Looks like Wikileaks is gonna need a Patreon/GoFundMe

14  2018-01-09 by WarSanchez


Oh no, Assange's personal vendetta tool is being called out?

You're not press . You selectively leak to further your personal agenda

Dat burn tho.

Don't be so brainwashed. Zero evidence of Russian involvement in these leaks. Plenty of evidence for Seth Rich.

W 👁 K E

I thought WikiLeaks was Russian now? Are Putin's checks not clearing or something?

Thats the thing with Putin, he tells you hes gonna pay you, maybe he guves you a few rubles, until he has you on the hook. Then youre his bitch and the only pay you ever get is that you dont get murdered yet.

So Julian should pray he doesn't alter the deal any further?