Yet another man dumps Milo

113  2018-01-08 by respaaaaaj


Jews did this


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Well they are lawyers after all.



The lawyers or Milo.

Milo will be representing himself?

This is good for /r/drama.

Could always employ Thernobitch for maximum lulz.

That would be an excellent day for us.

Pleading the lisp I see.

If he loses I'm a better lawyer than him as I have won 2 cases where I represented myself lol.

Do you mind mentioning what they were about?

The cartel accused him of doing cocaine on the job, he got off on the technicality that it was krokodil.

One was a multiple traffic violations one for a ticket for going 90mph on a 40mph street and for reckless endangerment. I showed up cop didn't so I won after it had been delayed twice already.

Another for a ticket for being at a park after closing time. Which I proved the cop had the wrong time.

"A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client."

And a jackass for counsel.

There's a retard in this mirror!

Quick someone Check to see if the Mooch has valid license to practice law

He’s got a JD from Harvard Law, but apparently has never been a lawyer.

Somebody must have cockblocked him out of that job too.

Do you think they'll need to invent new stenographer shorthand for "cuck," "soyboy," etc?


Courtrooms often provide great drama.

Here are the available documents in related to the lawsuit.

This is the one the lawyers filed to stop representing him.

/u/ComedicSans Do these lawsuits just play out on paper, or do people have to go and speak at court? I was wondering if we could eventually access transcripts of Milo representing himself in a courtroom, but I think that only happens if it goes to trial or something (which lawsuits rarely do, apparently), I'm not sure how it works.

I would have asked /u/princessCuck about it, but she's still banned for some reason. Unban pls?

I imagine it'd be a hearing, given Milo simply isn't equipped to deal with shit on the papers and you just know that drama-queen will want an opportunity to grandstand. They'll probably give him an amicus curiae though.

From what I understand, she broke the big reddit rules, and we're not wanting to encourage it for obvious reasons.

I imagine it'd be a hearing, given Milo simply isn't equipped to deal with shit on the papers and you just know that drama-queen will want an opportunity to grandstand.

This is good for dramacoin.

From what I understand, she broke the big reddit rules, and we're not wanting to encourage it for obvious reasons.

This was her last comment on /r/drama:

Yeah, /u/katiecharm, what exactly are you going to do about tranny jokes? Keep yourself safe at us?

It's not very nice, but it's hardly /u/BigLordShiggot tier stuff.

We had word from the admins about stuff like that, plus apparently there's history of which I'm unaware. Dunno.

/u/biglordshiggot is banned too, IIRC.

We had word from the admins about stuff like that

Wait, we can't even say "keep yourself safe" anymore? Sad!

/u/biglordshiggot is banned too, IIRC.

He got a site-wide ban.

Oh that is right. I basically knew he was not here any more and did not care about details.

So the admins said KYS jokes are okay expect when the admins say KYS jokes aren't okay and then the people who make the joke are suspended/banned? I know this sounds snarky but I'm not big into the reddit rules/admin/mod thing.

You are literally speaking to someone whose account was suspended when I facetiously pretended that when another user posted the GPS coordinates of North Korea, they had doxxed me. Fucked if I know how admins work.

Oh right, I forgot the Admins suspended you for being North Korean.

Reddit's so fuckery run compared to the VBulletion boards where people sperged out for months about Mods but the mods weren't retards. Or some forums where there's literally never a problem.

ComedicSans is a British lawyer FYI.

I would have asked /u/princessCuck/r/drama user about it, but she's still banned for some reason. Unban pls?

ComedicSans is a British lawyer FYI.

I would have asked /u/princesscuck user about it, but she's still banned for some reason. Unban pls?

Didn't she unironically call for people to murder transgenders? I don't think she's getting unbanned.


Milo says he'll now be representing himself in the lawsuit against Simon and Schuster

Yup, that's rock bottom.

Please tell me it will be live-streamed.

Live on!

For only 500 tokens Milo will call the judge a "triggered libuck".

I feel like milo would have had a camboy career

You're absolutely correct!

Good human

Well, yeah. Milo has been very vocal about being a bottom.

It’s definitely some kind of bottom

Representing yourself in major legal proceedings might as well be the definition of "BAT SHIT MOTHER FUCKER WHO HAS CRACKED".

It’s kind of like power bottom.

Or if he just doesn't care

I wonder what he he’ll say about this on Twitter. Oh wait

Milo, a total pain in the ass and alienating everyone around him? I am shocked, shocked I tell you.


Milo is the most flamboyant faggot ever. Love it.

Milo will be hospitalized for an 'accidental' overdose by the end of the year.

My money is on "killed by male prostitute."

OJs loose maybe we'll get some good crossover drama 🤞

Him and his husband have a open marriage?

...wait gays don't do monogamy, nevermind

Zoe Quinn's book actually got dropped by Simon & Schuster before another publisher picked it up, and I'm surprised that Milo hasn't asked her to sue them as well. It seems like the most trollish thing he could possibly do.

EDIT: The whole thing with her book probably just wasn't on his radar, the publisher switch got very little attention even in pro-GG circles.

her book probably just wasn't on anyone's radar

Honestly, the downfall of Milo this last year or so has been fucking glorious.

The guy was such a flaming retard he deserved all of this.

His whole "I'm gay and a far-right conservative so my anti-homosexuality stances are justified" bit was so fucking annoying.

I am glad it annoys you. Milo owns.


Milo owns.


Ironic autism is still autism.

DO you know where you are?

Yes, but mental retardation is retardation no matter where it is

yes and

Dunno about onionbits but I don't want to read that stuff on /drama even if it might be the place for it or whatever.

How about you tag me properly you stupid faggot


You have too much hope for this retard.

Not sure if watching Milo hit rock bottom is anything but glorious rather than annoying. But go ahead and continue with your retardation if it gives you any sense of purpose.

His whole "I'm gay and a far-right conservative so my anti-homosexuality stances are justified" bit was so fucking annoying.

And yet very useful. Progressives found it difficult to punch back at him since their brainwashing makes them flinch in front of people farther up in their victim hierarchy. (Is it called the Progressive Chute? The Pyramid of Power? The Oppression Ladder? I always forget their academic term for it.)

I mean, Milo may seem kind of crazy in hindsight, but just remember how dumb the people whom he was stirring up were. You know this country is fucked when people like Milo actually look good in comparison to the people they're attacking.

Progressive stack?

That's exactly it! Thank you - it was on the tip of my tongue and I couldn't quite remember it; was totally driving me crazy.

Milo never looked good in comparison tho

I don't know man. There were some pretty photogenic antifa people. I think the bike lock is the accessory for the season.

Plus he fucked the conservatives way harder than the progressives. Conservatives loved having their own gay man who said calling gay people faggots was fine but them it turned out he let neonazis write his posts and supported pedophilia. Progressives just got mad at him.

Milo actually look good in comparison to the people they're attacking.

Only braying retards found his schtick funny. Do you realize how much money he scammed out of his biggest supporters?










I hope he will say something stupid in court. Like Gawker but even more retarded.

TIL Milo wants to be the bottom for an entire lawfirm of top lawyers.

Only if those lawyers are black and well hung.

Who says they aren't? Milo presumably does his homework.

You mean Asian and under 16.

Now is when you're kicking yourself around the block that you didn't move to America and get into the highly lucrative field of retard bussy law when you had the chance.

Whats this lawsuit about?

He book publisher said they didn't want to publish his book, keep the advance and the rights to your book but please fuck off. He got mad and sued them for breach off contract but his lawyers thought that he was such an idiot that they refused to repent him anymore.

Here's the filed lawsuit.

Relevant excerpt:


  1. This action arises out of Simon & Schuster’s willful and opportunistic breach of its contract with Yiannopoulos to publish his memoir entitled “Dangerous”.

  2. Yiannopoulos, an outspoken and controversial columnist, blogger and free-speech activist and a former editor at Breitbart News, entered into a written book-publishing contract dated December 13, 2016 with Simon & Schuster under which Simon & Schuster agreed to publish Dangerous.

  3. However, rather than live up to the terms of its contract with Yiannopoulos to publish Dangerous, and despite pre-orders projected to propel the book onto leading best-selling book lists, Simon & Schuster wrongfully, and in bad faith, terminated the contract with Yiannopoulos in violation of its terms and cancelled Dangerous under pressure from authors, bookselling accounts, business and special-interest groups, celebrities, and various other self appointed censors who disagreed with views expressed by Yiannopoulos.

  4. Simon & Schuster canceled Dangerous based on the pretext that it was “unacceptable for publication” despite having possessed and reviewed Yiannopoulos’s 80,000-word Dangerous manuscript for two weeks prior to the company signing Yiannopoulos’s publishing contract, and even though, just days before the cancellation, the Simon & Schuster editor overseeing the book’s content had praised Yiannopoulos’s “thorough and good work” on the manuscript.

  5. In reality, Simon & Schuster, abruptly and without warning, informed Yiannopoulos’s book agent that it was terminating Yiannopoulos’s agreement and canceling the publication of Dangerous only hours after a news story broke that Breitbart News may be dismissing Yiannopoulos in the wake of false and misleading reports that he had publicly condoned pedophilia – an accusation he has vociferously denied in social media postings, as well as in the pages of Dangerous, which Yiannopoulos self-published on July 4, 2017.

  6. As set forth in further detail below, Simon & Schuster’s termination of the Yiannopoulos’ book contract had nothing to do with the content of the Dangerous manuscript, and everything to do with the firestorm of controversy around Yiannopoulos, his well-known reputation for political incorrectness, and Simon & Schuster’s announcement of plans to publish his book.

tldr: Milo says that they didn't want to publish his book because they were facing pressure from groups that didn't like Milo, even though the company said it's because the book sucks. He's alleging that they terminated the publishing contract based on Milo's personality and reputation, instead of the book's content.

u/comedicsans would your courts enforce performance of this contract if everything Milo claims is true? Won't most standard agreements have a 'publisher can cancel this contract at any time without prior warning' clause?

Holy fucking shit, he included the paedophilia accusations in his claim. Now they will absolutely get to table his paedophilia apologia in court and get to talk about it as being relevant. HAHAHAHAHA.

I mean he's doing to extend his fifteen minutes of fame but can you imagine if he actually manages to do discovery and gets their emails?

Hey man you know that idiot that writes for Breitbait?

That's all of them.

No the moron whose book we agreed to publish.

What now? We support him through all that neonazi shit and he's causing more drama?

You know how you hated his book? Well he's come out defending paedophilia.

Fucking moron. Give him the advance and tell him never to darken my doorstep again.