I'm a real russian propagandist agent working on rigging elections operatives.

0  2018-01-09 by MountyontheBounty

Hello americans peoples.

I am a real russian agent on sabotaging elections operatives, Rachel Maddow spoke to you about me, cyka blyat. Send me Steam games or credit passwords by PM or Trump will continue winning elections, no jokes. My hackertroll skills have absolute power above your democracie USA, submit yourselves to our might.

William Edward Binney and Snowden are with us, resistance is futile.



You will need to couble your efforts - Oprah is running.

We made honest good people like Clinton look bad, we made Wall street look greedy, we can beat Oprah.

Our Glorious leader Putin sends his gratefulness for the tip, the operation will be officially called "You didn't see racism yet, but you will".

Rich Black Lesbian vs Rich White Male

Who will win?

Your ticket buys the whole seat, but you'll only need the edge!!!

Russian bots or other agents are downvoting, upvote the post americans, this is your only chance of getting rid of the guy from "The apprentice".

Hey, do me a favor and neck yourself.

No one here believes you.

I believe him

Git your arse ready for six years more of Trump friendo.

Don't affect me. I'm pretty isolated from the world inside this sturdy taco truck.

You will behave properly anyways, we russian hacker trolls, are captain now.

"Send me steam games" , "russian hacker"🤔🤔🤔

Hey! Putin doesn't decent wages, so Im cutting the middle man, its capitalism. Do you want more of Trump, americans? Don't richsplain on me.

I'm from Ystern Yurop, you dum dum. I could give less shit if Triumph the insult comic dog would be the one sitting in the White House now.

If you think we won't promote our candidates into your government, think again. And our manchurian candidates, are always racist, unprincipled, misogynist, they usually reply with whataboutism, worst of the worst. Then Putin will look good on comparison, thats the plan.

Here's an offer. Buy Terraria for Mr.Snowden( he's such a pansy), and we will stop our operative sending our dickpics on a daily basis to Nancy Pelosi mail.

Keep yourself super safe.

Its not like the department its bad at the trade, back on the days, only Glenn Beck knew about the operations. Make memory, everything was ok on the USA, and then, we appeared and everything was racism, Wallstreet greed, misoginy and hate. Even the CIA recognize our successfulness.