ugly bird

53  2018-01-09 by I_squeeze_gats


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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ow harsh

man OP you must live a sad existence. i mean when you're not ironically-unironically gayboi posting in here you're hanging out in the fucking /r/drama discord lool 😂 imagine spending your time like this.

/u/Ed_ButteredToast telling me I have a sad life


r/atethepasta 🍝👌

No personal information OP, even if it's your own

faces of /r/Drama


This is how you look like when you agendapost


well i still love him


drama has always been wholesome


I'd still fuck that face.

Once, i accidentally fell and hit my nuts on a pole. My scrotum looked just like that

Awww, look! You posted a picture of your mom!

too bad all the pictures of your mother have got my cock in her mouth

I think you mistake your vagina, for a cock!

All birbs r beautiful

This bird charges usury rates to the other birds


Excuse me... you spelled bir🅱️ wrong

Missed an opportunity to post Dee from IRS always sunny