"I turned out fine ;_;" - The fine folks at /r/BlackPeopleTwitter discuss in what situations they'd beat their hypothetical kids

21  2018-01-05 by glorica


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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Why do people act like its bad to be a violent adult? Violence is a great way to settle all kinds of disputes and personality conflicts.

If you haven't been beaten with a belt as a child, you haven't truly lived. ⛽

Try the broad end of a giant kitchen knife!

My momma had no fucks to give!

cheese grater is what my momma used, gobless her

imagine being white, having kids with a black woman, and beating your black kid with a belt

imagine being white

Stop right there, you're making me sick to my stomach.

This, but unironically

sorting that thread by top is hilarious too

My parents taught me through greed

Little fuckers don't tend get what they want and their parents don't have much motivation for things like dinner and entertainment so act decent so the system keeps moving

No point in beating your own children, life itself will crush those little shits someway someday, it's a waste of your fucking time.

Adults who think beating children is an effective educational method have already lost.

If you, as an "adult", cannot out-wit, out-wait, out-think a child then you're only an "adult" in name.

Yea because the dad who’s exhausted from a 8-7 shift is totally gonna have the patience to out wit and out wait their Child

Somehow, plenty of us manage to do it every single day (and usually after more than a paltry 8 hours).

How retarded are you exactly? That’s an 11 hour shift.

People often have more responsibilities than just work.

That may confuse someone who thinks 8 hours at McD's is grownup ish.

What I'm getting from this is that people who can't count to 100 don't beat their kids

But then the kid doesn't learn a salient lesson about authority.

The point of beating your kids isn't just to get them to do that specific thing you want them to do. It's to teach them to fear authority in general.

All that teaches them is that all authority is legitemate in of itself or that none is because of how it treats them.

Well, yeah. That's kind of the point. First, kids need to know that it usually doesn't matter whether authority is just or fair, it just matters that it is, and that there are rules to follow and punishments for failure to obey. After THAT lesson sinks in, and they get older, then you can start more complex lessons on when and how it's correct to disobey that authority.

All authority is legitimate ultimately because of threat of force, and directly because of some threat or another, the enforcement of which is, you guessed it, through force.

Cut them some slack, they were abused as a child

Okay, kid.

That is just a silly thread.

Black men don't see their kids

The thing is they're not even black, most of them are just a bunch of whypipo

The one time a black person went on /BPT was when Obama was surfing around during the AMA, and he's still only halfrican.

My parents used to beat me for stuff I didn't even do.

In fact, that was the only time they beat me.

Now look what it's done, I've been srsposting on r/drama for a year now.

We can learn more through your failure than your success, and there's a lot we can learn from you.