SRD found out that people die in war yesterday, and not all soldiers are very emotional about that fact

87  2018-01-08 by lmao_how_old_are_you


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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/u/ihavecorrectopinions you don't really know what a war crime is, huh? Hint: It's not accidentally killing the wrong people. Join a war sometime, you lazy motherfucker, find out.

a war crime is when you kill someone who isn't white. get with the program faggot

But the SRD thread told me most Afghans are white, so it wasn't a war crime.

oh. well then give the guy a medal of honor and a mediocre ben affleck biopic

Bomb the Sand-Mayos, based on a true story, coming to a theatre near you.

combat footage of afghanistan

yelling, blurry camera work, generic islamic chanting

he thought the war was over...

soldier in civilian clothing and baseball cap arriving at the airport, returned from afghanistan, hugs child

he thought he'd earned his life back...

soldier recieving medal from random white old extra, soldier looking wistfully at his ex-wife in the audience who smiles

but now those whose freedom he fought for ...

soldier is at the supermarket. he's wearing a US ARMY hat. accidentally bumps an ugly (yet only hollywood ugly) woman with dyed hair, who responds, "watch where you're going, you murderer!"

are fighting against his

stock news footage of protesters at berkeley, BLM riots, and some euro riot that the editor's intern mistook for charlottesville

excerpts from chapotraphouse can be heard over the footage, complaining about the US military

music ramping up, doing that dumb jittery transformers thing that all trailer music does nowadays

...and the real war has just begun

music hard cuts to silent

close up of computer monitor. url address bar in focus. loud keyboard clacking as "" is typed

12/10 would watch.

This is so unbelievable stupid for so many reasons... please... pick up a book. your comment is a mix of racism, historical ignorance, date fudging, misplaced causal connections and strawmaning. A work of art, really.

No amount of deflection or autistic shitposting will make you correct here. You are wrong according to international humanitarian laws.

Read this:

Under international humanitarian law and the Rome Statute, the death of civilians during an armed conflict, no matter how grave and regrettable, does not in itself constitute a war crime. International humanitarian law and the Rome Statute permit belligerents to carry out proportionate attacks against military objectives,[3] even when it is known that some civilian deaths or injuries will occur. A crime occurs if there is an intentional attack directed against civilians (principle of distinction) (Article 8(2)(b)(i)) or an attack is launched on a military objective in the knowledge that the incidental civilian injuries would be clearly excessive in relation to the anticipated military advantage (principle of proportionality) (Article 8(2)(b)(iv).

Please read this and tell me how it was a war crime. It wasn't intentional, the death alone doesn't make it a war crime, and even if it were intentional, sometimes civilian deaths are allowed for if it adheres to the principle of proportionality.

Distinction (law)

Distinction is a principle under international humanitarian law governing the legal use of force in an armed conflict, whereby belligerents must distinguish between combatants and civilians. Distinction and proportionality are important factors in assessing military necessity in that the harm caused to civilians or civilian property must be proportional and not "excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated" by an attack on a military objective.

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in all seriousness it wasn't a warcrime it was just retarded, and the dude is a good example of why modern-day soldiers are unironically the worst type of people. like it takes a certain level of either lust for violence or idiotic desperation to see the american foreign policy of "protect israel and destablise the middle east" and go "hmmm that sounds like something worth dying for"

It's a war dude. They're fought to protect and expand power. Not sure why you think everything should be some great moral crusade.

i usually don't need to kill kiddies to have an adventure. what are you, a 50 year old boomer jewish sex tourist?

You're still grappling with the fact that people die in wars, huh? What did you think they did?

yeah, so why volunteer to die for israel in the first place dummy

You sound very educated and experienced in international relations

lmao thought so

thought what? You're getting really weird here because you're upset that people die in wars and that wars about power. Like who doesn't know that?

you must be playing pretend retard surely

fun fact: just because war inevitably involves bad things happening doesn't mean you can actively volunteer to do it and pretend to be a good guy

lol "good guy"

So we're back to the moral crusade here. Between this and "the US is in Afghanistan because of Israel", you're really throwing out the "I'm in college!!" vibes pretty strong here.

moral crusade

so wait in your mind it's just a binary "you can't have any judgements on anyone we're just all gonna die maannnn" / "everything must be done exactly according to my morals" choice?

nigga you're the one sounding like some first year college fuckboy who just read neitzche

You're the one worried about if people are "good guys", dude. This isn't a cartoon.

dae morals don't exist??? love to watch my rick and morty and drink my soy soy

So yes to still being in college? lol "good guys"

How old are you actually

eight years old, but i fuck regularly

that was a weird diversion because yeah you actually sound like a college kid here

So... you're saying the Jews did 9-11? Because that's the only way this statement would make any sense. But expecting it to make sense is probably giving you too much credit.

I assume the conclusion is that soliders are in Afghanistan because (((Israel))) wants them there.

Maybe he doesn't understand that Afghanistan is 2500km from Israel. People who whine about "yanks" a lot tend to have a hard time finding anything on a map.

So... you're saying the Jews did 9-11?

Wait, (((we))) didn't? Damn it, nobody ever tells me anything!

He thought they respawned, duh

I'm confused. How did Jews get involved in this in the first place? This is r/drama, you can feel safe opening up to us.

You see, it all started in the year 33 C.E. with this dude named Pontius Pilatus...

One little fight, and mom got scared!

I dunno why mass shooters always go to schools when there are so many good universities and communist book stores out there.

I heard that US soldiers are the only people that commit atrocities in times of war

Not sure why you think everything should be some great moral crusade.

cuz they keep pretending it is

Protect and expand power? Here's the thing about that, the Chinese and Japanese swooped in after the war and got all the rights to the rare earth metals in Afghanistan. If we were doing it in hopes the war would pay off we did a shit job at getting our pay day.

I said protect and expand power and you started talking about money.

What good is power that can't get you rich? Especially power that costs so much money, it would be nice to offset that somehow. this serious

As serious as an increasing debt/GDP ratio.

Simple power projection is power.

The power to go broke? Or the power to ruin your political career?

lol wut

So you're just cool with civilians being slaughtered in your name, at your expense, for the sake of boosting the profit margins of the wealthy elite? And you think that makes you some cool realist instead of an indoctrinated dipshit?

Yes. Learn about international relations.

Also, I've benefited a lot from it!

Whatever material benefits you think imperialism has gained for the first world worker are far outweighed by the depressing influence it exerts over the wages and living standards of said workers. The facilitation of capital in its exploitation of third world subjects only grants it ever greater leverage in its exploitation of the first world worker. Try learning some world relations yourself, and throw some economics in there while you're at it.

I have a Master's degree in international relations. What do you have? I also have directly benefited from imperialism as its been job for almost two decades now to wage that war. It pays well into the six figures for me, now.

Love me some argument from pedigree. I'm currently pursuing a Masters in Economics, but as someone who grew up surrounded by academics, I can tell you that a degree does not equal intelligence.

As for your personal benefit, I already said that members of the military industrial complex do benefit from imperialism. The average working class of the first world, however, does not

Love me some argument from pedigree.

lol? Then why did you ask?

I'm currently pursuing a Masters in Economics, but as someone who grew up surrounded by academics, I can tell you that a degree does not equal intelligence.

So you being in school trying to achieve something I've already achieved and have literally years and years of experience is somehow better? Wow, interesting.

As for your personal benefit, I already said that members of the military industrial complex do benefit from imperialism.

Thanks. So what are we talking about then?

The average working class of the first world, however, does not

Well, that's factually wrong, but alright, whatever you need to help you sleep at night. I don't give a shit.

But you do want them to die, so technically you agree with their decision.

and before someone says it yes i know lots of soldiers are poor. that is just another reason to look down on them

My boy


anime is for queers but i do like the death grips penis, it's a nice touch

Cool kids listen to H09909 now

Oh my god they are horrible. I just watched a music video that was also an add for converse.

Shit was like a parody of death grips.

Only cool kids enjoy converse advertisements

Cant tell if satire or if we need to call a priest

Lol "Join a war you lazy kids" is an overwhelmingly stupid comment

Are you scared?

Man I wish I had the courage to drone strike children from a command center hundreds of miles from the target. I wish I had the courage to join up with a platoon of dozens of other guys, armed to the teeth with the most advanced weapons in human history, backed by an overwhelming air superiority capable of (and willing to) reduce entire towns to radioactive isotope-laced rubble, and go fight a half dozen guys with rusty guns from the cold war, using IEDs made of duct tape and firecrackers, whose last meal was a handful of dates like 4 days ago, and then lose anyway because we're really really fucking dumb.

So that's a yes?

How does SRS function?

Someone posts clear bait and gets 100 responses and it just happens over and over on the same thread

They say places like latestagecapitlism and Chapo are reasonable and act surprised when they show and start openly threatening to kill people

and they do it almost everyday

How the fuck did this sub survive?

It's okay to threaten to kill him because he did war crime. Oh well not really a war crime, he just did something that they don't like. So it's okay.

Its not just that

SRD is a sub for "drama" but that take everything deathly seriously when the point of "drama" is most of it is petty bullshit blown out of proportion

They claim to be be against the "Status quo" but almost all of their posts are group think with pretty much anything else down voted

They are constantly being brigaded by places like FULLCOMMUNISM who threaten to kill people and don't do anything about it

for fucking out loud they respond when you ping them, how does that?

And the constant posts where they turn their nose up at drama. "Ew, drama with dead kids/sexual assault/generic tasteless thing in it, can't enjoy" (+987). Like, motherfucker, you're in a subreddit for gawking at other people freaking out now's not really the time to take the high road and claim you're above that. Even if you are, no one else really needs to know.

You know how they copy pasta about how they are Drama's "more intelligent upper-class" counterpart?

Its true more ways they one. They view drama as something that "less intelligent", "evil" and "lower class" people do

They ride their bulletproof business into ghetto to marvel about how much better they have it and wonder why they poor just don't RISE UP

Drama on the other sees drama as something that happens when random people lose their sense of self and start thinking that not only that they are important but that they can force the world to be the way they want it to be

We're nearing Rick and Morty fanbase levels of inflated ego here. Which is to say, post bussy.

Its the autism talking

Well, stop autism dropping and start bussy popping

that’s our schtick you retard,

get with the program fag

SRD is a sub for "drama" but that take [sic] everything deathly seriously when the point of "drama" is most of it is petty bullshit blown out of proportion

very true

They claim to be be against the "Status quo"

this is where i tuned out, shut the fuck up dude

They unironically have used status quo warriors as a retort to SJW.

I do to till I made a comment on thread that was raided by Chapo and was getting 10 a hour

10 what

messages wanting to debate the morals of capitalism and calling me an imperialist

wow these chapo chaps sound talkative

10 my balls in your mouth

the fuck is "they"

A pronoun.

I respond to my pings. I have trouble avoiding arguments believe it or not.


Honestly stoneground mustard is better then honey mustard.

I don't promised to fight everyone.

for fucking out loud they respond when you ping them, who does that?

SRD is lolcow farm confirmed.

it is the world that /u/takeittocirclejerk envisioned

It is a war crime.


SRD thrives on smugness and grandstanding. Their primary audience are people who attain satisfaction and self-affirmation by posting and upvoting comments that virtue signal and confirm that they live in a safe bubble-world.

It has become worse and worse over the past several years. I can only imagine/hope it will eventually collapse into itself and become another dead SRS sub before too long.

The only way to save that sub is a mod purge.

People on here act higher than thou at times too.

It's not even remotely close to what festers in SRD.

I spent from like 2012-2015 in SRD and chose to leave after the smugness got overbearing.

Are there fascists and is there boolying here? Sure, but I'd take that over the weird controlled atmosphere of SRD any day.

Plus the only real /r/drama fascist is /u/ultrashitpost and he's not your typical retard who shits up every /r/news thread when a black person does something retarded. He's more like the prototypical charismatic fascist. At least until he runs into a hard time financially and goes off his meds and becomes Hitler incarnate. But at least he'll still like dogs and cats.

My cat is actually sleeping on my arms right now. It makes typing rather difficult, but i just can't bring myself to push him away.

I actually can't picture this. In your arms?

i'm typing on a keyboard, so i have my arms stretched out. But my cat was sleeping on top of my stretched arms, making it difficult for me to type.

Traitor, Dont you know Fascists are supposed to like dogs :D

Jokes on you, im a fascist and have both a cat and a dog

People of sand like don't like dogs, Mohammed (pbuh) said they're dirty.

Ya that's why I said sometimes. Either I'm onto something or I'm just an idiot but it seems like this sub is turning into one big shitfest of agenda posting, it's weird. I remember when I first started going on here it was probably around 80% straight drama cause drama, now I see a ton more of posts with a clear agenda.

I try to post mostly non-political drama, but the issue is that the world has gone mad ever since Trump was elected. There's just so much political drama nowadays.


dude rents compound to the taliban

firefight happens

kid dies

wife dies

he lives

Not even that rare of a story. I've heard the same thing from buddies who have been there. Taliban will come occupy a compound, owner fucks off, leaves wives and female children behind because they are literally property.

I guess to the fine people at ChapoTrapHouse you're supposed to fall on the floor sobbing because someone died in a war, and call everyone who fights in wars evil

I mean, it's pretty sad for the wife/kids, even if the dad was a shitbag.

but also class war now eat the rich bring back guillotines

The actual AMA they are linking to is fairly reasonable

It takes a while for a comment chain to reach the "Here in the US we are just as oppressed as the Afghans"

Chapo can't stand being made fun of so they will brigade any thread where that is happening because I gues they think if chapo regulars have higher upvoted comments it doesn't count or something.

For a comedy sub that is all about making fun of people you would think they would have thicker skin but when ever they get made fun of they show up in droves calling people evil.

They easily overtake this sub when we make fun of them but it actually makes it better because they come in and do the same thing we were making fun of them for while using their super cringey cultish in group speak.

while using their super cringey cultish in group speak.

post bussy xD

yeah but ours isn't combined with a cultish adoration of 3 nyc hipsters and lacks a true ideology.

chapo are fags, sure, but so are you

ye i guess


You keep invoking that word like it's some magical spell that makes you not have to take responsibility for your words.

how about, harry potter, but the spells are racial slurs. like it's still awkward in their universe too as well, so instead of yelling out "FLIPPENDO" every time they want to make something happen, they just sorta look around sheepishly and quietly murmur "...chink" and hope nobody heard

Wew. You did it again. So brave! It must be dangerous, living on the edge like that, using naughty words. I'll totally forgive all the retarded stuff you said before just because you're being even more retarded now.

Seriously dude, I don't know how old you are but you look to be about 40. So if you're really that old, then stop shitposting and act your age. And if you aren't, then try to lay off the meth so you don't shrivel up like that.

it works pretty well with the whole "he who should not be named" thing too. gonna get jk rowling on the line set it up

calls people fags

is familiar with Harry Potter and not embarrassed by that at all

Something isn't adding up here.

i honestly haven't read the books and i think i saw the first four movies maybe, i remember liking the third one

the other guy is a fag too but damn you're actually a fag

No fag. No fag. You're the fag!

post bussy mayocide now

This, but unironically.

By the exact logic you're using here, men who are feminists are hypocrites because they benefit from the patriarchy. It is not hypocritical to be opposed to something you benefit from.

/u/_sablecat_ No, men who are feminists are hypocrites because they're creepy freaks that use the cover of feminism to gain access to vulnerable women to exploit and rape.

u/InquiztiveGit how does it feel yo be the massive faggot that you are? I mean, i have some perspective myself but on your level, wow. I can't begin to understand if i try


Lol faggot. You should challenge this soldier to a bare knuckle fight, imo.

/u/InquiztiveGit fight me, I have over 300 confirmed kills of Innocents

I'm going back to the most egregious comments I made in this thread and adding this little disclaimer for all you future people reading this in the year 20XX or whatever

To the people that tries throwing this back at me, read the context, read the entire thread. If that guy doesn't deserve those kind of comments after reveling in the fact he's a psychopathic kid murdering piece of shit with no grasp of modern history or basic empathy, then i don't know who else does.

But at that, I'm sorry for letting rage overwhelm me, or if any of those comments made you uncomfortable. I know that what i did was wrong, and i deserve the temp ban given in late December 2017. There are ways to react when looking emphatic evil in the eye, and I decided on the anger way -- the way most would innately feel when reading that guy's posts, but repress for decor reasons for civility. Realize that for all intents, this, what you have been sent to, is a one off, and in the future i will not be that acidic; and if i do reach that anger level in the future, I'm scared at the kind of person that could match his sins that provoke a primal reaction on par -- probably John Yoo. I'm adding this bit into all of those posts linked as a precaution towards the Cernovich's of the future that try and take things out of context to slander folks for political gains.

tldr. Sorry for the anger, that didn't help anyone. I'll go back to my usual nice optimistic self until I see another monster, but even then I'll be more composed. I learnt my lesson & faced my punishment now, and do not need it relearned or the punishment reinstated much more harshly. And if you are using this against future me, go fuck yourself.

You linked to the wrong comment. Here's the one you quoted.

I am very drunk. Thank you for your service

wow that whole thread lol.

Chapo loves supporting groups like Hamas and the Taliban or any group that hates america/israel really and always gets mad at others when kids die from those groups using them as human shields.

Memo memehouse eats obvious bait ? I don’t believe it

Wow SRD is beyond the pale. I am honestly astonished. u/TwasIWhoShotJR u/TakeItToRCircleJerk yall need to reign this shit show in. You are hoarding a bunch of lunatics.

"But but but war crimes!!!"


"ya know, Stalin wasn't THAT bad..."

Is SRD officially a containment board?

Oh, you're sad because a raghead mowed down like 5 people? when I was your age, I left school to bullseye gooks from a helicopter in the middle of some god forsaken jungle. I fried so many slopes, they named a brand of rice after me. Don't tell me you have it hard because you're a pathetic kissless virgin. You can act sad when you have to leave behind the lady-boy you fell in love with and made passionate steamy love to in a collapsing bamboo shack, just like I did. You think I felt good about firebombing his chink village and watching our fuck-hut burn to the ground? We were going to build our lives together there! You know what? Fuck you. Get the fuck out of my sub.

How do some of you torture yourself by reading SRD moral panic threads?

ITT: /r/drama's local basement-dwelling neets are blasé about war because hey, whatever, I'm sure it's mostly like call of duty.

On the contrary, I think some of us here actually have military experience. Can you imagine an SRDine or especially Chapo poster actually knowing what they were talking about on this topic?

SRDines: I don't understand, why didn't you use a special x-ray nightvision scope to check if it was a kid? And then you could have called for the airstrike to use a non-kid-killing smart bomb! Even if they were shooting at you, you could just hide behind cover until you had time to figure it out. You must've wanted to kill that kid because you're a racist!

dramatists: Whatever, dead kids are just NPCs. Caring about things is for normies. I'm sure the dad didn't really love his family that much, anyway.

SRDines: I don't understand, why didn't you use a special x-ray nightvision scope to check if it was a kid? And then you could have called for the airstrike to use a non-kid-killing smart bomb! Even if they were shooting at you, you could just hide behind cover until you had time to figure it out. You must've wanted to kill that kid because you're a racist!

dramatists: lol these idiots are really just finding out that innocents die in wars and are horrified that soldiers don't cry themselves to sleep over it?

I'll be sure to keep this in mind the next time this subreddit freaks out about a "dramatic" Truck of Peace.

Yeah, I don't think you're gonna see that happen.

Are you kidding? Any time there's a truck of peace anywhere in the world, it gets posted here.

So? This was posted here, too. What is your point?

people are fucking stupid and need to learn about LOAC

Oh look, more people fighting about war. That's new... no wait... it's literally as old as civilization itself. The only thing more constant than war is people arguing about how it should be waged.