‘I don’t even know HOW’: Some Oregonians panic about new self-service gas law

38  2018-01-09 by snallygaster


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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“I don’t even know HOW to pump gas and I am 62, native Oregonian . . . I say NO THANKS! I don’t like to smell like gasoline!” one woman wrote on KTVL’s Facebook post.

Does this old lady think you get gas in the car by rolling around in a puddle of it?

I'm assuming all this stupidity is because of Portland.

The law only affects rural towns so basically all of Oregon except Portland

Portland is like 99% out of state transplants too. So if anything we're more likely than the rest of the state to have pumped our own gas just fine.

Oregon's a big state, but you'd figure that they would have left it at some point, and once you enter California, pretty much no place has full service stations.

Then again, some of the rural parts of Oregon might as well be Appalachia, so I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised.

Yeah, it is pretty weird. When I was a kid I remember gas stations in WA that had a full service option, but I can't remember ever seeing anyone using it. Like, why would you pay some dilhole to pump your gas?

At least I can sort of pump it myself when I'm on my motorcycle.

You don't have to pay extra for full service. Well, I guess technically it gets rolled into the price per gallon but our gas is much cheaper than California so who cares.

Yeah, I was talking about places that used to offer full and self serve. Full service was always like $.10 more per gallon. Now I drive so little I couldn't even tell you how much gas costs.

Yeah, rural Oregon is some real shit. Crazy poor and massive amounts of drugs.

I forget the actual figure but it's something like less than 10% of the state's residents are affected. Almost everyone lives in the Willamette Valley. 40k people is a very small number when you realize how truly massive most counties in Oregon are.

It was ridiculous going through Oregon and not being able to pump my own gas.

New Jersey has the same deal, no self-serve pumps.

Imagine being this liberal

Rural Oregon is conservative m8

Probably lands more on the libertarian spectrum than conservative.

is this a real thing ? I thought it was just a joke, Ive lived in England and Australia and we've been pumping our own gas ever since I can remember.

Virtually all the US is like that too, Oregon is just an outlier.

There’s Jersey too

Only in Oregon and New Jersey. The state governments mandated gas stations have an attendant on hand to pump gas in an attempt to create more jobs.

In the other 48 states people pump their own gas just like you do.

>implying someone so plebian that they pump their own gas counts as "people"

thats a good idea actually to help people get jobs.

It's for real. I learned to drive in Oregon and had to learn how to pump gas separately after moving. I had to get someone from the gas station to help me, super embarrassing

if someone tried to pump my petrol Id probably put him on his arse !

It seems like to me, that anyone who can't confidently and securely pump their own gas shouldn't be driving a car in the first place.

Pumping gas is easier than the responsibility of driving.

It's just like sex. Stick the pump in, wiggle it a little, then hit the trigger and wait to finish.

be american

Need to use motorized because wbeelchair because of my deep fried butter on a stick with cheese physique

Runs out of """gas"""

Lucky it's outside a gas station

Oh dagnabbit it's against the law for someone else to pump my gas now

Stuck here because the pump is the one thing I don't know how to shoot

Suddenly some white guy starts shooting up the place

Can't go anywhere to hide or get away

Get shot

Go to hospital

Have surgery

Doctor comes in after surgery

"That'll be $5 million plus tip"

Haaaaa haaaaaaaaaa ha. Faggot.

I spent ten minutes pondering how to besmirch these retards using unorthodox sexual preferences, but was unable to come up with a concise statement that labeled them all as narcissistic autogynephilic trannies, so I give up. We need a term like 'fags' that confers such a reference in short-hand.

NK, just nuke it all.

"This [is] a service only qualified people should perform. I will literally park at the pump and wait until someone pumps my gas.”

I think this is the best quote out of all of them.

The machines even tell you how to use them. This shit makes the self checkout line look like docking the space shuttle.

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