127  2018-01-07 by wazzupnerds


Having to balance if Bannon or CNN's BETRAYAL was worse is hard work for even STABLE GENIUSES

If there's one thing I can relate to as a fellow genius: don't let anyone else know that you are a genius, because they won't get it:(

Yes, I just read a recent paper on that in the New England Journal of Betrayals and Fakery.

This is just a genius and stable tactic by Daddy. He knows that he has the country on the edge of their seat in anticipation of the Daddy Award Show and he knows that he can generate even more hype by keeping us in suspense. Daddy is such a remarkable businessman. This is everything I hoped for and more when I cast my ballot for him in 2016.

I'll be there, December 8th right?

4D chess, I'm already buying an American made hat to support this. It's a real win tbh.


Be understanding pls. He has probably put more work & attention on this than he did on the healthcare bill.

So, any work and attention?

Both documents probably have an equal amount of McDonald's grease stains on them.

Only fatties drink Diet Coke btw

Diet coke tastes better

I have never known a thin person who inhaled McDonalds food every day.

I used to be thin.

I have, but the said couple only ever got breakfast or just fries so maybe that's only drinking?

Daddy's new years resolution is to put more effort into his work this year. He put in 2 hours of effort. Resolution accomplished.

I'm guessing that Jake Tapper wanted Daddy's attention.

jesus the lapdogs in the replies are even worse. Imagine spending all day retweeting memes about fake news and trump and cnn. Like how could you be happy

Imagine spending all day commenting on dramatic memes about a shitty website. Like how could you be happy

The bussy keeps the morale up

I'm not you fucking mong

I’m not happy.

Pls Daddy, I can't wait for much longer!😢😢😢

Most entertaining President ever. It's all down hill once he's out of office. Unless we get President Kanye.

President The Rock 2020

☏☕☣LOGAN PAUL 2020☪☃☊

☏☕☣LOGAN PAUL 2020☪☃☊

☏☕☣LOGAN PAUL 2020☪☃☊

Dab on the democrats

2020: The 4 prez, Kid 4 vice.

Vote Rocks!

Wait until Shkrelli.

Kanye West 2020
Oliver North 2024
Bobby East 2028
George South 2032

Patrick Weast for Life

Shoot Myself 2036

oh shit I didn't know there was a trumpparrot

There's a lot of parrots you don't know about . I'm in the parrot illuminati.

thank god I have the CSS off

i just dug em up in the inspector

I know why the caged party parrot sings.


Kimmy > Melania

"The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated!" I bet this crazy old fuck loves the smell of his own farts. Say what you will about eugenics but if it had remained in place there probably would be a lot less people agreeing with him in the replies.

you say that like eugenics actually worked in human practice, and didn’t produce a bunch of inbred retards

Yeah you are right but I was just being 2edgey4you. I mean Trump's uncle was a professor at MIT and Trump is as dumb as yeast.

Science says that you most likely also love the smell of your own farts, and if you don't, there might be something wrong with you.


Top comment in the T_D thread about this:

Folks, read between the lines. The importance is far greater? This is a clear and precise tweet.

I know that laughing at T_D posters is like finding amusement in real life window licking, actual-tards, but c'mon guys. The words "clear and precise" fundamentally cannot describe any single tweet from @realDonaldTrump. Donnie just don't got the brain smarts to rite that good.

I just want to see what the trophies for winning it look like.



is fucking guy needs to chill the fuck out with twitter.

is fucking guy needs to chill the fuck out with twitter.

Do you know where you are?

Ur in /r/drama, bby

He really doesn't. This is by far the most entertaining presidency ever.

If anyone ever takes away Trump's smartphone I hope he stands on the roof of the White House portico and shouts through a loudhailer at passers by.

He absolutely would do that too...

Bless the unithed thathes

This is the most anticipated awards show of the year

As a non-american, i must say i find his presidency pretty amusing, especially some of his tweets.

His presidency? Funny as fuck.

His following of cancerous lap dogs that can't stop shitting up the internet with seriousposting? Die in a mass shooting please.

Everyone who replies to his Twitter is a person the world would be better off without.

this 100%

They will be held on top of the wall.

Is there going to be like an awards show for this? Who's hosting? Or will it just be some shitty tweets?

yeah like i almost thought he was kidding the first time cuz i can't particularly imagine what the actual show would be... what are the categories?

Fake news

Fakest news

Fakerest'ed news

Landslide victory for Fox and Friends.

it’s just a single trophy, like the Peace Prize

Or will it just be some shitty tweets?

This one

It's at the White House. Dress code is smear your shit on yourself.

Scott Baio. And Ted Nugent.

Thank god a president finally focusing on the important things instead of that bullshit "budget" shit they always get hung up on.

The importance of these awards can't be overstated. CNN will have to claim this award whenever they are mentioned.

"CNN, the Fakest News."

In unrelated news, it's been announced that George R. R. Martin has accepted a position as Trump's newest advisor.

George R R Martin would not make Trump any more productive (it has been six fucking years, George), but Trump would learn that it was totally fine to rape his own daughter if he has enough dragons.

In other news, Trump has abandoned all other policies until NASA finds him a dragon.

dammit, the one time i expect him to follow through

Oh noes, I hate waiting. ;_;

This dude is so fucking salty that he's not gonna be invited to award shows anymore lol

On some level it's kind of inspirational. No matter how damaged and disfunctional you are, you too can be President. Assuming your daddy left you a real estate empire.

Damn, was going to be the highlight of my Monday