Guy on /r/iamverysmart thinks Melania Trump is the hottest chick in the world

48  2018-01-07 by lmao_how_old_are_you


Now with added cancer!


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She wasn’t even the hottest woman in Croatia.

Does it feel good to slander our first lady like that?

Where did he slander Ivanka?

There's nothing hotter than having stardards. Except maybe boobs.

Maybe that's because she's from Slovenia.

The whole Slavic world is actually just one country.

Slovenia isn't worth much ever since it broke up with Czechia.

Also, Mauritius and Mauritania are the same place. There are 17 Congos, though.

!Subscribe to Carmen Sandiego facts

what the fuck's a czechia

Some people think the Czech Republic is a stupid name for a country and just call it Czechia.

I'm waiting for everyone to loop back to Bohemia.

She's slovenian

Good point. She is rather slovenly.

She’s definitely not the hottest woman in Slovenia.

Maybe that's because she's in America.

Big if true.

I mean really, a community dedicated to mocking faux intellectuals instead of something productive that moves your life forward.

u/FreedomsTorch ironic coming from someone with a reddit account

/u/FreedomsTorch please kys after murdering that metaphor


Melania looks like a fucking Gelfling

It's a pretty quick and steep drop to babushka in the near future


If this was an unprovoked twitter rant, then I'd agree with you

but this was a defence of an accusation, do you want him to just not have a response?

lmao "Do you think the President of the United States should just do his job and not yell at people on the internet who say he's dumb?" Yes, yes I do, actually.

You don't have to bring the argument in here, that's what brigading is for. New drama only pls.

You don't have to bring the argument in here

But it's way more fun to

What's the point of that though

For the record, Taylor Swift will always be the most attractive human being ever. That's just a fact.

> 2018

> attracted to gussy


nibba everybody knows the most attractive human being is the futa melania trump drawn by >shadman smdh

Shadman in current year, fucking lol.

She thicc

She flipp

But most important, she got a dicc

> no tits

> no ass

/u/OnionBits confirmed for boyluv.


Melania before plastic surgery just looked like a 4/10

You need to meet more women, she aint that great.

I like the before pic better

Me too.


Christ, did they perform the surgery with a shovel?

At least she didn't look like belonging to /r/totallyhumans


She looks like a guy.

Ehhhh,she's ok.

here's what you look like

if only, ay lads?

She's not even the hottest of Trump's wives.