whats next, cooking in $.75 trash bags? The day of the scrub brush cant come soon enough.

People who would even consider using these should wear them as headcoverings. Vile human trash every single one of them BPA lickin slobs should cook themselves safe.

Lmao at that one guy calling them Cooker Condoms 😂

Cooker Condoms

I lolled.

This is a great way to lower test when soy isn't enough

Look at these retards not using an Instant Pot in the [current year]

Wtf is instant pot?

Sound it out you fucking inbred

i...iinnst.. Iñnssstannttt p, ppo, pottt.

Wtf is instant pot?

LoL, A sub dedicated to food that looks like (tasty) dog's vomit complaining that it looks gross.

The good recipes that are meant for slow cookers come out great. But the retards over at that sub try to make literally everything in a slow cooker.

Yeah you CAN cook a 4 layer 5 cheese quesadilla in your slow cooker but don’t be surprised when people tell you it looks like big bird took a shit in a pan, cause it does

Even the good recipes end up looking like vomit. The real problem is that the retards at that sub advocate using slow cooker for all your meals. I'm sorry, but different variations of braised meat and vegetables get old.

Ohmygod, r/slowcooking is not a place for me then.

literally everything i eat comes out of a bag

Is using 10 gallons of water to clean one pot really much better than using one fucking bag? Seriously, water supply will always be diminishing and in CA we're in a drought, and these fucks wanna throw like 20 gallons of water down the drain to save one plastic bag? The same people crying about paper plates also don't realize how much water is being saved.

How big is your slow cooker? Or are you just stupid

Just stupid and a big germaphobe

I just went to the bathroom and didn't wash my hands

I just shit on my chest in an inverted bicycle pose, and even I wouldn't use cooker prophalactii.


You must be an actual retard if it takes you anything over half a gallon to wash a normal sized slow cooker

Most recreational yachters use a few gallons AT MOST to shower their whole bodies. Amerifats' obsession with being wasteful fat pigs is incredible. If only 1% of slow cooking latex-membrane users would give up just one meal an afternoon, 3/4s of all biafrans would still be with us.

Mine is the size of a small swimming pool though. You can't judge me

You idiot just let it soak overnight with a dab of soap.