
1  2018-01-07 by AnnoysTheSoyboys

This sub links directly to Trumps twitter more often than T_D.

If half of what we talk about is Daddy's tweeting, can we at least link to where it's causing drama on reddit, surely that can't be difficult.


Post tits

Mine or whoevers?





Well aren't you an adorable little soygoy

Just hitching a ride on your coattails.

I get a percentage of your karma. Regarding this post, lead by example instead of whining and ruining my brand.

The entire front page is /r/politics material these days.

Typical thread on /r/drama:

Regular 1: (+104) Donald Trump is such a racist piece of shit! I don't understand how anyone can like that rapist! Worst President ever!

Regular 2: (-15) lol, no he isn't. Take your meds

Regular 1: (+52) OMG! How dare you serious post in /r/drama!

Time to just give up on this shithole. Same thing's happening here, that happened to SRD.

What are you smoking? I don't think I've ever seen anyone here rip on Trump for being racist. The subreddit rips on him for being a loud-mouthed moron.


Mmm, salt.

Time to just give up on this shithole.

Bye Felicia!