What's your favorite 4chan board? Least favorite? Explain your reasoning!

0  2018-01-05 by RadonRedux


Favourite? /Tg/, you don't need the other boards!

Least fave? Probably /his/, inaccuracies and bad history errywhere!

Lately /tv/ is my favorite due to Star Wars, I like a good bashfest because you get a lot of funny content. My least favorite is /x/, because every other thread is asking how to summon a sex demon.

Still using halfchan after j00t sold you out to a dataminer

I like /bant/ because there is actual conversation going on there compared to /b/. My least favorite is ... all the others

I don't have aggressive autism or social retardation so I don't use 4chan

says the redditor

Reddit is autistic, just not aggressively so. On the spectrum reddit is Dan Aykroyd, 4chan is Gary Busey

Gary Busey gets ass.

It says so right in his name even.

Too bad Garu Busey can't remember getting all that ass.

But people from 4chan dont

I dated an early camwhore from 4chan for a year.

It's illegal to fuck your own mother

Most favorite: /tv/ and /v/ because you can shitpost there with relative freedom and the mods are too retarded to act. Least favorite: Probably /co/ or /pol/

My favorite is /freech/ for the incomparable board culture. My least favorite is /9gag/ because I don't like image macros.

I used to like /jp/ because I am a major loser autist.


im a cryptoautist

/an/ because critters are wonderful and /pol/ for happenings and abusing leafs.

Oh also /gif/ because I'm too lazy to find proper pornography.

I left in 2013; at the time my favorite was /sp/. I'm convinced it was the most vibrant board on the site at the time: it had that perfect balance where most of the users were interested in sports but there was also enough off-topic posting to keep things interesting. My least favorite non-weeaboo board was /r9k/; I shouldn't have to explain this but even 4chan users found the misogyny there disgusting.

best is /fit/

worst is literally everything else

some of you /gif/ guys alright, don't go to reddit tomorrow