Baby Momma Drama

10  2018-01-06 by imreallybatman


Personally I prefer "Fetal-Production-Unit-#4978.ab//890MARK-!89"

...but to each their own I guess.

me too thanks

“Mother of my child” = mutual, and respectful co-parenting

/u/-littlefang- we need a more gender neutral term. How about my child's other chromosome provider?

Idk, ask the person I was quoting in that comment.

I don't know who that is, can you ping them for me?

/u/-littlefang- No matter how much you white knight for that baby's momma, she is not going to fuck you.

That's.. Weird, gross, sexist, misinformed, etc. I'm a woman with children telling people that calling women with children "babymomma" is rude.

There's more to not being a twat than just trying to get laid, btw.

There's more to not being a twat than just trying to get laid.

Like not arguing with literally fucking everyone? Because you are very much failing at not being a twat.

I responded to you tagging me in a comment, bud. If you don't want me to reply then don't tag me?

Glad we're on the same page: You're an argumentative idiot who just can't resist trying to tell people they're wrong.

posts to r/relationships, r/vegan

Oh no wonder

TIL that responding to people to reply to your comments or tag you in posts is being argumentative. Alrighty.

Have a nice day, friendo.

"You're argumentative." "NO I'M NOT YOU'RE WRONG" literally banned from r/nutrition for trying to start an argument gg well-played, idiot. I pity your children.

You seem super angry, I hope your day improves. I'm not gonna respond anymore though, sorry.

Actually, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart.

no u.

Tbh if my mom argued on the internet like some retard I'd probably run away or kill myself.

It's trashy yeah, but I'm not getting how it's rude. It's just trying to euphemize an awkward situation with a cutsie replacement.

It's just so trashy, if you use the word you might as well go in Maury

Ya I gotta agree here, never seen a single person use that word or call themself that word and think 'I'd totally invite them to a family cookout'.

Not that I have cookouts. Or a family.