Guy in r/askgaybros traumatized by unexpected FTM gussy. The reaction is predictable.

66  2018-01-06 by nordicangst


u/hapahapahapa Just fuck him right in the pussy, coward.




/u/hapahapahapa has zozbot's blessing

And also has Ed's ping, so he needs to commit sudoku asap


Chop chop!! 👏

What is it with hapas and retardation?

This is why we need communism.

Hapas are 50% mayo, which is evidently enough to cause severe mental deficiencies.

More proof that the Mayocide should observe the One Drop Rule tbh.

This is why we need communism.

This is why we need Islam, inshallah.

lmfao which one of you posted this

I'd like to see one where the faggot is catfishing a straight guy, but said straight guy turns out to be a tranny catfishing him.

u/hapahapahapa don't be a transphobe

Next time don't agree to meet up with someone without a dick picture.

For some reason, this made me laugh, probably because I was thinking of the same advice being given in the context of dating instead of hook-ups.

Business meetings too!

That's my comment, haha. And yeah, I pretty much always used that rule on Grindr. No dick pic, no meet.

Agreed, dicklets should he gassed tbh

How easy would it be for a really skinny, long haired guy on grindr? I'm trying to keep an open mind if this whole gussy thing doesn't work out.

How much can you fit in your bussy?

A little bit of toilet paper or a gentle slender Asian proctologist's finger.

/u/hapahapahapa I sincerely sympathize with your trauma. Too bad there's no "trans panic defense" anymore.

I need to make an even more asanine argument in court so people can trot it out online for 40 years to come

Lol. OP’s scared of a girl

well, to be fair, OP is a faggot


I hope the people saying it isn't traumatising also believe that raping a drunk person isn't traumatizing because they weren't even conscious.

Wouldn't you agree u/whamo, u/tojo940, u/MacroAlgalFagasaurus

Or accidentally nearly having sex with a close relative (idk maybe by being involved in some swinger shit or something).

If you put your mind to it, it turns out that there's quite a few situations that can be traumatizing without even a possibility of causing physical harm. But of course sex with a transperson can't be one of them because they are already very oppressed so expecting being responsible of them would be even more oppressive, so that's just not true, nobody can be traumatized by that thing. Not allowed!

I'd say flashing and other non violent sexual misconduct or child grooming can also be ruled out not traumatizing, fucking children should get a grip

Sending dickpics to women is absolutely unjustifiably demonized too. It's a picture, lady, it's not going to jump out of the screen and rape you, what's your problem even?

What the hell has that got to do with it?

I hope you would agree that my fender bender is just as traumatic as vehicular homicide.

Jesus. Who taught these guys how to make a case.

I hope you would agree that my fender bender is just as traumatic as vehicular homicide.

That's the whole problem, that you all over there have this attitude that being surprised by a vegeta is no big deal because no harm no foul etc etc.

But the same reasoning goes against a lot of things that we do recognize as oftentimes traumatic without being harmful. See this whole thread.

And then you say that a gay raped in his sleep is allowed to feel traumatized and a guy spooked by an unexpected gussy is not. With the only difference being that your personal life experiences tell you that you probably wouldn't be traumatized.

I mean, the OP is very clearly a troll, but you all should still take a long look in the mirror in my humble opinion.

Yeah we suck. If a guy turned out to be a trans guy I’ll run to my shrink. And we’re all pro rape. And you have no sense of proportionality...

And you have no sense of proportionality...

Dude, dude, listen, what I'm saying is that "people ought not be freaked out by this", "on average people are not freaked out by this", and "you personally are not allowed to be freaked out by this" are three different statements that are very different along different dimensions too.

What kind of proportionality are you even talking about? What people on average find traumatic and how much? How do you get from that to what individual people might experience as traumatic?

Again what the fuck is the difference? I don’t care to map somebody’s acrophobia into an assertion that plane travel is actually traumatic. Even for them.

Don’t be so quick to venerate the dysfunction of one guy’s reaction to what’s considered reasonable. So you’re saying that one guy might be traumatized via an OCD reaction to mid-matched socks? One itty bitty guy should me where might have a singular solitary condition, your “single individual”? They re-define the word, and map it unreasonably onto something benign? And I’m supposed to solute you and get a boner because you’re playing the “every individual’s reaction is their own and to be respected” game. Nah.

I don’t care to map somebody’s acrophobia into an assertion that plane travel is actually traumatic. Even for them.

Nice. So if a person who is afraid to fly experiences a panic attack and passes out, that wasn't really traumatic, even for them.

Next in /u/whamo revelations: peanut butter isn't really allergenic, even for people who die from it.

OK, when there's a disagreement about definitions, we should take a step back and ask what are we going to use those definitions for. Like, supposedly Lincoln's favorite joke was, if we call a dog's tail a leg, how many legs does dog have?

The canonical answer that it's still four, because no matter what you call it, it's still a leg, is missing the point I think. The correct way to look at it is to ask, why are you asking? If because you're wondering how many dog boots you need for your dog (if it's a firefighter dog that wears boots or something), then yeah, no matter what you call its tail it doesn't need a boot. And if you're wondering how many appendages you can grab a dog by, then it makes sense to include the tail in the count, though calling it a leg specifically is still questionable.

Now, there's a person who was greatly distressed by some experience, to the point of still experiencing distress because of intrusive memories of that experience, including nightmares and shit, then why exactly do you want to know what the experience actually was? Why exactly do you care if they were almost hit by a car or saw a spooky tree?

I mean, there are legitimate reasons to care, maybe in some cases you might become pretty sure that they are lying about the extent of their trauma, but if you assume that they are not, then what exactly defining something as "not really trauma because it wouldn't traumatize most people" does for you, when dealing with that person in particular?

Another question is what the society-wide policy should be, we don't go cutting down all trees because of a handful of people who might be traumatized by them, because unfortunately for those people that would inflict much greater harm on everyone else, so they must learn to deal with that themselves.

Now, I'm not sure where being spooked by ftm vagina falls wrt to this, but it's not an obviously clear cut question, because I seriously suspect that there's going to be more gay dudes seriously spooked by it than ftm gay dudes. "But that is a minority so small that it can be ignored" is an argument that cuts both ways.

Long, incoherent desperately in need of cutting... and after all the gnashing and crit and condescending bs that I honestly just scanned without really bothering to read, you’re not sure whether ftm vagina is traumatic, not sure “where it falls wrt all this...”

Nice going

Wow. Brilliant. You don’t know where to come down on the original question? Can’t come up with a position?

Then shut the fuck up about me until you can.

Black and white thinking is not a virtue.

Blurry incoherent thinking is not thinking at all.

You said you didn't even read my comment, what could you know about my thinking?

It was that obvious, even from a quick scan. You’re not that trenchant.

Nah, you got it all wrong, I was pretty sure that ftm vagina is traumatic for someone if it traumatized them, but not sure if and how much we should do about preventing that as a society.

Yeah, I don't reflexively trust needlessly panicked triggered people's redefinition of words.

I don't have it all wrong. I'm absolutely sure that this idiot actually has no idea what trauma is. Want to see trauma? Watch Ken Burns' Vietnam War doc.

This doesn't qualify as trauma. Mild discomfort or shock and dismay, maybe. Personally I'd be like, wow hilarious, you're hot anyway, turn around let's fuck.

Trauma is seeing your kid killed in a car accident, not accidentally touching a trans peen.

C'mon already, this is pretty rudimentary.

You don't have a coherent definition of trauma and bounce all around the place because you mix apples, oranges, and a bunch of extra fruit varieties.

I already proposed one: it's when a person was greatly distressed by some experience, to the point of still experiencing distress because of intrusive memories of that experience, including nightmares and shit.

This is a definition based solely on the characteristics of that particular person: was distressed? Remained distressed afterwards? Yep, got trauma.

Instead you invent a bunch of criteria that examine everything except whether the person themselves was fucking traumatized.

Was the experience as bad as the 'nam? Well, what if it isn't, and what if some person had that experience but shrugged it off, would others become also not traumatized then?

Would that experience traumatize you personally? How the fuck does that even makes sense, all right, next time I'm distressed by someone you would not be and ask you to borrow your "mild discomfort", that's gonna help.

In above comments you also proposed to use the number of people who would be so traumatized as a criterion. Which is again retarded, that maybe one in a thousand people might die from peanut allergy doesn't mean that nobody dies from peanut allergy.

All because there's yet another angle, what would be the implications of you admitting that yeah, that guy was traumatized, what next, but of course with your scatterbrained approach you can't possibly disentangle that from factual questions and end up with rambling bunch of incoherent assertions.

Consult DSM-IV before you expect me to read another word. Got through the first line. There is an existing solid definition and you and your pussy saw buddies aren’t re-writing it. I presented solid examples of what does constitute trauma which conform to the definition. That’s factual, and you’re outta bullets. Bye.

Consult DSM-IV before you expect me to read another word. Got through the first line.

What do you mean exactly? If then it's not the same as "trauma", it's something that might or might no develop as a result of trauma, and the criteria for that are all about what the person experiences:

Symptoms include re-experiencing the trauma through nightmares, obsessive thoughts, and flashbacks (feeling as if you are actually in the traumatic situation again). There is an avoidance component as well, where the individual avoids situations, people, and/or objects which remind him or her about the traumatic event (e.g., a person experiencing PTSD after a serious car accident might avoid driving or being a passenger in a car). Finally, there is increased anxiety in general, possibly with a heightened startle response (e.g., very jumpy, startle easy by noises).

So basically what I wrote. Note the absence of "this should hurt them as bad as Vietnam vets to qualify", and "this should hurt them as bad as /u/whamo in a comparable situation to qualify", and "this should hurt most people as bad as them to qualify".

Someone who got really spooked by their child getting smashed by a car, or by turbulence in an airplane, or by an unexpected vagina, or by a tree branch scratching on the window, would qualify as long as they develop the symptoms. And if the symptoms don't persist for a month or more that qualifies as trauma but not a post-traumatic stress disorder.

Do you realize that I'd respect you a lot if you admit that you were wrong, and disrespect you if you make up some more ridiculous claims that contradict the DSM?

Very cute. Again reading the first line was enough that I knew you blew it, I did see the word Vietnam which I guarantee you know jackshit about.

Did you read the previous paragraph about death or severe personal injury? “Criterion A (one required): The person was exposed to: death, threatened death, actual or threatened serious injury, or actual or threatened sexual violence,” Nice try.

First, I'm not sure why are we discussing the kinds of trauma that are a prerequisite for PTSD in particular at all. DSM is not and doesn't claim to be an authority on the meaning of the word "trauma". Again, not all traumatic events are severe enough to result in PTSD.

But OK, what do you think happens if a child comes to a psychiatrist and says that he has nightmares after this old guy exposed himself to him at a bus stop, does the psychiatrist tells him to stop being a pussy, he could just run away and so was never threatened by sexual violence?

You simply will not let this go.

The OP’s claim that he was traumatized by his discovery that his hookup was a trans guy simply does not satisfy the definition of “trauma” as clinically defined. It’s a clinical term, and the word should not be refined by a panicked hookup participant or Reddit sophistry. I have demonstrated clearly the above and only the above.

The end.

You did not answer my question.

  1. Even if we go by the strict DSM definition, this shit would fall under it just like a PTSD after being exposed to an exhibitionist.

  2. And similarly I'm pretty sure that it's not intended to be an exhaustive list. Or do you think that a girl with claustrophobia who got locked in a closet by bullies and has been peeing her bed every day since then would be told to stop being a pansy by the psychiatrist, that's not PTSD, DSM says so?

  3. Anyway, DSM doesn't define "trauma", only the kinds of trauma that are sufficient for PTSD.

  4. Even if not for all of the above, people aren't required to use technical terms when there's an established colloquial meaning.

But I guess it's all pointless because you are convinced that allowing someone to describe their condition as traumatic obliges you to suck their dick, and you only want to suck dicks of truly deserving people, like nam vets and the like.

That last line shows your true colors. That’s shitty and a true sign you’re outclassed.

You lost. It’s not about me.

It’s about this:

Dissociative. Summary of Changes in DSM 5. Criterion A: Definition of trauma “exposure to actual or threated death, serious injury, or sexual violence”.

It doesn’t get any clearer than that.

I have no interest or obligation to “answer” your questions.

That last line shows your true colors. That’s shitty and a true sign you’re outclassed.

You lost. It’s not about me.

No, it's definitely about you and why you refuse to respond to any of my four points refuting your point, and merely repeating it.

You really don't want to allow people to describe their experiences as "traumatic" for some retarded reason, like that makes your life worse in some way.

There's no way I can force you to engage with my points as long as you have this weird hang-up, that if you give them an inch the next thing is you finding yourself forced to suck a dick of someone who said that they were traumatized by something.

This sounds like you were traumatized by something, to be honest. I'm not going to speculate if that was your mother or father or a sibling, but you deffo come off as a victim of emotional and probably sexual abuse.

Keep it up, you’re making an idiot out of yourself.

Just read the definition. Not the Urban Dictionary version. Finding a trans guy’s junk is not death or potentially fatal injury.

I don’t have anything else to say. That’s all I said at first and consistently since.. It’s not trauma. The patient doesn’t diagnosis the disease. Redditoids don’t write the DSM. And a colloquial misappropriation of a term is indefensible. It’s an SAT word, and you flunked.

As for the rest about my personality and your hilarious speculations about it: you sound like a nut. Lottttttttaaaaa projection.

Just read the definition. Finding a trans guy’s junk is not death or potentially fatal injury.

  1. Even if we go by the strict DSM definition, this shit would fall under it just like a PTSD after being exposed to an exhibitionist.

  2. And similarly I'm pretty sure that it's not intended to be an exhaustive list. Or do you think that a girl with claustrophobia who got locked in a closet by bullies and has been peeing her bed every day since then would be told to stop being a pansy by the psychiatrist, that's not PTSD, DSM says so?

  3. Anyway, DSM doesn't define "trauma", only the kinds of trauma that are sufficient for PTSD.

  4. Even if not for all of the above, people aren't required to use technical terms when there's an established colloquial meaning.

Dude, it's OK. You don't have to suck the dick of anyone who claims to be traumatized.

You can’t read, DSM 5 defines it.

  • it's ugly tranny pussy. Even more ugly than regular pussy.

I'd say being raped while unconscious is less traumatizing because you have no recollection of it, and if a guy is raped he doesn't even has to worry about being pregnant.

And since you're gauging trauma please tell everyone what are the appropriate things to be traumatized about

This is the most ridiculous conversation I’ve had this week. No. No longer interested. Said all I have to say.

Is flashing traumatizing?

Null set. We’re done. Simply getting with a trans guy - even by surprise- is not traumatic in any way shape or form.

So flashing isn't?

You’re not getting an answer.

I'm not getting an answer because you're retarded.

Seriously how hard it is to see that how it could be traumatizing for a person to go to a strangers house(an unknown environment where he has no power) finding that he deceived you and could probably harm you if you don't oblige, like this could be a plot for a horror movie if you replace the genders(it would be regardless of the switch but retards like you would complain that it wasn't actually traumatic).

You’re not getting an answer because I’ve stated my opinion and you’re flailing with a non convergent counter-example that doesn’t pertain.

My opinion is that your drywall needs to be redecorated with chunks of exploding brain matter but I digress, have fun with molesting people in their sleep and grooming children

None of which I espoused. You just did it. Your disagreement with me (who asked you) about the more likely hilarious oops of finding yourself with a trans guy is comparable to rape and buttfucking 8 year olds, and that because we disagree I should be murdered.

Tell you what... run that by your shrink, see what they think.

Chain-escalating an argument by extrapolation and progressively more absurd false parallels is an old trick used by those who think they’re smarter than they are,

Actually in my comment before this I just paraphrased op's situation, you can tell me how that wasn't traumatizing, but as I said keep grooming kids and putting roofies in people's drinks.

Which I never have, and which aren’t relevant. And you’re pretty lame if that’s the best case you can make.

See ya!

This sucks, but if it's the worst thing that happens to you while going to random peoples' houses for sex, you're pretty lucky.

/u/Peemster99 has a point there

Wasn’t he attracted to all the feminine things about this person?

He was planning to fuck the guy anyways how does it matter if he doesn't have a dick. Not super knowledgeable about trans stuff but they still have buttholes right?

He was planning on fucking a real dude, not a med calmly created one, people are allowed to make that choice

Im going to assume you are heterosexual male like most of us.

How would you feel if you met cute girl on Tinder and she promised you anal. You are going there to fuck girl in the ass but she turns out to be trans male to female? Asshole is still asshole?

Consider myself mostly heterosexual yes. As long as I don't have to perform oral, and she was feminine enough I had no idea until then, I'd absolutely be fine with it, possibly even be excited about it. But I still think that's a bigger bait and switch than the dude just missing something you weren't planning on using anyways.


A dude without a penis doesn’t exist, you filthy degenerate

Have you ever heard about androgen insensitivity syndrome?

Have you heard about our lord and saviour, Muhammad?

Also that's a terrible assumption. Where have you been? Drama is mostly gay dudes and MTF trans now.

Speak for yourself. Some of us are woke to the oppressive, violent, heteronormative propaganda of biological sex.

Im going to assume you are heterosexual male like most of us.

Um darling do you know what subreddit you're in?

A lots of these so-called “tops” are more interested in sucking dick than fucking ass.

Sounds pretty gay, tbh.

Im going to assume you are heterosexual male like most of us.

How would you feel if you met cute girl on Tinder and she promised you anal. You are going there to fuck girl in the ass but she turns out to be trans male to female? Asshole is still asshole?

Trauma? Really darling? People should be honest but theres no need to freak...he didnt tie you up and and rub his pussy in your face...

his pussy

Since we're chatting - mayocide anyone?

Once I lost a bet and had to watch a video of the surgery.

what was the bet?

"I bet I can say something that will make you barf."

It was a dispute over whether or not some guy we dealt with on the phone was super fat or super skinny. I bet he was a fatty, turned out he was a toothpick.

The person he encountered was a trans man, not a trans woman, which means she was born with a gussy.

What in god's green fucking earth is that? Don't tell me that's an actual tranny puss, freshly spawned?

aye lad, it be that



user name is hapahapahapa

Ok, this has to be a/r/drama user's alt, lol.

Is it gayer to fuck a MtF or a FtM?

Basically, I kind of wanted to bang the mute FtM assassin chick in John Wick 2 and I need to know if I can still take communion at church tomorrow.

Ruby Rose?


Ruby Rose isn't even taking male hormones so she's basically a woman with short hair wearing man clothes

A dude banging her is really working hard to not get anywhere near actual bussy

Banging a FtM tranny is like fucking a really ugly woman and it looks like a man so it's gay.

There is nothing straighter than fucking ugly women.

Is that what your father told you lul.


Anyone can fuck a hot woman. It takes a real straight guy to fuck ugly ones.

Guessing that's your alt?

u/hapahapahapa how does it feel knowing even fucking r/askgaybros think you're being a overly fragile little snowflake

I'm having trouble sleeping

I thought I was going to get beaten up

If you're not a troll, then you're the one with the pussy.

tbf, I feel pretty traumatised just reading that thread.

tbf, gussy is pretty scary. I hear some of them have teeth!

Why do trannies gotta be so rapey tho. How DARE this gay man not wanna fuck a pussy lmao

oh my god you miserable whores this isn't the lesson to take from this at all

I am fucking lollering here

I don't see the problem, traps are gay.

I was walking down the street in some yoga pants today cause ya know I'm a slut. Then this old crusty fuck white man said to me "hey faggot you shouldn't be wearing that shit faggot". So I went over to where he was standing and got really close to him to the point where I could've kissed him. I then said "lol your mum gay" and dabbed on him. The man started to cry in pain and agony. "Ah no the gay gene!!! It's infecting me!" I laughed at him and said "lol that isn't the gay gene that's AIDS" then I kicked his dick and broke it in half. At this point cops were called and they detained me for questioning. After telling them everything they arrested the old white fuck and let me go.

I also fucked the entire police station😜😜😜😜

Remember always dab on the haters.

One man’s trauma is another man’s oops, hilarity, ok turn around let’s fuck. They can’t both be right but I’d go with the second.