Someone said waiting in lines isn't really a big thing in Chinese culture, which is of course highly racist. Someone else said, no, that's really how it is there. What a racist!

161  2018-01-08 by elsiedeez


My dad is british and one of his triggers is when people don't "queue" up. He lost it on a herd of Japanese tourists in Hawaii once bc they wouldn't wait their turn to take pictures.

You're Jewish and British? Fucking gross

/u/Johnblind sharpen ur sword motherfucker 🗡

My grandparents immigrated to Britain after WW2. 🧐 He's not ethnically british lol.

You won't be as lucky as granny 🔥🔥🔥


Take them to  ساحة الصفاة‎, Mickey 😙

I need a microscope for those squiggles 🔬

I thought you'd appreciate a e s t h e t i c scripts tbh

No, Britishness is matrilineal-only as well, thank goodness.

It's funny how 2 of 3 of the justices on Britain's Supreme Court are Jewish

She's not Jewish.

Really? My experience has been that Japanese tourists are the absolute best tourists. I met a decent amount in hawaii and they were always clean and polite.

Slav tourists are surprisingly alright too. Though maybe only well off slavs come to America.

They weren't trying to be rude, they just didn't grasp the idea of waiting your turn.

then they can’t have been japanese, unless they were hated back home too. that’s what this post is about

you sure they weren’t at least Ryukyuan or something?

Assholes exist in Japan too.

yeah but they’re too busy training or committing sex crimes for tourism

No, guroryus Nihon has no disonurubu pepu.

Weeaboo's on suicide watch

From original thread

It's not racist, but cultural.

As 99% of racists accusations are.

circlebroke is just white liberals who tolerate minorities unless they espouse the wrong view

I get that minorities and women have certain disadvantages, but to hear some people talk, you'd swear they were doomed to a lifetime of poverty and destitution. You know who REALLY ought to go out and protest? Ugly, socially awkward people. I guarantee you those motherfuckers will just about always get the short end of the stick. And it doesn't even matter what color or gender they are.

ought to go out

socially awkward people

Really makes you think

You know who REALLY ought to go out

ugly, socially awkward people.

The restof us would really rather they didn't.

They should stay at home and browse /r/drama instead tbh.

I'm following your advice

Speaking from experience, I see.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of you familam

Na, we make lots of money.

you just described probably 99% of this entire website.

I mean, it's not like it's a chinese thing. It's a poor people thing. China currently has an exploding middle class. Lots of people who's parents were poor farmers and never taught them manners can all of a sudden afford to go to the city or even abroad.

I guess now it's racist to admit that China is going through the same process every first world nation already did?

I can't speak to Japan, but I've spent a lot of time in South Korea and some in China. There's a cultural thing where you don't wait, you just fucking go. It works with lines to some extent, but the best example of this was the subway. In the US and Europe and whatnot, when the train stops, people on the platform wait for people to get off, then they get on.

In Korea and China, the doors open and you run at each other like the armies in Braveheart.

I guess I'm a racist now. It had to happen sooner or later.

In Korea and China, the doors open and you run at each other like the armies in Braveheart.

You absolutely do not do this in Korea. You have to stand in lines on the left and right of the opening doors and wait until everyone has gotten off. There's only occasional old people who stand in the way or try to get in out of order, and they do this because old people don't get called out for shitty behavior as much.

I lived in Seoul for a couple years in the early 2000s, and literally every subway experience at any decently busy time of day was like that. I thought it was comical because I'm 6'2 so I just kind swam through a sea of black haired shorties and never had a serious problem getting on, but it seemed like for some smaller people it could be an issue.

There's a couple of lingering stupid social things like some old men don't know that you can't stand on the left side of the escalator because it's for passing, or that you're supposed to walk like you drive, etc, but it's mostly all cleaned up now.

Occasionally a friend will run into a stubborn ajumma who attempts to push her way into a train before people have come out, and we shoulder check them as they confusedly wonder why people aren't just letting her do whatever she wants.

You absolutely do.

Japan is the complete opposite. They wait on either side of the door until all the passengers off before they start boarding. The Japanese are much more refined than the Chinese, but the Chinese are much more industrious.

Japan is orderly and polite. No pushing or shoving.

My first time there my friend and I actually cut the line for a subway without noticing since we didn't know they had that. After we learned it out was the greatest thing ever.

Back in Germany everyone is a fucking asshole again

Wait, I skip lines because I grew up poor? I thought I was just a Chad.

I grew up poor


Notch need a to take care of this animal.

Same in the states. Every racist goes "but what about black on black crime?!" When really the discussion should be poor on poor crime

Poverty makes people steal and kill to get by. The notion your skin color does is absurd.

Yeah I'd feel much safer around rich blacks than poor whites

Would you feel safer around poor whites or poor blacks though? Would be interesting to compare trailer park crime rates to "inner city" crime rates

Depends. Poor white tend to be on meth and I do not want to fuck around someone on meth

Good point. I guess you could argue the same for crackheads though

There is however a significant difference in crime between races, even adjusting for wealth.

It still is bad because black people do worse even when income is accounted for. Look at single family homes for black people and compare it to Hispanics for instance. It is pretty double every other race/ethnicity. This is where the trouble begins and it compounds from there.

Serious post on your own smh. I shall contribute.

Taiwanese used to be the "rude tourists," and it was Japanese even before. Improvements in economic standings also improved the people's attentiveness to manners.

I can agree but, a fairly nicely dressed chinese woman cut in front of in a buffet line. When it was just me. Though it does seem like things are changing from the looks of it.

lmao you are a piece of work.

You sound like a fucking psychopath, /u/moral_realist, the guy wasn't even arguing with you. You just got booty blasted that politely said that your thread was fucking garbage, you piece of shit asshole loser.

Imagine CB2 getting this offended over stereotypes about Americans.

They targeted gamers.

Cb2, as a Murican I hereby give you permission to refer to me as an unhinged, wheelchair bound by obesity, biblical literalist who fires their fully automatic assault rifle in the air every day.

I just don't want to see this sub turn into the millions of objectively bad subs that already litter the website.


And there's stuff white people do that Asian people probably think is rude. Amazing how different countries can have different social standards really

"circlebroke2 is not a cringe sub"

perhaps that word means something else there

more like a CRINGY SUB right? ayyyyy gottem

Pattern recognition is the biggest crime of the 2000s.

Chinese don't queue

Depends where you are. So I live in Beijing: The bus stop outside my home has about a hundred people waiting every weekday morning. They queue until the line gets too long and then spontaneously start a new line. When the bus arrives only the first line gets on while the second line waits for the next one.

Nobody seems to organise this... there are no signs telling people to do it. A few times I've seen nongets from out of town happen by but when they realise what the system is they just go along with it.

However, the not-queuing thing deffo exists and anyone who denies it has either not spent enough time in China or they are being disingenuous.

Disingenuous... look Ma... I used a big boy word!

Don't you go confusing things with your whole "living there and actually seeing what happens" attitude.

Interesting take on queuing btw. Brit bus queues just grow arbitrarily long, although those at the back just accept with quiet desperation when it turns out they have to wait for the following bus after all.

To be fair, in comparison to the US, continental Europe is rude as shit about lines and waiting. Americans would probably loose their shit how we just barge in front of each other or in some instances, cut in line (looking at sneaky French people who notoriously do this at EuroDisney).

I guess that's racism? Oh? It isn't because they're a white cultural? Ohhhhhh. Mayocide now tbh.

Going to the butcher is a goddamn nightmare for me as an American in germany.. I'm hardwired to wait my goddamn turn and people just walk right in front of me

Higher population density I think means everyone's more focused on getting what they want rather than politeness. In a way you could compare it to how people drive in large metro areas compared to rural areas


Whatever the racist thing that was linked from the link has been baleted, but if it's about about chinese peeps shoving in line, then it's true.

My polite sensibilities were dashed as soon as I thought lining up for the train in China was gonna be orderly.

You gotta use your elbows.

I mean when I was in Shanghai, there sometimes were lines, and sometimes not. In Xiamen it was just "First come first." It's literally just a way of life.

To be honest not . In china, now many people will allow the order , and we will wait in line, if there is any one break it, we will blame him also.