Something about gaming and offensive shit on the Chapo sub. I donno that sub used to not be absurd

31  2018-01-08 by ChipChippersonAMA


Twitch, gaming, children, child abuse, blah blah blah. It's getting boring now.

Shitty politics... Shitty politics everywhere.

Isn't this how chapo works?

Did no one tell this stupid rutabaga that the culture war is long over and they got bent over without consent and annihilated.

that sub used to not be absurd

did it

Gamers deserve to be raped.

I wanna fight all chapo fags

Cause im tough n shit

post bussy

I will be deleting this post in a day or so as I do not wish to have evidence of drama-posting in my timeline, for obvious reasons, just a heads up.

Look how much more righteous I am than all these other Reddit posters, whoop-de-fucking-doo, woke stars all round.

Yes but if I earn more woke stars calling out bad behavior no one will question when I’m being a creepy misogynistic sex pest.

lol elsewhere in the comments

I've been in the MMORPG space for many years now going back to the first Everquest game. I have been absolutely shocked to see how much behavior and "chat" has degraded. It was always snarky, but now it is just... something else. It's not the apolitical snark anymore. It's all political, and it's ALL far-right. Gone are the days of hearing someone say the word "gay" in a derogatory way only to open up a few minutes later about what a piece of shit Bush Jr. was.

It seems overrun with fascist sleeper cells now, and I find myself unable to trust anyone I meet unless they are a woman or queer. I am not close to any of the men in my guild, but have a few genuinely good female friends that I will regularly chat with. One of these women identifies as "conservative", but she is a far cry from the combative, toxic, proto-fascist scourge that seems to populate general chat with references to "helicopter rides".

I hate to say that a consequence of all my years of "online" has led to me being very suspicious of the "power levels" of young, white men, but it has. Surprisingly, the "older" (let's say 30+) men in my guild and I get along just fine. One of them is a prison guard of all things and he and I regularly talk about socialism. He isn't 100% sold, but he is open to talking and can at least see that this wave of neo-Nazism is absolutely horrifying. He has never spoken disparagingly of incarcerated people and I've never heard a racist uttering from him. I think he became a guard with idealistic intentions.

Anyways, all this to say that, yes, "gaming" spaces are completely rancid and infected with far-right propaganda and memes. It's troubling, but less so when you realize that most of these people are actually very maladjusted white boys who would have never joined a progressive or anti-capitalist or social justice cause in the FIRST PLACE. I assure you there are many of us good folks still grinding away at the digital pixels, but we tend to be much quieter and keep to ourselves.

Video games are no different than twitter or reddit or any other anonymous online forum that brings out the worst in humanity.

that sub used to not be absurd

When was the sub not absurd?