Ginuwine Refused To Kiss A Trans Woman On Live TV And Now The Internet Is At War

225  2018-01-09 by CaptainMemer


His saddle's waiting

He’s just a bachelor looking for a non trans partner

Someone who knows how to ride, and identifies with their sex assigned at birth.

he had to kiss random people? is he hosting Family Feud in the 70s?

wtf was that



Total baller

wtf was that?

A normal game show. No big deal really.

Agreed. Listen, she has a screen presence that we can't let go of. I've got 4 or 5 more game shows that she'd be perfect in.


he even starts the video by saying "loli"

i want to die

Did nobody fight this guy? I mean I wouldn't but I'm a puss

Why is he kissing Carl from the walking dead?

Dude's more creepy than Joe Biden.

 If you say you won’t date someone because they’re trans but you would date them if you didn’t know, IT IS TRANSPHOBIA.


I mean that makes sense to me but I still wouldn’t date a trans person

Guess I'm transphobic. OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Literally who?

He was a relatively popular R&B singer about 15-20 years ago, probably best known for the song "Pony". I guess he's on Big Brother now, which might be slightly more relevant than him nowadays, but probably not by much.

What’s big brother?

The Orwellian government


Well, yeah. I assumed it was a show or something though, because they said “on big brother,” not “in” it

I hadn't and I wish to have those minutes of my life back.

Well you being a teenager is confirmed then

Opposite, I'm an old guy who doesn't like what you whippersnappers listen to.

Run off to Carousel, grandpa, maybe you'll win Renewal.

Upvote for a Logan's Run reference.

Fish, plankton, sea greens, and protein from the sea!

Think you might just be telling porkies mate.

Why would I lie about being old as the reason I don't know a song?

You knew the song and just wanted to seem cool. I get it, happens to everyone. But now you've dug yourself into a tunnel you just can't get out of.

Okey dokey artichokey.

yeah the only way he's old enough to not know the song, "Pony" by ginuwine is if he's literally 40/50 years old, or from another country

which in either case is serious grounds for safekeeping, asap

Have you never been to a strip club? That song is played at every strip club in the US at least once a day.

The last time I went to a strip club was in 2001. When did that song come out?


Welp, I missed it.

lol what you on about? This is a classic

No pony rides for you!

dude keep yourself safe please immediately

I'll go down to my bomb shelter right now.

Perfect! It'll take months to find your body and when they finally do, your family will be wracked with guilt for all of 5 minutes because they didn't even notice that whole time

time to delete this account dude, this isnt a post you can come back from

Nah, I'm going to ride this account into the negative.

What the fuck was that shit?

Geez, are the subscribers so young in here that they don't know a classic bone-zone anthem?

More like a bunch of mayos

Heard the opening bars in a Google Home commercial last year. Don't think I've heard it before that...

oh, that's what that is

i just knew it as "song to perform lapdances to"

No, Ginuwine.

Reported for being mayo

I am a mustard and ketchup mixture you fucking lowlife 90’s R&B enthusiast

French mexican? What?

Hunt's and Heinz you condimentist son of a bitch.

State enforced homosexuality came early.

Why is the nu-Left hellbent on proving every slippery slope argument Rush Limbaugh made in the 1990's correct?

the nu-Left

I prefer "leftoids," thank you very much

i'm a fan of "soy left"

Or as the Chinese call it, Baizuo

黄豆白左 has a good ring to it.

Hmmm "soy lefty" kinda works better. I'd save "soy left" specifically for the Jill Stein crowd, so you can get the full "soy left green" pun in there.


ayyyy left-mao

It's hard not to have salt when you're next to the oceans.

Yuge if true



Hey I can't help that dairy gives me diarrhea

ctrl-left for me

I don't even think it's about left or right, or standing on any one principle. I think it's just a bunch of people who think it's fun to get offended and are going to say that nothing is progressive enough for them, so they're going to take the furthest "left", most progressive stance on any given issue without actually thinking it through, and without reconciling it with other stances they've taken already.

And this is coming from a dyed-in-the-wool, bleeding heart liberal progressive. I'm talking pro-welfare, anti-death penalty, pro-gay marriage, pro-trans rights, socialist, atheist, hippie dippie dude over here.

Fuck trans rights IMO

I mean, to a certain extent. Like, live how you want, dress how you want, call yourself whatever you want, surgically alter what you want, etc., more power to you, but your rights stop where mine begin. I do think that a trans person should disclose to a potential partner that they are trans. And I don't think that if I slip up and use the wrong pronoun it's a hate crime. If you correct me on it, I'll politely apologize and we can move on, but sorry, if you look and sound like a dude, but identify as something other than that, then I may accidentally refer to you as "he" in casual conversation. And don't call me cis-male. I'm just a male. Stop assaulting the language.

Also, just because someone might not be attracted to a MtF trans person, that doesn't make them transphobic in the least.

So, does all that mean I'm actually anti-trans rights? Some people would probably say so. But like I said, I consider myself progressive and liberal and forward thinking and accepting of differences, as long as the people with those differences are trying to trick people into thinking those aren't actually differences at all.

Here is trans rights for you:

Well, yeah, that's one example of one group taking things too far, like I said. That doesn't mean anyone has to write off all of trans rights issues and say you're against trans rights if you disagree with this.

Wrong. Trannies are stealth rapists.

Ah, gotcha. You're trolling me. Should've realized it sooner. I'll see myself out of this exchange then.

Not trolling at all. Trannies are men, and surprise dick is rape.

Just trying to figure out how you got from "pink vaginas don't represent all women" to "trannies are stealth rapists". You're clearly just trying to stir shit up. I wasn't even talking about "surprise dick", except for where I said someone being trans should be disclosed to a potential partner. You're just being intentionally nasty about it to get a reaction though.

I said someone being trans should be disclosed to a potential partner.

Not all trannies agree (because they are rapists)

That's not what you said before. You're still diverting the discussion. anyway.

It doesn't matter what you think I said. Trannies are men, and that will not be changed by any words.

See, again, you're trying to bait me into getting offended that you're saying "trannies are men". That wasn't what the discussion was actually about to begin with. I even agree with you on the point that trans-women are genetically male, and nothing can change that fact, just like a blonde woman who dyes her hair brown is not now suddenly a brunette. She's still a blonde, just with alterations. But whatever, she looks like a blonde, so I'll treat her like one, until it interferes with my own rights. Trans people (transwomen in this case) get the same treatment from me, right up until their desires limit my ability to express myself and live freely. They're not technically women, but if their secondary sex characteristics have been altered to the point that the appear female to me, then I'm going to call them by female pronouns without even thinking about it. But if you're 6'5" and built like a linebacker, then yeah, don't be shocked if I refer to you as "he" accidentally, especially with the knowledge that you are genetically a male.

I get what you're doing though, and I see your points. I just think there's a better way to go about it than intentionally trying to offend people.

No bad tactics. Only bad targets.

So you're saying that invisible rapist hentai is based on reality????? I'll make sure to abuse that super power in the future. :) )

Kurt Eichenwald, ladies and gentleman. Give him a big hand.


Just goes to show that, as always, Rush Limbaugh is much more intelligent than anyone on the Left.

He was ahead of White America on the painkiller addiction, a trend setter one might say

He was way ahead on the obesity thing, too.

And the addiction thing.

And the sex with Dominican pool boys thing. that a thing yet?

Soon. The pizza crowd will love that though.

This, but unironically

It reminds me of the raucous laughter when Palin and then Romney predicted that Russia would be a geopolitical threat in the coming years; they were mocked on TV for months.

Fast forward to the left's position on Russia today.

i have fun saying 'the 1980s, they're now calling to ask for their foreign policy back '

Damn lol, I completely forgot about that. You are beyond right regardless of how uneasy it is too admit.

Now where's my fully automated luxury space communism?

I'd be happy to show you. First we need to take a little helicopter tour....

Star Trek: Discovery?

They picked up the pace on that project so they could close it out and shift resources to the lagging mayocide

This shit is so weird. I mean, Poe's Law and all'd have been hard pressed to convince me even five years ago that there would be people who would be unironically aggrieved that someone doesn't wanna kiss someone he isn't attracted to. I'm not always sure that America doesn't deserve Trump, tbh.

This but unironically

I don't think there's any question, we definitely deserve Trump.

Indeed. If he didn’t exist, we’d have to create him...

State enforced

Unfortunately this is just some internet mouthbreathers REEEing. We'll have to wait a bit longer for the State to enforce a national bussy identification system.

I'm still not gonna kiss you, I'll take the jail time.

I'll take the jail time.

More into prison rape, eh?

Nah I prefer to rape in the outside world, it's too easy in prison.


Just a dude, dude.

Biological sex != gender, dipshit.

Now let me cut off my genitals so I can identify as the female sex.

Is this what getting BTFO feels like?

My hole is moist and quivering. Fist me, Daddy!

Brebare that bussy for benetragion :DDDDD

ha i get it

it’s funny because she would prefer not to be called that

Big Brother is so painfully early 2000s.

just like ginuwine

I wonder if the Romans before the fall had the same feelings I am lately.

While he sits with his mouth on the hose of drama a subreddit dedicated to showing the biggest tards possible

biggest tards possible

Leave SRD out of this.

that'd be tardines

Call them what you will, they're still retarded

Rome had shitposts too, the few graffitti we have left are hilarious.

The Pompeii ones are particularly good

Jokes on them, of course, because billions of tons of white hot ash would soon be raining down on them, and their graffiti

The brothel is the best. You can still see the 'menu' on the wall where you could point to what you wanted.

Not to mention rap battles with bars about fucking your enemies in the ass and face

Now that's educational!

What feelings did the Romans have other than lust for young bussy?

Lust for killing Germans. And Frenchmen. And Carthaginians.

And stealing Greek culture.

It's called appropriating, and it's worse than stealing.

Found the virtue signaler

I'm going to appropriate you next.

I'm gonna appropriate your bussy

This may be the stupidest comment in this whole thread

As a proud person of Italian descent, cultural appropriation is LITERALLY the only aspect to my culture and you are OPPRESSING me when you tell me I can't! We stole architecture and religion from the Greeks, spaghetti from the Chinese, more religion from the Middle Easterners, tomatoes from the Native Americans, and SHITLORDS LIKE YOU AREN'T GONNA STOP ME FROM CONTINUING TO APPROPRIATE CULTURE! REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

I thought lusting for bussy was greek culture

Yeah, what do you think the Romans stole from Greek culture?

Pretty much everything

werent they all shitting themselves inside out from lead poisoning or something

Who wasn't back then tbh


The only unease they were feeling was over finding their next young boy to fuck

Leave the Greeks out of this.

During the late republic and early empire there were a bunch of stodgy old aristocrats lamenting moral decline. Right before the western empire was irreversibly screwed, there were a few doomsayers, albeit not especially famous or popular.

Would be interesting reading but probably depressing. Maybe we get lucky and go through an empire stage. We've been too easy going over all, let's put that military spending to good use.

We've pretty much been empire mode since FDR.

Screw economic, we need the local populations to fear our garrisons and only speak of us in whispers.

And not just when the boys go out drinking.

Yeah, no, that's not how shit works anymore. We don't need any more low skill labor, there's plenty of room in the U.S. for habitation, we have the world's most valuable agricultural region, and relevant commodities these days require working infrastructure and knowledge capital to extract. You can't just hand someone an axe or a pick and tell them to get to work. Fuck me for seriousposting in response to probable bullshit but sometimes I see things that are just too stupid to leave alone.

You can't just hand someone an axe or a pick and tell them to get to work.

I'm a dreamer.

We can kidnap their professors and force our new workers to learn all sorts of stuff. With before and after healthy doses of indoctrination, of course.

We can make our own skilled labor, for the fields we want it be in.

We can't even get coal miners to learn other trades instead of sitting on their asses waiting for the coal industry to stop dying.

Those jobs will totally be coming back.

Daddy promised as much. And Daddy never lies.

We don't need any more low skill labor

Tell that to the farmers sneaking in unskilled illegal immigrants. We absolutely need more unskilled labor, the market demands it, idiots like you just want to plug your ears and pretend Joe ArtHistoryMajor is really gonna pick strawberries.

That is an example of a demand for cheaper unskilled labor, not unskilled labor in general. That's an entirely different discussion. Also, why are you going on about Art History Majors?

So you think if they eliminated minimum wage, that all the unemployed people born here would work picking tobacco or whatever and there'd be enough labor to satisfy demand?

why are you going on about Art History Majors?

General shitpost stereotype "unemployed person" I guess maybe "coal miner" would've been a better shitposty example.

So you think if they eliminated minimum wage, that all the unemployed people born here would work picking tobacco or whatever and there'd be enough labor to satisfy demand?

No, not really. Clearly there are a myriad of factors at play. My point was that we have plenty of unskilled labor. 60% of the country has no secondary education. Beside, this all started with a comment about 19th century style imperialism, which would still not be a good solution for the kind of unskilled labor we need.

Aww rats I thought we were gonna have a fun angry internet fight... :(





Sorry, I'm tired and my back hurts. Maybe tomorrow night.

Once Joe runs out of other options, he will learn to pick strawberries.

Joe's options won't run out, he has too much privilege. And too much pride.

Ban white males from all desk work, problem solved.


You can't just hand someone an axe or a pick and tell them to get to work

Well I have three chests full of iron ore, a full suit of diamond armor and a pickaxe enchanted with Unbreakable III and Efficiency IV that proves you wrong.

You can't just hand someone an axe or a pick and tell them to get to work.

Not with that attitude.

Not really bro. Name a location where we waltzed in, declared war, and took their resources.

bruh, take a look at this map of american bases abroad and tell me that doesn't look like an empire

Now lets use them properly!

I mean, America doesn't really need to since everyone consumes its media, its currency is the default standard, and its language is the lingua franca of the world

We could wipe out Islam and get rid of that idiot Merkel

Oooh, invading Germany first before they get a chance to get all riled up and start World War 3. I love it. Solid plan.

A preemptive strike against the dormant fascists.

A preemptive strike against dormant fascism.


Except we pay those countries to lease that land and also promise military not, it really doesn’t look like an empire if you know what you’re talking about.

a: the military protection part definitely does

b: pay to lease the land is not actually important in the geopolitical scheme of things, it's more of a nicety

c: no u

A. Empires don’t ask to use your land

B. Empires don’t pay after asking to use your land

C. U fokken wot m8

“That just sounds like an empire with extra steps!” /s

“That just sounds like an empire with extra steps!” /s

hell yeah brother

let's invade Germany first this time and really spice it up

Germania delenda est

deus vult

The same thing these days, amiright?

It is actually uplifting, read The Rise of Western Christiandom. It's literally nothing but that.


Went down hill when we gave up the old gods.

Same shit, different name. The Fall was just land reformation and don't let anyone tell you any different.

Pagans had much better parties.

During the late republic and early empire there were a bunch of stodgy old aristocrats lamenting moral decline.

And they were correct.

Imagine being so retarded that you see some fags on TV and think "so this is how great empires fell."

Don't be stupid.

They didn't have TV back then.

Due to lead poising, missing teeth, literal barbarian raids, constant uprising over religious temples and literal barbarian hordes, I think you are being a bit self important

Look at me, I'm /u/stevemisor and I'm trying to serious post about the rise and fall of the Roman empire in /r/drama!

Also no mention of the Roman warming period and the problems this caused with trade due to issues with ports? Fucking kek man!

>implying you're not unironically butthurt about the "degeneracy" of modern society ITT

Wait, we aren't supposed to SRSpost about the Roman Empire here? That's like half my karma.

lead poisoning? haven't heard of that one

They used lead pots and lined some aqua ducts with lead

People didn't know lead was bad for you until like the 1970s

Romans absolutely knew that lead was bad.

"Water conducted through earthen pipes is more wholesome than that through lead; indeed that conveyed in lead must be injurious, because from it white lead [PbCO3, lead carbonate] is obtained, and this is said to be injurious to the human system. Hence, if what is generated from it is pernicious, there can be no doubt that itself cannot be a wholesome body. This may be verified by observing the workers in lead, who are of a pallid colour; for in casting lead, the fumes from it fixing on the different members, and daily burning them, destroy the vigour of the blood; water should therefore on no account be conducted in leaden pipes if we are desirous that it should be wholesome. That the flavour of that conveyed in earthen pipes is better, is shewn at our daily meals, for all those whose tables are furnished with silver vessels, nevertheless use those made of earth, from the purity of the flavour being preserved in them" (VIII.6.10-11).

The problem was that they used lead pots to store their cheap wine in, which the poor drank a lot of. Hence we have the FDA.

In fighting and foreign powers killed the romans not some degenerates you stupid fucker

Degenerates are why they lost. They mopped the field with those foreign powers before they caught the degeneracy.

They never mopped the fields with the various germanic peoples. That's why they couldn't conquer them

Teutoburg was an inside job.

Trans delenda est?

They do that to themselves enough.

like a very slow oncoming train and I'm not allowed to get off the tracks

Considering it took longer for Rome to collapse than the US has even existed I'm not too worried

Fucking tards on reddit constantly banging on about the fall of Rome as though it was something that could be witnessed within a couple years. Read a book you illiterate chodes


Something something Hibernia.

I like to think that 1700 years ago, little Decimus was shitposting on IVchan about how he wanted populuscide and couldn't wait for the barbarians to invade

You mean the "shit is fucked I guess it's time for another great collapse" feeling? Probably

Yes, but these people are focusing on bussy from the OP. Its /r/drama though, so its a meme here.

I'd also fuck a pony before a transwhatever.

You'd want to go with a sheep

Sheep's vaginas as the closes to human female vaginas

I won't ask how you know this.

Welsh. Australian/New Zealander.


I thought it was manatees

Unironically preferable to a man's butthole IMO

WTF I like rap-guys now?

Its R and B not rap you racist.



no, Randb.

Ginuwine refused

Why is it not "India tried to force a kiss on someone"? Because that's what happened. This is just blaming the victim because somebody involved in writing this likes India.

Men can't be raped

Nice edge

Whites can't be raped too!

can we stop stating the obvious facts

"whites invented the family unit"

regards, dickie spencer

My former cellmate disagrees with you.

Oh so you're limiting the definition of rape to actual violent penetration? Ok. Good to know.

Al those "too much alcohol" and "I didn't mean to" cases of regret-rape just went out the window, I guess.


Like, the nation?

India Willoughby.

I don’t know which is dirtier, a tranny or the shit covered streets of India

Ever seen an Indian tranny before? It's even dirtier than both of them


Because he stated that his reason was discrimination. It wasn’t a good reason.

Any reason is a good reason.

His body, his choice.

Discrimination is against the law. It’s fine as it’s not because he’s anti-LGBT.

There isn’t a law saying people have to be attracted to anyone else.

He didn’t say it was due to a lack of attraction. He said it was because he’s anti-LGBT

Where has he said that he is anti-LGBT?

When he said, “Not if you were trans.”

That is a preference.

You don’t get to decide who he is attracted to.

Not appeasing the tranny bussy is tantamount of rape, fyi.

Not wanting bussy should be declared rape.

As should wanting gussy.


Discrimination is against the law.

It's not illegal for me to not kiss someone when they demand I do, this isn't a fucking business buddy. Don't conflate your ethics with my bedroom business, the fucking republicans are already trying to insert themselves into every bedroom in America.

weak troll

weak troll

if I say i am not attracted by bald people, does this mean i hate them and i am "baldphobic"? no, i wouldnt hate or discrimante them, i am just not attracted, thats all

Trans woman attempts to force unwanted sexual advances on Ginuwine on Live TV, is how the title should read.

So what is a transphobe? Is there an actual definition beyond 'someone who doesn't give a shit whether some sjw likes doesn't like that they think a man who calls himself a woman isn't in fact a woman?

Oh wow I have a phobia of not calling something something that it isn't. How immoral.

If you care about what genitals someone has then you are a transphobe.

This but entirely ironically

Do black people still hate BET or was that just a Boondocks joke? Asking for myself.

Why did black people hate BET?


Oh wait, it's a man being sexually harassed? It's cool then.

Fucking christ, this is so dumb, i dont expect anyone to be open to dating intersex (although why not right, we are like hannah's song, the best of both worlds), its all preference right, this whole "if you dont date x then you are xist" shit is so dumb, you dont control who makes you hard or moist, or hard and moist

Intersex != transgender

I think /u/gives-out-hugs is saying that they are intersex.

He’s not gay. He doesn’t kiss other guys. I don’t see the problem.

straight people who aren't at least kissing gays are homophobic imo

it's not like you're sucking dick, it's just a peck. I mean, you kiss your mom on the cheek does that mean you fuck your mom


No, no I don't. And people have no fucking obligation to cater to others sensibilities most especially when it comes to their own interpersonal physical interactions.

why do you have to hate gay people so much my man

What do you mean some very important people in my life are queer, why would you think I disagree with sexual preferences when I literally just said its everyone's right to decide what they find sexually stimulating to include their interpersonal physical interactions and what they consider arousing?

some very important people in my life are queer

Can't say I get the relevance. I love my gay family member very much. And moreover I'm happy he's happy, I support his life choices and his sexual preference. I'll be at the wedding when the time comes.

That said, I stand by what I said. You can't force people to be attracted to you, and it isn't right to force other people into something they're not sexually ok with.

Saying a trans man should be treated equally is obvious, saying a straight man should be OK with fucking him and if he isn't he's homophobic is fucking retarded. Almost reminiscent of some pray the gay away reconditioning.

I’m just going to hope that you’re joking.

I do not lie, therefore it cannot be a joke, you homophobe

Straight people who aren't at least fellating gays are homophobic ino

It's not like balls are touching, it's just a blowjob. I mean, you blow your buddy as a joke, doesn't mean you don't say "no homo" afterwards

jesus, thank you. feel like I'm taking crazy pills

bout to have give some of the gay bashers a smooch

Well yeah


Literally who/what?

Only racist, rapist transphobes turn away sexual favors.

Smart move by Ginuwine tbh. I can't remember the last time the press wrote anything about him.

Good for him.

Black dudes only go for the bussy on the dl.

"My body my choice" unless you're a man. Then you're just an oppressive piece of shit.... Fuck your feminist PC bullshit.

Feminist? This story involves two men. One who transformed into what he thinks a woman looks like while retaining the sense of entitlement of a man.

look up intersectionality

born of femnism

what year is it

Why don't transwomen date other transwomen or transmen? Are they the real transphobes?

Because then they would be considered heterosexual trannies and trannies hate being heterosexual, duh

Wow I thought he was a made up character on Parks and Recreation. Had no idea he was a real person.

Ik, its crazy! I never thought such transphobic men exist!

Personal preference applies to perceived gender. Fuck off with trying to force people to do things they're not comfortable with.












A gay guy refused to date me once. I think that means he has a phobia against women. Make him date me reddit! In fact, make all the guys who have refused to date me in the past go out with me. Why are they so hateful against women! Going to go force myself on them while accusing them of being bigoted against women.

don't forget to yell rape afterwards

Now you're getting it

Do you have a man vag for me to smaj?

Gotta suck her dick or you're not straight.

Tbh if you don't let someone pressure you into doing sexual acts against your will, you're the real problem.

Literally who but also kinda funny


What happened to my body my choice? Or does that only apply to women?

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I am going to bravely point out that traps are gay.

You're either fucking someone with a dick. Or you're fucking the inside of someone's dick.

When in the hell did it become "phobic" to want to be with someone who was born with the parts you're sexually attracted to?!?