Some retard talks about GamerGate in a chat

9  2018-01-08 by wazzupnerds


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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I beg to differ, I'll have you know that Ed loves bussy... and assless chaps.

Somebody get r/KIA on this

Lmao, link it please

I never took /u/Prince_Kropotkin for a cowboy hat kind of guy.

What chat is this and how do I join ?

First you have to have friends bud


not 2meirl42meirl42meirl4meirl

The super secret bussy posting chat

Do people actually think gamergate is why the alt-right started rising?

No, SJWs are the flash point, gamergate was a reaction to SJWs.

Who's the most gamergate? Rick and Morty fans. They've been fulfilling the rise if the Russian alt right for years now

Um excuse me sweetie but if you're opposed to progress then you're on the wrong side of history ;)

funny part is the Alt-right do not like video games or free speech. you know the 2 biggest part of gamergate

Some retard

Aren't those your own messages?

inb4 "that's the joke"

that's the joke

You're not fast enough lol.