Local chad doesn't watch porn because of his """""girl"""""friend, and wants you to know about it

13  2018-01-08 by fuckdahatersbreh


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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2 comments is what passes for drama now?

There's one for a butter emoji too. Hey /u/StricltyButters hit me with dat link fam

I said "I don't watch as much porn anymore" and a herd of wild 13 yr olds got upset and took that to mean I don't watch any porn at all. Oh well. r/illiterate

Yeah, that was some weird shit. Did they start downvoting you while your comment was still just about not getting it?

It went to -7 within 4 minutes of posting "I don't get it." I don't care about the imaginary internet points but it was weird that "not getting it" annoyed some people so much. Then someone insulted me, then I said I have a gf, and I guess having a gf makes me a stuckup "chad" in their eyes lol

It's /r/LiveStreamFail, a sub probably best known for obsessively hunting down every incident of cameltoe on Twitch and circle-jerking endlessly about how horrible it is, while asking for a mirror of the clip.

Just saying, I think a lot of the people there might not have a healthy concept of human sexuality.

I love most of the content on that sub but I gotta be careful not to get into it with people in the comments. I fell into a trap this time and I won't do it again.

I love how their insecurity really shone through there. They immediately took your comment to mean "well, I don't watch porn because I have a girlfriend lol, you guys are all virgins" when there could be a ton of explanations for someone not recognizing the opening.

Those are some buttmad kids but you did kind of provoke the autist hive with that last sentence tbh.

Yeah they put out the bait by insulting me, and when I insulted back they all ganged up.

Shoulda taken a few more shots at em in that thread.

I am on day 8 of nofap, AMA

Can you levitate yet?

nah but my benis growled at me in the shower this morning

Thats the 30 day mark. 8 days is when you start being able to speed read short stories.