Breaking: Police in Japan have released this sketch of the serial rapist/murderer dubbed, "Monsutā", or "Monster"; his occupation is suspected to be psychiatry

110  2018-01-06 by starship_litterbox


Now with added cancer!


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I think I found a match

Nyaaa... dumb nips can't even make up their own woids. (Bites carrot)

I know this is supposed to be Bugs Bunny, but I couldn't help but read it in some retarded "OwO what's this?" voice.

What does that sound like?

When I say it, it kinda sounds like a slightly sarcastic owl if that makes sense.

u remember the kid in your class who would "ironically" talk about all the fanfiction he wrote?

just imagine that kid trying (and failing) to imitate an anime squee voice in regular conversation.

This is so unbelievable stupid for so many reasons... please... pick up a book. your comment is a mix of racism, historical ignorance, date fudging, misplaced causal connections and strawmaning. A work of art, really.

we need you dr tenma

I don't know why but the first person I thought of was Carl Sagan when I saw that picture. It's a shame his legacy is in tarnishes now that it's verified he is a serial rapist and murderer.

I don’t get it, anyone care to explain?

Aparently that doctor legally requested Reddit to give him information on the dude who posted that

Nice job getting /r/drama to upvote a weeb reference

This information seems highly doubtful!

That's exactly what Dr Douglas Berger would say.

You're completely right, I would say this.